11 March, 2008

GRIMM: Jewish Supremacism and Gun Control

Posted by alex in guns & goy controllers, Patrick Grimm at 3:15 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish Supremacism and Gun Control

  • 2 Responses to “GRIMM: Jewish Supremacism and Gun Control”

    1. Hengest Says:

      Here in Britain, the jews have already attained their goal. Gun ownership is verboten with the exception of a highly restricted shotgun ownership policy. But for the likes of me, it’s a waste of time even applying.
      I am having to resort to buying a crossbow, cuz it’s better than nowt and still legal and unregulated.

    2. -jc Says:

      This article is a relatively recent part of a very old story. You’ll recall that Grant allow Lee’s officers to keep their sidearms, for example. Well, go to a law library and research appeals court and supreme court cases in the South starting during so called reconstruction, when Black governors, much in the news, this week with the appointment of a blind, Black governor to replace the New York Jew whoremonger, which got their start settling accounts finishing-off the South . Arkansas cases are a good place to start and you’ll find the roots of activist Jew judges creating gun control law.

      PitBullExpress reiterated at the end of that piece, the strategy against Whites has been:

      Silence You – Political Correctness
      Disarm You – Gun Control
      Invade You – Immigration
      Attack You – Septermber 11th
      Fire You – Outsourcing and Work visas
      Insult You – Anti-White movies
      Slander You – Call you “Racist, Sexist, Anti-Semetic, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Nativist, everytime you try to stand up for yourself.
      There’s another one we [may] add,
      Misrepresent you – President Obama [and “minority” judges and elected “representatives”