8 March, 2008

“Cut ‘Sovereign’ Israel Loose”

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates at 3:32 pm | Permanent Link

by Charley Reese: [Here].

  • 3 Responses to ““Cut ‘Sovereign’ Israel Loose””

    1. Bobby Says:


    2. tennyson Says:

      this is the same news we’ve been hearing. Isolate them both, or sell our weapons to any buyer with the cash. All or none.
      We take sides when we sell death tools to one and not the other.

      I never voted for foriegn aid. Foriegn aid is not given a word in our constitution. No congressfuck or senator asked me if my taxes could be used to fund the world. WTF.

      I would like to see a line on my tax return that says:
      “Would you like to contribute to foriegn aid?”
      Something similar to the campaign finance we can give to. I want to opt out of foriegn aid.

    3. -jc Says:

      Charlie Reese is a good one to post because so many rank & file Americans can related to him. Since retirement, he has been much more, as my father charged me since infancy, “independent.”

      Here’s an useful post by Reese:
