23 March, 2008

25 Intolerable Contradictions: The Final Undoing of the Official 9/11 Story

Posted by Socrates in 9/11, Socrates at 6:50 pm | Permanent Link

What exactly happened on September 11, 2001? It’s a question that – thankfully – isn’t going away:


  • 10 Responses to “25 Intolerable Contradictions: The Final Undoing of the Official 9/11 Story”

    1. bubbaguminrancho Says:

      Except for the marginalized nobody is interested in those contradictions. They will be left unresolved and gradually forgotten over time, except by a handful of Truthers and “conspiracy” aficionados. This handful will maintain websites and write books for sale to old right wingers getting by on pensions in Mexifornia. That is the bottom line and you can take it to the bank.

    2. Sally Says:

      The need to vilify students of the 9/11 government-sponsored conspiracy theory of 19 or so Arabs ranks up there with the need to vilify persons questioning the holocaust, questioning the holocaust enterprise, questioning the attack on the USS Liberty, or questioning the relative ethnic roles in the black African slave trade. Why could that be?

      Here are two questions for which answers have never been provided.

      1) What were the names of the persons who sold stock short in the airline industry during the 2-3 days before 8/11? Why should they be secret?

      2) Why can’t we see the videos taken in the Boston airport showing the Arabs entering the airport, walking around, getting tickets, and entering the airplanes? Video cameras take your picture an average of 20 times from entry to departure. Why should they be secret?

      Yes, the conspiracy theorists are those who believe the conspiracy theory advanced by the US government.

    3. Smells like Gefilte Fish Says:

      “# bubbaguminrancho Says:
      23 March, 2008 at 8:28 pm

      Except for the marginalized nobody is interested in those contradictions. They will be left unresolved and gradually forgotten over time, except by a handful of Truthers and “conspiracy” aficionados. This handful will maintain websites and write books for sale to old right wingers getting by on pensions in Mexifornia. That is the bottom line and you can take it to the bank.”

      Jews certainly are interested in stating that anybody interested in these 9/11 contradictions are “marginalized nobodies.” Questioning the “official 9/11 story” seems “bad for Jews.” That’s the bottom line and you can take it to the bank.

    4. Jim Says:

      All the evidence points to -9/11 being a false flag operation involving the Mossad and CIA. Look at the collapse of bldg 7. The media can’t explain how the blg, which was never hit by a plane, collapsed in the afternoon , following the pattern exactly of a controlled demolition, so they just ignore it.

    5. Booger Says:

      I heard that building #7 was the repository for all the Enron scandle documentation-anyone heard about this?Also it was supposedly Mayor Guliani’s HQ but he didn’t want to go there for some reason.Also,that no joo’s were killed in the trade centers,as they all got text messages warning them not to show up that day.anybody have info on this?I do know that at first the jewmedia claimed hundreds of izralee’s died,then lowered it to dozens,then said nothing on the matter.Also,WHY wasn’t the Air Force alerted when these planes veered dramatically from their flight path?I thuoght that was SOP,but heard tell that they were ordered to stand down-by VP Darth Cheney.There’s just too many things about 9/11 that don’t add up.I saw an article that said fully 1/3 of americans believe the gubmint was somehow involved.Most folks i know seem to think so.Ask yourself a question-WHO benefitted most from 9/11?IMO it certainly isn’t the US-Izrayeel seems to have benefited the most as now were tied to them by the umbilical cord since in the “War on Terror”.Also,the media tried to say that bldg #7 collapsed due to debris from the towers,but that is highly unlikely as it was a steel frame structure.I also know that the jew silverstein profited immensely from the fall of the towers.What about the “Dancing” Izraylee’s who were arrested and then released w/o proper questioning by homeland security commissar Chertoff?Also the hole in the pentagon was way too small for a plane of that size to impact it.Too many no-go’s on the whole rotten fish story,and i only mentioned some of them. I look forward to this gentleman’s book.

    6. Z.O.G Says:

      The 911 terrorist attacks were a false flag operation done by Israel and dual citizen Israeli Jews within the highest levels of the United States Government.


      End of story.

    7. bubbaguminrancho Says:

      Smells like Gefilte Fish Says: Jews certainly are interested in stating that anybody interested in these 9/11 contradictions are “marginalized nobodies.” Questioning the “official 9/11 story” seems “bad for Jews.” That’s the bottom line and you can take it to the bank.

      Only fools believe they are not marginalized. How’s Revisionism doing these days, Mr. Smells like Gelfite? Selling and buying a lot of books on the Hoax? No? I didn’t think so. Reality sucks, doesn’t it? Hell, reality must be a jew. The fucker doesn’t rep fools who deny reality.

    8. DMS Says:

      Has any body noticed that, except for the Pentagon, every key event of 911 had one or more news cameras ideally positioned and ready to record? Who was operating those cameras?

    9. Smells like Gefilte Fish Says:

      “# bubbaguminrancho Says:
      24 March, 2008 at 11:27 pm

      Smells like Gefilte Fish Says: Jews certainly are interested in stating that anybody interested in these 9/11 contradictions are “marginalized nobodies.” Questioning the “official 9/11 story” seems “bad for Jews.” That’s the bottom line and you can take it to the bank.

      Only fools believe they are not marginalized. How’s Revisionism doing these days, Mr. Smells like Gelfite? Selling and buying a lot of books on the Hoax? No? I didn’t think so. Reality sucks, doesn’t it? Hell, reality must be a jew. The fucker doesn’t rep fools who deny reality.”

      I’m sure reality does suck – for you. You didn’t say, “fools believe they are not marginalized,” you said “the marginalized nobody” in a completely different context. It changes the whole meaning, Mr.
      Smells- Like-Gefilte-Fish-Bait-and-Switcher. As for the rest, try to write something coherent next time, you’re not half as clever as you think you are. Thanks.

    10. Rick James Says:

      To all people who think Muslims did 9-11, this is totally false. Because first of all, many people in the Jewish community in NYC chose not to go to work on 9-11. Also, there has been clips that proves that there was Jewish involvement in 9-11. You can even watch a clip that shows 5 Israelis clapping hands after the planes crashed into the twin towers : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnqWs8pAsRk. Of course, many of the of 9-11 hijackers were Mossad agents who dressed up as Muslims and pretended to be Muslims. Also, there was a reminder in the Jewish/Israeli community in NYC stating that all Jews should not go to work on 9-11. So in reality 9-11 was just simply a Mossad Covert Operation to drag USA into wars with Iraq and Afghanistan, so that can give a chance for Israel to plunder the natural resources of Iraq and Afghanistan.