7 February, 2008

VNNB Free Talk Live – February 6th 2008

Posted by Archives in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Wednesday at 8:55 am | Permanent Link

Co-hosting with resident bad-boy Mishko Novosel and special guest Jimbo!


* “Who turned the lights out?” (where’s Thomas Edison?) Afreak-du-Sud goes dark; generator salesmen are now laughing all the way to bank (until they get there and realise their money’s worth buckshee)

* PLUS the usual Afro-congoid madness prevailing this neck of the woods


  • 4 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – February 6th 2008”

    1. roy Says:

      i’d rather be listening to Bud WHITE.ITS TOO HARD TO understand the aussie accent.

    2. bubba Says:

      Jimbo rocks!! It’s euphoric to hear someone speak from the gut with such conviction and no BS. The guy is f’ing great!!!

    3. Marwinsing Says:

      @ bubba: damn right Jimbo rocks! Big time!!!

    4. expose_them_all Says:

      Downloaded – look forward to listening!