VNNB Free Talk Live – ***February 1st 2008***
Posted by VNNB in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 11:23 am | 
FTL: 02/01: This week in organized Jewry with Bud, Mishko & Ssanguine

“We’se be jews now too, muthrasuckras”
Join me Bud White , resident VNN Bad Boy Mishko Novosel and Ssanguine. We’ll be covering all things TJB, including a California rabbi who ran down someone at an atm, a Polish priest being investigated by prosecutors for anti-semitic comments, a Missouri town of niggers converts to Judaism, a Florida Jewish TV channel goes nationwide and a Regina, Canada man charged with promoting hatred, plus a whole lot more TJB reporting.
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Talk starts at 7:30 est
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1 February, 2008 at 1:48 pm
w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m
Last update – 18:34 29/01/2008
Serbian hotel defends concept of its popular Adolf Hitler suite
By Haaretz Service
The Anti-Defamation League said Tuesday it will press its effort to persuade a Belgrade, Serbia hotel owner to stop offering guests an Adolf Hitler-themed suite, after an exchange of letters in which the hotelier defended the suite as an appropriate reminder of an evil leader and noted that his father fought against the Nazis in World War II.
The Mr. President hotel features rooms highlighting current or past world leaders.
“Using this tyrannical dictator to promote a hotel is a gross marketing ploy and demonstrates a profound failure to understand the horror of the Holocaust,” said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director and a Holocaust survivor.
“Reports of high demand for the hotel suite are also deeply disturbing.”
Last week, the ADL wrote to hotel owner Dusan Zabunovic, demanding that he remove the portrait of Hitler and change the theme of the suite before International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27.
After Zabunovic responded with a defense of the concept of the suite, the ADL this week sent a second letter, again urged the removal of Hitler’s portrait from the hotel, saying that regardless of his intentions, the imagery was inappropriate and deeply offensive.
“Hitler orchestrated the mass murder of six million Jews, including tens of thousands of Serbian Jews, and others,” Foxman said.
“Promoting the opportunity to sleep under his portrait denigrates the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust, who in Belgrade included Jews, Serbs and Roma.”
1 February, 2008 at 4:00 pm
The following has been rated R For Racist, It contains racism, anti-Semites, anti-homosexual, anti-mexican, anti-immorality, and free speech that is deemed unsuitable for anyone under the IQ of 79
The Opinions expressed by the host do not nesseseraly reflect those of the management, employees, of owners of this network
(but I’ll bet their pretty fuck-in close)
Any rebroadcast of this or any other broadcast is perfectly OK with us because we are not {jews} therefore do not charge for truth
Those who listen to the show my experience side affects that include anger, resentment, hatred of all people that don’t look’ act or have the same high integrity as you, or hatred of people with long noses that have camel humps, beety eyes, or whiny speech, or are hunched over from years of counting stolen shekels, this experience is a result of the minds awakening and will decrease with constant listening
VNN is a sponsor of complete free speech (as long as you name the jew) and welcomes all opinions positive and negative (as long as you name the jew)
1 February, 2008 at 5:01 pm
Rabbi Makes Office Calls For Busy Execs
NEW YORK — Jewish doctors, lawyers and business executives too busy for the formal study of their faith can now order in religious lessons, thanks to an organization whose rabbis make office calls.
Aish HaTorah, an Orthodox Jewish educational network based in Israel, has four rabbis on call in New York City as part of its Executive Learning Program, and similar outreach programs in cities around the world including Los Angeles and Washington.
One of the New York rabbis is Stuart Shiff, who was crisscrossing Manhattan on a recent wintry day to give free private lessons to clients including a partner in an accounting firm and a neuroscientist at a prominent hospital.
“If you don’t have time, I tell them, I’ll come to you before the stock market opens or after it closes!” said Shiff, a father of six from New Jersey.
On Aish’s Web site are names of people who have taken an interest in reconnecting with their Judaism, including actor Kirk Douglas and various executives of Bear Stearns, J.P. Morgan and other major financial firms.
One of Shiff’s students is Scott Levy, an assistant managing partner in the international accounting firm Grant Thornton, who was raised as an observant Jew but drifted in early adulthood and now has been getting reacquainted with Jewish Scripture.
“The Torah was meant to give you the information to help you become a better person,” Levy said.
Shiff has been visiting the executive’s midtown Manhattan skyscraper each week for about an hour for the past year.
With an accountant’s precision, Levy questioned the rabbi about the story of Moses disappearing to the top of Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments from God, while his people despair that he’ll ever return and start worshipping an idol.
“They didn’t have like a PDA or anything to know where he was?” Levy asked with tongue-in-cheek.
“No, no text messaging then, ‘I’m still OK!'” Shiff said with a laugh, then explained why idolatry is forbidden for Jews. “Judaism believes that you don’t need something to hold on to, to know that it’s there,” he said.
The two men probed the biblical story in all its minutiae, linking it to daily life in the 21st century.
“People say, ‘The devil is in the details,'” Shiff noted. “Judaism teaches,’No, God is in the details.’ When you care about something, you’re meticulously involved with it.”
Levy fits the target audience of Aish HaTorah — meaning “fire of the Torah” in Hebrew — as summed up on its Web site: “People with limited free time and limited background in their Judaism have finally found a way to fit Torah into their lives.”
The rabbis on call at the New York center are all Orthodox, meaning they follow strict tenets of their faith like kosher dietary laws and not working or driving on the Sabbath, the holiest day of the week.
From Monday to Friday, Shiff roams the city by bus and subway for meetings with anyone too busy for formal religious study. He meets most of his 18 students at their offices, but some at home or in a coffee shop.
Shiff insisted he doesn’t force any of his students to believe any particular teaching or engage in any ritual.
“I don’t have any expectations,” he said. “My whole job is helping them to stay connected.”
While most of the rabbi’s students aren’t devoutly religious, many voluntarily contribute thousands of dollars to the organization, which was founded in 1974 in Jerusalem and has trained rabbis to lead outreach efforts all over the world.
Earlier on the day he saw Levy, Shiff visited Michael Silverman, a neuroscientist at the Mount Sinai Medical Center who does research on postpartum depression in women.
In Silverman’s tiny office, the rabbi and the scientist sat facing each other, pitching each other tough questions about the story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt.
“This exodus of the Jewish people had to happen,” Shiff said emphatically, in response to a question about free will.
“God’s ultimate plan for the world and the universe — that has to happen. Whether you are part of it, how it’ll look when you get there — that’s your decision.”
“Gotcha,” Silverman said. “That’s free will.”
A Harvard-educated psychologist, Silverman said the biblical story will come in handy in therapy sessions with women trying to leave behind post-delivery depression for a happy life with their new baby.
He drew a parallel: It wasn’t necessarily easy for the Jews, slaves for centuries, to suddenly be free to leave Egypt for a better life. They walked into the desert, afraid of the unknown — but only by taking this risk did they eventually reach the promised land.
“I like that, I like that!” he said. “You create opportunities by making a change, and you make a change by taking the risk.”
In discussing his teaching sessions, Shiff emphasized the collaborative nature of the exchanges, which he says are based on the question-and-answer tradition that is at the core of Jewish faith and culture. He compared the sessions to the kind of training that goes on in yeshivas, the academies of learning where young Jews study the Talmud.
“Just as God is infinite, and God’s wisdom is infinite, so our Jewish learning is never-ending,” he said. “It’s a lifelong process. And there’s always something new.”
1 February, 2008 at 7:51 pm
I’m getting nothing when I click on the broadcasting icons. I notice this happens for every VNN show now. Is there a problem?
1 February, 2008 at 8:03 pm
I’m getting nothing when I click on the broadcasting icons. I notice this happens for every VNN show now. Is there a problem?
Go to the forum and use one of the links at the top-left of the page.
1 February, 2008 at 8:13 pm
For the FTL audio, try this:
1 February, 2008 at 8:40 pm
The winamp link above is misspelled and should be corrected.
1 February, 2008 at 8:51 pm
How is it misspelled?
1 February, 2008 at 10:11 pm
The music played at the 10pm break…. the first song with the girl signing the high notes. What is that song
My girlfriend and her friends love it. I have a small crew listening tonite,…. shooting pool, having a few drinks and surrounded by racially aware white women.
1 February, 2008 at 10:51 pm
the name of the band is the Cocteau Twins
The song is “carolyn’s fingers” listen to it on utube
2 February, 2008 at 2:10 am
Christians, you have been deceived about what the Jews really teach. The Jews are devils.
Want to learn what Jews really think? Watch these little videos on YouTube.
Jews From Their Lips: Teachings of the Babylonian Talmud (1 thru 41)
2 February, 2008 at 2:15 am
Jews being the world’s formost hypocrites and liars, are committing genocide against the White Race.
2 February, 2008 at 2:27 am
You guys should stop using so much fuck-words and swearing. Middle America doesn’t appreciate this kind of language.
2 February, 2008 at 9:47 am
Hey Bud-Keep with the music you want to play-not what that girl
wants-it’s your show! Sounds great.Dawn Landry
2 February, 2008 at 11:51 pm
Had to shut off the program after one of your blasphemous hosts couldn’t refrain from acting like a Jew–by taking our Lord’s name is vain. “White racialism supplanting Christianty”? Because of “a little education”? Please.
The host has obviously obtained a Jewish eductaion if he thinks that a little knowledge proves the Christian worldview to be a joke. To prove the point, let’s have him give this thread a definition of a “worldview” and state something about the significance of such in making judgments like he did. Don’t hold your breath.
You might need us uneducated Christians who beleive “a joke” to win the coming revolution. But when its said and done, you’ll be the next group snuffed out for your pride. At least for now, you might have something to offer white Christans if you can just distinguish your language from those with inferior blood.
3 February, 2008 at 12:03 am
You are correct. I just get so frustrated at times. I do appreciate your comment, and I’ll definitely make a conscious effort in the future to avoid such words.
3 February, 2008 at 5:46 pm
Banjo, “Middle America” doesn’t appreciate the word “nigger” or the words “jew” and “kike.”
Here is a list of other words that “Middle America” doesn’t appreciate:
There are many others. “Middle America” has very sensitive ears!
“Middle America,” however, does not have a very good record of preserving itself racially. This cuntry – the Kwa – is full of polite people who virtuously refrain from saying the “wrong” or “offensive” word, but this hasn’t helped to win the race war, has it? Where is your “Middle America” now? In the mud, scared to death to call a spade a spade.
I say NIGGER, I say KIKE, I name reality clearly. FUCK politeness. Politeness is getting our people killed.
There is a solution to the jew problem.