12 February, 2008

Polish church: “The kikes will not continue to spit on us”

Posted by VNNB in Alex Linder at 8:33 am | Permanent Link

The huge church was packed. People sat on the stairs and stood in the aisles. The service opened, as usual, with prayer and song, but after about half an hour, the 91-year-old bishop of Krakow, Albin Malysiak, began inflaming the crowd with his sermon.

“A man who does not love his homeland, but some sort of international entity, apparently also does not love his nearest and dearest,” he said. ”

 read more here

  • 8 Responses to “Polish church: “The kikes will not continue to spit on us””

    1. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Great stuff. At last a churchman with balls who is prepared to name the enemy.

    2. tennyson Says:

      What a breath of fresh air. All the pessimism about the catholics in recent threads, then this. Beautiful. They were white Polishmen before they were catholics.
      The slimy culture killers deserve the righteous rage of the elderly churchman. I am all smiles.
      “Leave us alone”. How can the leftists anti-humans argue with that simple sentiment?
      I hope this thing snowballs and spreads throughout the sleeping flock of white catholics of the world.
      It feels like Christmas morning now.
      The worms cry about anti-semitism….but what makes semitism so acceptable? Love it. This is big. The church has moral weight, and an elderly priest railing against big jew has still more impact. Sweet.

    3. Ein Says:

      “What a breath of fresh air. All the pessimism about the catholics in recent threads, then this. Beautiful. ”

      Yes, but even so he’s ninety-one. All the Jews have to do is wait.

    4. tennyson Says:

      Igor lives in poland too.
      check out this amazing individual
      Very cool.

      Yes the man is 91, but if he is speaking out, knowing all the political ramifications then I can only imagine what his base of parishoners are thinking or planning. Time will tell.

    5. sgruber Says:

      This stout 91-year-old White Man was about 22 when World War II started in Europe (supposedly for the “defense” of Poland from National Socialist Germany). He has seen it all. So what’s his conclusion?


      Heed his wisdom, White Men!

      Great stuff! Fat Hagee is not going to say the same because he is a blank cartridge. Are you a blank or a man?

      There is a solution to the jew problem.

    6. N.B. Forrest Says:

      Great stuff! Fat Hagee is not going to say the same because he is a blank cartridge. Are you a blank or a man?

      Ha ha! Very true. Christ, how I wish I’d been one of the Poles in those pews! Marvelous!

    7. Arminius Says:

      That old bishop Malysiak is a leftover of a bygone age. Please remember, Poland harbored once the greatest number and ghettos of jews in the world. In consequence, Poles were to a man Catholics and antisemites up to 1946/47. The holy Catholic Church has always (for centuries) had it both ways, stirring antisemitism and holding its protecting hand over Jewry.
      Preaching against jews is cheap, but in Poland apparently even today still popular. That he forgot his own boss from Krakow, Pope John Paul II. was Jewish, has not necessarily geriatic reasons.

    8. Gerhard Says:

      There’s an interesting ad at the top of the page of that article. There’s a link that states, “discover your jewish ancestry using DNA….” Just a religion, eh??…..hmmmm…….