13 February, 2008

Israeli town to sue Google

Posted by VNNB in Announce at 10:37 am | Permanent Link


 “sue everybody”

 An Israeli town is suing Internet giant Google for slander over a posting by a user of its worldwide mapping service that claims the town was built on the ruins of an Arab village.

Kiryat Yam is a town of 40,000 on the Mediterranean coast just north of the port of Haifa. An entry on Google Earth, a feature that allows users to zero in on locations around the world, alleges that the town was built on the ruins of Ghawarina, an Arab village.

full story here 

  • 2 Responses to “Israeli town to sue Google”

    1. Hanns Gobel Says:

      This is such Typical Jewish Behavior. The only true terrorists are the Jews. All other’s are just fighting by unconventional means as they do not possess the Jews weapons of mass destruction given to them by their lap dog the USA. 14/88.

    2. Vaultner Says:

      It probably was, there’s been people living in the region for thousands of years. Likely you can’t dig a two foot hole in the ground without hitting bones, pottery shards or something.
      What discusts me is there is always truth where there is guilt. Or me thinks they protest too much. They can’t laugh off anything, & everything is a sueable topic. besides all their relatives are lawyers. Making it a win win situation for the kikes. No big deal mazelcrap, they’re a bunch of fucking scumbags.