Germany Returning to Fascism?
Posted by Socrates in Bolsheviks, communism, Fascism, German nationalists, Germany, History for newbies, Italy, jews, Mussolini, Socrates, Western culture at 11:09 pm | 
“Fascist” (note: fascism was created/solidified by Mussolini in Italy in 1921 as an anti-Bolshevik/anti-communist movement) is now considered to be a slur. But nonetheless, fascism is the only political system able to curb the Jews and the egalitarians. Under laissez-faire capitalism they both thrive, and communism itself is Jewish – although granted, Stalin was able to use his own style of “gentile communism” against the Jews in the 1930s, so one could say that it’s somewhat effective against The Tribe, but no sane person supports communism. Anyway, it’s likely that the only thing that will save Western culture is fascism – specifically Nazism. But the West won’t be ready for fascism for a while, since things haven’t deteriorated enough in our society to boost a fascist leader into power [1][2]:
[1] Stalinism was a big departure from the earlier, “genuine Jewish communism.” For example, Stalin embraced “popular fronts” and rejected “endless global revolution,” unlike the Jewish Trotskyites.
[2] Fascism – not the type found in the confused, semi-leftist Fascio di Combattimento in Italy in 1919, but the later, perfected version of it found in the Partito Nazionale Fascista (PNF, founded in 1921) – was a logical reaction to leftist revolutionaries and to modernism in general. A quote about the PNF: “Compared to its predecessor, the PNF abandoned republicanism to turn decisively towards the right-wing of the political spectrum.” — Wikipedia. Mussolini was very anti-Bolshevik — so much so that many Americans admired him. Bolshevism spread throughout Western Europe circa 1920 and, indeed, it almost toppled Europe. Yet today, sneaky Jews go around saying that fascism is “left-wing” in order to prevent conservatives from looking to Hitler’s Germany for solutions to the problems of the West. Make no mistake, newbies: fascism is right-wing, although it has a few features that are also found on the Left, e.g., “big government”
28 February, 2008 at 11:46 pm
Fascism was a valiant but failed attempt to make Romans out of Italians. Mussolini deserved better that history has given him.
29 February, 2008 at 1:26 am
The Jewish Neocons and their capitalist lackeys are fascists, whites need a revolutionary National Socialism. So called right wingers, Conservatives and other reactionaries are of no use to us.
29 February, 2008 at 1:34 am
John Says: “The Jewish Neocons and their capitalist lackeys are fascists, whites need a revolutionary National Socialism. So called right wingers, Conservatives and other reactionaries are of no use to us.”
Actually, the Jewish neocons are ex-Trotskyites who only pretend to be “right-wingers.”
29 February, 2008 at 3:00 am
There’s no such thing as a “democracy” in the real world.
When people use the word “democracy” what they’re actually referring to is a WHOROCRACY where the government and its representatives are for sale to the highest bidder (organized jewry being the highest bidder).
If fascism is the only way to stop this business of voting for scummy politicians who sell us out the minute they take office, then I’m all for it.
29 February, 2008 at 3:18 am
Did you notice in the article where it says that only 3500 Germans were killed in the firebombing of Dresden? These craven jouirnalists are afraid to tell the historical thruth.
29 February, 2008 at 3:32 am
I think it would be more accurate to define “nazism” then and today as left-wing racism. While the threadstarter might believe that “nazism” is right wing i want to direct him to the 25 points program of the NSDAP
Its true that historically this program was never implemented wholly but that ignores two points : 1. That many NS back then as today think that Hitler betrayed “nazism” and 2. It was with that program that NS came to power eventually. Few Germans even bothered reading “Mein Kampf”. Most simply made up their minds about NS after reading the 25 points.
Another point that has to be made is that capitalism today is way stronger and progressed than it was in the 20’s and 30’s. The measures to counter that have to be even more radical which makes the 25 point program of the NSDAP look rather moderate.
The socalled conservatives have to decide for themselves whats more important to them. The german people or the exploitation? We promise a foreigner-free land but not a free reign of the market economics. With us the state will at least interfere in the market economy if not nationalize entire sectors of the economy.
29 February, 2008 at 6:00 am
Well….maybe I might be wrong in saying Germany was never a fascist country. It is certainly a fascist country at the moment!
29 February, 2008 at 6:01 am
National Socialism is NOT fascism! Germany was never a fascist country! Any cursory observation will show the two have similarities but are fundamentally different!
Jews could live within a fascist state which they now do in George Bush’s JOOESofA but they are unable to in a National Socialist state because as aliens they would be physically excluded from having any administrative power.
To say they are the same is to say a Jewish woman and an Aryan women are the same because they both have boobs and a vagina!
29 February, 2008 at 8:50 am
The author is a clueless regurgitator of the pseudo history he swallowed. It is amazing that the author seems so confident as he types something that is really worth nothing but a roll of the eyes.
As already noted, the 3,500 dead figure is very wrong. It’s a compound error. He divided the oft cited low-ball 35,000 figure by 10. The 35,000 figure is the count of corpses IDENTIFIED by the Dresden police. Considering the epic magnitude and completeness of the firestorm, and that the city was packed with war refugees from the east, strangers unknown to the locals, the toll could hardly be less than 200,000. Consider also that unlike those of the holohoax fable, THESE victims did not re-appear later in Hoboken or Buenos Aries.
The OP is not far behind the author on one point. Specifically, They have muddled National Socialism and fascism. In an interview, Chancellor Hitler gave a limited compliment to Mussolini’s fascism by stating that it seemed to work quite well. He added, “that was not what we have, of course”, drawing a distinction between the two systems.
29 February, 2008 at 9:18 am
Soccer player “apologizes” for Hitler costume
by Andrei Yustschinsky
An Australian soccer player who dressed up as Adolf Hitler “apologized” for offending the sheeny community.
German-born Andre Gumprecht, 33, who plays for the Central Coast Mariners, said he was “devastated” by his “big mistake.” He wore the costume for an end-of-season party.
“I’m “educated” and I think i might know what “happened” to the Jewish people,” Gumprecht told the Daily Telegraph, noting that it had been mandatory to be forced to watch “documentaries” about the holohoax at young people’s ZOG-indoctrination centers.
“We saw dead people and how people starved to death (photos & films from the Ukrainian artificial famine of 1932-33). I remember half the class leaving the room vomiting,” he said. “It was shocking.
“I would like to apologize to “everyone” out there who was offended by my actions and I will do whatever it takes to make it up to them, including giving oral sex to smegma magnetized holohoax survivors.”
Ernie Friedlander, a holohoax survivor who arrived in the U.S. in 1937 works for B’nai B’rith, told Australian newspapers, “Hitler was such a monster for all communists, it’s a very sensitive thing to be confronted with.”
A statement issued by Football Federation Australia — whose chairman, Frank Lowy, survived the holohoax by hiding in a kosher butcher shop in Brooklyn, NY — said, “Such behavior is not only stupid, but is also not tolerated by the FFA.”
It remains to be seen whether disciplinary action will be taken against Gumprecht, but you can bet your bottom shekel he will be.
Andrei Yustschinsky reporting from Melbourne, Austrailia
29 February, 2008 at 9:44 am
National Socialism is the ideal political and economic system for an Aryan society. Facism is far better than the sham of democracy and corporate capitalism but is not specifically racial. National Socialism on the other hand, has as its main platform that capital exists to serve the state and the state exists to serve the people.
29 February, 2008 at 9:45 am
It was from Ayn Rand that I got the idea that fascism was left wing.
I have since rejected her analysis. In fact, I have rejected much of what she had to say, since I have learned that she stole most of her “philosophy” from Nietzsche.
I have since been reading Savitri Devi. She is, at the very minimum, every bit as good a writer as Rand. Putting aside her view that Hitler was an incarnate god, and some of her naive histrionics, she makes some good points about a national socialistic philosophy, and what it was able to do for Germany.
I cannot help but wonder in which direction it would have evolved, had events turned out differently in WW2.
29 February, 2008 at 9:53 am,2933,333849,00.html
29 February, 2008 at 11:10 am
National Socialism is the ideal form of political and government system for an Aryan society. Facism is infinitely better than the sham of “democracy” and corporate capitalism, but under NS, capital exists to serve the state and the state exists to serve the racially homogeneous folk.
29 February, 2008 at 11:25 am
So you want to identify a jew?
– big nose? No.
– no neck? Ah please!
– the eyebrows? Try again.
– weak chin? Of course not!
– thick bottom-lip? Agh no man!
– small, beady, puffy eyes? No no no!
* * *
Study the HANDS.
* * *
If the hands are small, weak and puffy… with a tendency to make fiddly movements – you’ve got it.
29 February, 2008 at 11:27 am
Social Security Change For 2008
The United States Senate voted to extend Social Security Benefits to Illegal Aliens beginning in 2008.
Now, the following are the senators who voted to give illegal aliens Social Security benefits. They are grouped by home state. If a state is not listed, there was no voting representative.
Alaska: Stevens (R)
Arizona : McCain (R)
Arkansas : Lincoln (D) Pryor (D)
California : Boxer* (D) Feinstein* (D)
Colorado : Salazar (D)
Connecticut : Dodd (D) Lieberman* (D)
Delaware : Biden (D) Carper (D)
Florida : Martinez (R)
Hawaii : Akaka (D) Inouye (D)
Illinois : Durbin (D) Obama (D)
Indiana : Bayh (D) Lugar (R)
Iowa : Harkin (D)
Kansas : Brownback (R)
Louisiana : Landrieu (D)
Maryland : Mikulski (D) Sarbanes (D)
Massachusetts : Kennedy (D) Kerry (D)
Montana : Baucus (D)
Nebraska : Hagel (R)
Nevada : Reid (D)
New Jersey : Lautenberg* (D) Menendez (D)
New Mexico : Bingaman (D)
New York : Clinton (D) Schumer* (D)
North Dakota : Dorgan (D)
Ohio : DeWine (R) Voinovich(R)
Oregon : Wyden* (D)
Pennsylvania : Specter* (R)
Rhode Island : Chafee (R) Reed (D)
South Carolina : Graham (R)
South Dakota : Johnson (D)
Vermont : Jeffords (I) Leahy (D)
Washington : Cantwell (D) Murray (D)
West Virginia : Rockefeller (D), by Not Voting
Wisconsin : Feingold* (D) Kohl* (D)
The names WITH A * indicate being Jewish
29 February, 2008 at 11:52 am
So this is why they created The European Union? – to squander the European taxpayers’ hard-earned monies then pour YOUR billions into The Useless African Toilet Bowl Of No Return! See, white European man – YOUR Euros will enrich a few more black oligarchs but millions of destitute and disfunctional African Turd-Worlders will still continue to stream into YOUR countries so YOUR nett outcome is a double-negative — poorer native Europeans and a disenfranchised Europe — why? Because ‘big’ jews and their treasonous, traitorous Euro-elito-gentile accomplices are out to destroy YOUR people and YOUR world, that’s why.
* * *
Sarkozy unveils R114bn investment in Africa.
* * *
(sound of rolling drums and cacophonic clanging of cymbals –
29 February, 2008 at 12:10 pm
29 February, 2008 at 12:22 pm
The Mercury dime 1916-1945
The reverse of the coin depicts the fasces, an ancient symbol of authority, with a battle-ax atop it to represent preparedness and an olive branch beside it to signify the desire for peace. With World War I raging in Europe, these were emotional themes in 1916.
29 February, 2008 at 12:34 pm
abe foxman Says: “National Socialism is NOT fascism! Germany was never a fascist country! Any cursory observation will show the two have similarities but are fundamentally different!
Jews could live within a fascist state which they now do in George Bush’s JOOESofA but they are unable to in a National Socialist state because as aliens they would be physically excluded from having any administrative power.
To say they are the same is to say a Jewish woman and an Aryan women are the same because they both have boobs and a vagina!”
Nazism was fascism + racism. So Hitler was telling the truth when he said that Nazism was not Mussolini’s fascism.
Nonetheless, Nazism was fascism. What else can it be called?
Fascism takes slightly different forms in each country, since it isn’t “international” like communism is. Communism is more uniform.
29 February, 2008 at 12:45 pm
Antagonistes said:
[i]It was from Ayn Rand that I got the idea that fascism was left wing.
I have since rejected her analysis. In fact, I have rejected much of what she had to say, since I have learned that she stole most of her “philosophy” from Nietzsche.
I have since been reading Savitri Devi. She is, at the very minimum, every bit as good a writer as Rand. Putting aside her view that Hitler was an incarnate god, and some of her naive histrionics, she makes some good points about a national socialistic philosophy, and what it was able to do for Germany.
I cannot help but wonder in which direction it would have evolved, had events turned out differently in WW2.[/i]
It’s good that you’ve rejected most of what Ayn Rand had to say, since she’s a Jewess whose real name is Alisa Rosenbaum.
Sorry. She fooled millions with that nom de plume of hers.
29 February, 2008 at 12:47 pm
Ayn Rand was a Jewess named Alisa Rosenbaum.
She fooled millions of truth-seekers with her nom de plume and her egalitarian writings.
29 February, 2008 at 2:02 pm
Let’s not get bogged down with names and ‘interpretations’ written by jews. What we want and need so urgently is White Nationalism and rule by competent and honest White men.
No compromises; a government by Whites and exclusively for Whites.
29 February, 2008 at 7:08 pm
Socrates says:
Nazism was fascism + racism. So Hitler was telling the truth when he said that Nazism was not Mussolini’s fascism.
Nonetheless, Nazism was fascism. What else can it be called?
This is patently wrong!
German National Socialists did not refer to themselves with the hackneyed shorthand N-word, nor the F-word, and there is no such use in Mein Kampf nor in Triumph of the Will.
Modern writers notably Jews, on the other hand, seek to cover-up the truth by never using the actual name of the Party but instead NAZI. They deceitfully use the shortened term exclusively to perpetuate widespread ignorance and demonify its political base through relational implications with the brutalities of war and true racism as practiced by the Talmudists.
Nazi is a crude Jew acronym for National Socialist and should be refuted by all for its connotations.
National Socialist is racist in the sense that it concerns itself with the wellbeing of the Volk (native people, their customs and beliefs) of the region as opposed to discriminating wholesale against outsiders because of their skin. This if anything could be termed defensive racism as coined by Edgar Steel….something practiced by all species.
You will find why many non white National Socialists fought for Germany…the hope was that they too would have their own country based on their Volk and not on international finance. In fact contrary to popular Jewed opinion, Hitler did not seek to destroy Jewry. Just isolate it from his country. Those non Germans who fought alongside would have done the same thing to outsiders. In other words, those with an national identity would have had a future while those without i.e. the Jews would have found it harder. Hence the greatest threat was to the wandering international Jew especially those who occupied themselves with the controlling administrative and financial interests of their host country.
I suggest you read Mein Kampf although I assume you have and that is why your post puzzles me.
So, what else can it be called?
National Socialism!
29 February, 2008 at 7:50 pm
abe foxman Says: “Socrates says:
Nazism was fascism + racism. So Hitler was telling the truth when he said that Nazism was not Mussolini’s fascism.
Nonetheless, Nazism was fascism. What else can it be called?
This is patently wrong!”
Well, when I say “fascism,” I mean that Hitler’s regime met all of the requirements in order to be called “fascist.” Whether Hitler called himself a fascist or not is, to me, moot. There are maybe 6 features which must be present in order for a state to be called a “fascist state,” and Germany had them. And I say that with no animosity toward Uncle Adolf.
As for the word “Nazi,” I merely use it as a general, shorthand term.
29 February, 2008 at 8:19 pm
Socrates says:
There are maybe 6 features which must be present in order for a state to be called a “fascist state,” and Germany had them.
I would like to hear those 6 features, and most importantly who coined and fed them to the public at large.
I may seem to be paranoid about the misuse of National Socialism but in its purist form was the greatest defense against the Jew and his Talmudist doctrine’s hold over the Gentile (now there’s a great substitute for the obtuse term ‘white nationalist’) It’s separation was total in that it took away the means by which the Jew gained his power. To understand it is to literally see the light. I also believe my view is not alone on this forum or elsewhere
That said, I am the first to admit it became polluted and disjointed by the fringe element (and I consider British royalty amongst this group) as it gained preeminence.
Uncle Adolf railed against those closest disciples who betrayed him at the end, its parallel quite on par with those Jesus of Nazareth had with his disciples and their duplicity at key points.
Like Jesus, he took his end with dignity and I know history will treat him in the same light.
29 February, 2008 at 10:23 pm
abe foxman Says: “Socrates says:
There are maybe 6 features which must be present in order for a state to be called a “fascist state,” and Germany had them.
I would like to hear those 6 features, and most importantly who coined and fed them to the public at large.”
Basically, “fascist features” would include such things as: a dictator as head of state; an all-powerful or nearly-all-powerful state; a right-wing ideology and anti-communist beliefs; the leader portrayed as more or less Godlike; the state portrayed as central to life and livelihood; the glorification of power and/or military might; anti-egalitarian, anti-modern and anti-“democratic” beliefs; the rejection of Marxism’s desire for “only one class of people” and perhaps a few other features. That’s what I recall from my “conservative” college days and most definitions describe it as such. So Hitler’s regime could be called “fascist,” which I don’t consider to be a slur, although some do. One could argue for weeks probably about which regime was, and wasn’t, fascist, e.g., was Pinochet a fascist? Some say yes, others no. Ditto Franco. Ditto Petain. Probably all three could be called “more or less fascist” and therefore fascist.
1 March, 2008 at 12:49 am
The bombing of Dresden was IMO the greatest Allied Warcrime behind Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Incendiary bombs were intentionally dropped to Kill CIVILIANS,there was little or no Wehrmacht presence in the city.That ALONE would make it terrible.What makes it even worse is Dresden was a complete non-military target,and a beautiful old Baroque city sometimes called the “Pearl of the Elbe”.Of Course this didn’t matter to the Jew-Puppet Allies in their blind hatred of the Nazi Enemy.Not to mention the FACT that most of the victims were WOMEN and CHILDREN.The filthy KIKES knew exactly what they were doing,and if Germany hadn’t surrendered already i’m positive the “Allies” would have dropped the A-Bomb on Berlin.Happily the gooks got it instead.The Brain-dead writer who wrote the article should’ve titled it “Germanys Future Looks Bright”,if that many of our Brothers and Sisters are on the March,then there IS a WHITE WORLD coming AWAKE!As to the posts above,your all right to an extent,but to quibble over definitions is not important,what is important is the system we implement that follows the 14 words,followed by the guiding principle of “IS IT GOOD FOR THE WHITE RACE?” on every law that is passed.The 25 points of the Party are STILL VALID for our people today,and should be used in any political approach.We need not tell the un-informed where exactly their from.What really separated Hitler from Mussolini,was his anti-semitism,it wasn’t till the Germans occupied Italy in ’43 that they were able to get their hands on the Italian Jews.Also,Hitler and Mussolini both counted Freemasons as their enemies and we need to also.Freemasonry is an evil secret society and they should be exterminated too.I consider Augusto Pinochet a personal hero among others,and the best use of National Socialism is determined by the country implementing it.Jews fear and loathe Homogeneity,hence the marxist kike push for “multiculturism”.The problem for them tho,is will their use of MC backfire and lead to the break-up of the JEW-S before their ready.Recent events in Russia and Europe prove people still like and prefer to be amoung their own kind,and its OK for everyone except Euro-Americans.Most of the brain-washed youth and alot of adults consider Racism(waaaagh!) to be the worst trait possible(thanx jews)and is even worse than being a murderer.That kind of thorough brain-washing is what we’re up against.For those that havent read the Good Book(MEIN KAMPF) start, and you’ll see even Hitler didn’t start out as a anti-semite.Its not just propaganda-(a jew lie)its a very relevent work that closely parallels our situation today.Its also the worlds best seller behind the Bible with good reason.As a matter of fact, the Kikes still fear it and its message, as i have a Czech friend who obtained a copy in Czech before Big JEW shut it down over there and it was circulating big-time in Turkey of all places before they cut it off there too.What is HYMIE so afraid of?I challenge any poster here to come up with a better example than Nazi Germany of a country that was so low,and in such a short time,rose to undreamed of prosperity,(before the war),all BECAUSE of National Socialism.It can save our country too,but y’all know who doesn’t want that to happen.The Fourth Reich-an idea whose time is here!SEIG HIEL!
1 March, 2008 at 3:39 am
Sorry Socrates, you have not swayed me. Moreover, this seems more a description of the present day good ol Joo S of A which I assure you National Socialist Germany was in no way like!
A dictator (Bush?) as head of state; an all-powerful or nearly-all-powerful state (Neocons/Jewed Congress); a right-wing ideology (smash/steal anything that ain’t Jewish) and anti-communist beliefs (unless it comes from a Jew); the leader portrayed as more or less Godlike (Bush again?); the state portrayed as central to life and livelihood (Washington and the Joo..reaucracy); the glorification of power and/or military might(Iraq, Afghanistan and the IQ of 50 mentality of the Jew controlled pentagon)); anti-egalitarian (pro Jewey), anti-modern (more pro Jewey) and anti-”democratic”(most pro Jewey) beliefs; the rejection of Marxism’s desire for “only one class of people” (unless Jews sit on top)
Please don’t be offended. We all at one time or another have fallen under the lies of the Jew. Mostly when we are young and ‘at college’. No right wingers there, only leftist, liberal, anti order (unless its my order) reactionaries mostly of Jewish origin or those with a Goyish gait.
However it appears that you are still carrying that Jewed ‘College’ baggage with you and still haven’t found the fortitude to ditch it in the trash where it belongs.
Lastly a correction, just as in the USA of old, in National Socialism, there actually WAS egalitarianism, modernism and democracy but within the Volk and absent of the destructive influence and manipulation of the Jew! As soon as the Jew gets hold of these, he pollutes them to his own benefit.
15 April, 2008 at 5:48 pm
National Socialism means:
National = love your country
Social = work and live in a secure, inspirational environment – help each other
Let the people of those days describe National Socialism:
In 1999 normal German citizens (born 1907 to 1928, 82% of
which had medium to higher education) were asked about
their life (1933-1945)
– part of the questions…
1. Wages and Salaries
…adequate………………………………………. 84%
2. prices household, food
…adequate………………………………………. 96%
3. work dicipline, moral
…high estimate………………………………… 92%
4. Judgement “German Workfront”
…care for the workers……………………… 85%
5. Security of old age pension
…sufficient and reliable …………………… 96%
6. Organisation “Energy by Joy”
…exemplary social achievement ……… 92%
7. Support in case of illness
………………… sufficient……………………… 46%
………………… very good ……………………..52%
8. Challenges in School
………………… adequate…………………….. 98%
9. Dicipline in School
………………… adequate………………………92%
10. Influence of parent’s income
on supportive chances in school ………10%
11. Influence of talent and
performance of the pupil……………………90%
12. Role of men and women
………………………..equal……………………… 94%
…. woman subordinate…………………….. 46%
13. Social Values
….performance of duty……………………… 90%
….companionship……………………………… 75%
….personal discipline ……………………….. 65%
….truthfulness………………………………….. 61%
….friendliness, helpfulness……………….. 56%
….courage………………………………………… 54%
reference “Erlebte Geschichte. Die deutschen Normalbürger 1933 – 1945. Historical phychological research, Munich 2001 – author Werner Maser, Fälschung, Wahrheit und Dichtung über Hitler und Stalin (Falsification, Truth and Hoax about Hitler and Stalin….
Prof. Werner Maser was one of the most reknown
historian in this field. He taught in Munich, Helsinki and Tokio.
How to identify
When reading speeches or scripts, what you will find is that the foundation is honor and respect. This applies too for a foe. You will always sense it. Love is born in the mind and heart and thus it will never change.
When checking the historical facts, you will find the correctness… as truth never changes – it can only be covered up, distorted but eventually it will reveal itself to the seeker.
And by all means, we need to understand that life is not about
– blacks and whites
– men and women
– rich and poor
– ……
there is only one difference:
– warm hearted humans
– cold blooded entities
Life is truly about love and peace…
25 October, 2009 at 11:22 pm
Germany is not returning to fascism, but to communism. Like George Orwell pointed out, “fascism” is used as a slur against anything your opponent does.
But what is real fascism? At the center of it all is what Socrates touches on:
-Anti-“democracy” and egalitarian dogma
-Traditional values
-Anti-Marxist — this was very important at the time
-Middle-style economics, where there is enterprise and competition, but with regulations to protect traditional values, and where various measures are tried to accommodate workers’ concerns – no policy is set in stone here, only the overriding goals of traditional values and finding a way to both make industry strong and overcome conflicts in the workplace.
-Energizing the youth and the people through organizations that unite them behind the nation and traditional values, as a fighting force against the many organized disguises for Marxism.
Put another way, fascism is traditional values modernized and taken to their logical conclusion. It is a rejection of leftist egalitarianism. It is a way to accommodate the workers in order to make them break with leftist promises. It is to unite the people behind the nation, not behind a class. It is to recognize that a war of ideas is on, and conservative values can no longer be fettered by the restraints we had put on ourselves in more peaceful times – strict constitutions and free media and many other things that don’t take into account that the Marxists are here and must be combatted.
Fascism is conservatism that fights with all available means.
Note that Mussolini himself called fascism “reactionary,” which was usually a slur used by the Left against the Right. Note that Hitler’s complaint against conservative parties and media was not about the values they espoused, but that they didn’t espouse them enough, and that they were inefficient as a bulwark against the Left, the anti-German enemy.