21 February, 2008

Fashion Racism

Posted by Socrates in England, Europe, racial preferences, racism accusations, Socrates at 2:08 am | Permanent Link

“Black models don’t sell”? Sounds like Europeans need more “diversity training”:


  • 9 Responses to “Fashion Racism”


      Jews Harass 104-Year-Old Singer Because He Performed For Hitler
      Posted on: 2008-02-21 00:32:21

      Amersfoort, Netherlands- Several dozen protesters gathered outside a theater in the Netherlands Saturday where a singer who once performed for Adolf Hitler was due to take the stage in his native country for the first time in four decades. Johannes Heesters, 104, has been a popular figure in German-language cabaret since the 1930s, earning him the epithet “the Netherlands’ most durable product.”

      He was never accused of being a propagandist or anything other than an actor who was willing to perform for the Nazis, and the Allies allowed him to continue his career after the war. Of course Jewish paranoia and the Holocaust industry has fostered the current enviornment where senior citizens are regularly persecuted by Jewish supremacists for having opinions, and in this case simply for performing in front of figures, the Jews don’t like.

      Around 50 demonstrators gathered outside De Flint theater in Amersfoort, where Heesters was born in 1903. A handful of Heester supporters showed up as well and showed their disdain toward the Jewish supremacists and their lackeys by throwing eggs at the demonstrators. The extent of the Jewish hatred for freedom of speech,association, and expression was crystal clear as concertgoers were forced to submit copies of their passports and undergo airport-style security scans before being allowed to enter the theater, which shows that a threat of terrorism was a possibility.

      Media Link

    2. FeralWhiteMale Says:

      It’s hard to know if the rejection of black models is a good indicator or bad. If it’s because of innate natural preference for the looks of one’s own, then it’s good. It means healthy instincts still exists. If it’s because of greedy capitalist reasons meaning “we reject black models because they don’t sell” then it’s a bad sign for these fashion managers (who tend to be jews or jew-lovers) but it’s still a good sign in general because it means the fashion customers in general ARE NOT BUYING what blacks wear and therefore have a healthy natural instinct.

      The healthy instincts of our people still exist but the jew-tube in the living room has them hypnotized. We need our own.

      The only way whites will ever be free of accusations of the Hollywood definition of “racism” where none exists is when we ship these niggers back home along with the other non-whites in our territories. We don’t need’em. The only other way we’ll stop hearing the “racist” shout is when we’ve given them power over us in every single facet of society. Giving the coloreds control actually means giving the kikes control. We’re about to give the ZOG presidency to a mulatto. Lord, forgive them for they know not what they do.


      All the kikes and organizations responsible for hounding the innocent will get theirs in the end. Not a threat but a promise.


      Protest as 104-year-old singer who performed for Hitler takes Dutch stage

      Released : Saturday, February 16, 2008 1:46 PM

      AMERSFOORT, Netherlands-Several dozen protesters gathered outside a theater in the Netherlands Saturday where a singer who once performed for Adolf Hitler was due to take the stage in his native country for the first time in four decades.

      Johannes Heesters, 104, has been a popular figure in German-language cabaret since the 1930s, earning him the epithet “the Netherlands’ most durable product.”

      He was never accused of being a propagandist or anything other than an actor who was willing to perform for the Nazis, and the Allies allowed him to continue his career after the war. But in his native country he is viewed by some as irredeemable.

      “He kept singing for the Nazi regime, for the Wehrmacht, and he earned millions,” said Piet Schouten, representative of a committee formed to protest Heesters’ performance.

      “Those are facts and we have a problem with that on behalf of all the victims” he told national broadcaster NOS.

      In Heesters’ previous attempt to perform in the Netherlands, in 1964, he was booed off the stage in Amsterdam when he tried to appear as Nazi-hating Captain von Trapp in “The Sound of Music.”

      Around 50 demonstrators gathered outside De Flint theater in Amersfoort, where Heesters was born in 1903. A handful of neo-nazis turned up, uninvited, to support Heesters, and several were detained by police after throwing eggs at the demonstrators.

      Concertgoers were forced to submit copies of their passports and undergo airport-style security scans before being allowed to enter the theater, which seats 800.

      During the war Amersfoort housed a camp where Jews were interned before deportation to Germany during the occupation.

      Many of Heesters’ critics focus on a visit his theater company made to Dachau in 1941. He had never disclosed the visit, but it became known when photos of him with Nazi soldiers were published in 1973.

      Heesters says he didn’t perform for the soldiers, and didn’t know about conditions at the concentration camp.

      After the war “I was ashamed of myself and I still haven’t stopped feeling this way,” Heesters wrote in his autobiography. “I am angry with myself for being gullible, credulous and naive.”

      In an editorial, Dutch newspaper Trouw wrote Saturday that “the stain will always remain, but Heesters is welcome home in the Netherlands, it’s nice that he’s appearing here 104 years after his birth.”

      “It’s all too easy for people today, most of whom grew up after the war, to pass judgment on the collaborators then,” the paper wrote.

      “What would we do under comparable circumstances?”

      In a chapel near the theater, a counter-concert was being held to celebrate music composed by people who died in concentration camps.

      Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

      Associated Press Worldstream

    4. sgruber Says:

      Of course these black models don’t sell.

      They’re too skinny for farm work, and too stupid for house work.

      Can any of them even cook?

      Back in the day, slaves had more meat on their bones. And they knew how to fix up a mess of chitterlings. I doubt these emaciated Africans know how to turn on a stove.

      The time has come to get rid of the jew.


      February 21, 2008
      BELGRADE, Serbia—- Thousands of Serbs headed to Belgrade on Thursday to attend a rally protesting Kosovo’s independence, raising fears that the gathering could trigger street violence.

      Schools were closed and the state railway company made free trains available to transport protesters. Local media reports on Thursday said crowds of thousands were already making their way to the capital for the afternoon rally.

      » Click to enlarge image

      A man passes by graffiti reading: “We won’t give up on Kosovo” in Serbian Cyrillic letters and “1389” refering to the year of the historical Kosovo battle Serbs lost to the Ottoman Turkish empire, in Belgrade, Serbia, on Tuesday, Feb.19, 2008. President George W. Bush extended formal recognition to Kosovo as “an independent and sovereign state,” rebuffing protests by Serbia and Russia.

      Organizers say the ”Kosovo is Ours” event will demonstrate Serbia’s commitment to keeping the province of 2 million people, most of whom are ethnic Albanian.

      Kosovo declared independence on Sunday and more than a dozen nations have recognized it so far. They include the U.S., Britain, France and Germany.

      But the move has been rejected by Serbia’s nationalist government along with the ethnic Serbians who populate northern Kosovo. Russia, China and numerous other nations also have condemned the move, saying it sets a precedent that separatist groups around the world will seek to emulate.

      There are fears that Thursday’s rally could spark renewed rioting by ultra-nationalists who attacked the U.S. Embassy, McDonald’s restaurants and other Western interests in the capital earlier this week.

      They also attacked the offices of the pro-Western Liberal Democratic Party in several towns.

      ”We are convinced that the state organs are behind these attacks,” the party said in an open letter to the government published Thursday.

      Critics say attacks could be a prelude to the silencing of the opposition and pro-Western politicians in the Balkan republic, reminiscent of the era when the country was run by Slobodan Milosevic.

      His regime also organized giant rallies by busing in supporters and children to demonstrate public support for the wars Serbia waged in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

      Copyright 2008 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

    6. NewYorkNasi Says:

      I would actually support a boycott of the fashion industry over this. White women are demeaned as sex objects in the media in order to entice stupid niggers. We don’t need any enticing to love our women, so what’s the point of flaunting them all over fashions magazines and even pornography?

      I know the reason they don’t put nigger bitches on the cover of magazines is because they’re ugly animals. It would be insane to put a chimpanzee on the cover of cosmopolitan, just as it is insane to put a nigger on the cover.

      Also, did anyone else notice how they always say things like, “ethnic exclusion” or “ethnics are discriminated against” or similar? As if being European isn’t an ethnic group. It’s such a subtle way of raping us of social and cultural identity. All the while calling *us* racist as they’re doing it!

    7. Chair Says:

      Hey – NewYorkNasi,

      How does it feel living in a city that’s filled to the brim with niggers, spics, and jews?

      You chose the wrong place to live, my man.


    8. Mike Quigley Says:

      God I fuckin hate niggers.

    9. Mike Quigley Says:

      Can you imagine Venus and Serena Williams modeling clothes. Maybe for a transvestite magazine or something.