15 February, 2008

“Complete Separation: An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

Posted by Socrates in Patrick Grimm, Socrates at 6:17 pm | Permanent Link

by Patrick Grimm: [Here].

  • One Response to ““Complete Separation: An Idea Whose Time Has Come””

    1. Olde_Dutch Says:

      Chances are the Franklin quote is authentic. You must remember that Franklin was hyper ethnocentric. He even wrote, in a famous quote, that the Germans were not of the same complexion as the English.

      That Franklin warned of the jew seems quite likely.

      My best guess is that the Franklin quote was dug up by the estimable early American historian Benson Lossing during research on the American Revolution.

      Lossing was the editor of American historical works for the Appleton Co. for fourty or more years. Appleton is sometimes quoted as the source of Franklin’s comments.

      Here is a link to Lossings’ history of the American Revolution written in 1850: http://freepages.history.rootsweb.com/~wcarr1/Lossing1/Contents.html

      We must all be on our guard today, or I fear the jews in the academy will destroy any American historical documents critical of the jews & their motives. Particularly, the words and comments of our Founders both great & unknown.

      If you have a document in your family, or know of the location of a document—be very careful with it!