7 January, 2008

What’s on Your Laptop?

Posted by Socrates in jewed foreign policy, Socrates, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism at 7:30 pm | Permanent Link

The war on Israel’s enemies – also known as the “war on terror” – now includes laptop file searches. How is this much different from the government entering someone’s home and reading his personal papers without a search warrant? This is a fine example of how our privacy has eroded since Sept. 11, 2001:


  • One Response to “What’s on Your Laptop?”

    1. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      It doesn’t help when people use jew-friendly snitchware psueudo OS’es like MicroSnitch WinBlowz, Bill Goetz’ & Steve Balmer’s brain-baby. Given the heavy promotion of the latest incarnation of Winblowz, Vi$ta, by Holowood, I can only encourage Aryans everywhere to install the more secure Free Operating Systems based on either GNU/Linux or BSD specs. This is the only real protection you can give your data.

      Once again, global crapitalism and big jew government conspire together to rob Humans of every conceivable freedom, dignity and privacy. The ONLY real solution, Aryan Revolution!