9 January, 2008

Tensions Increase Between U.S. and Iran

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Iran, War On Israel's Enemies at 2:44 pm | Permanent Link

But isn’t that the whole idea? For America, by its very presence in that area, to provoke some sort of confrontation which eventually leads to a U.S. military strike against Iran, for Israel’s benefit? Such a provoking tactic certainly worked with Imperial Japan [1]:


[1] i.e., the oil embargo against Japan and the seizure of Japanese assets located in America, which led to Japan’s 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor

  • 4 Responses to “Tensions Increase Between U.S. and Iran”


      + 20,000 ERIC RUDOLPHS

    2. Pony Says:

      I don’t believe a thing this fucked up government says about anything. JEWS LIE

    3. tennyson Says:

      Did you see those “Iranian Gunboats” circling our warships? Fucking horseshit! I cannot believe that those were Iranian craft. More likely they were Mossad or Blackwater stooges. The reason I say this is due to the fact that confronting America in any way does nothing for Iran, and also the voice recording of the “Iranian” taunting the ships. That accent sounded like an English speaking man apeing an Iranian. This is G.W.’s Gulf of Tonkin sham playing out right before our eyes.

    4. John Says:

      Lets hope that the Jews finally bite of more than they can chew with an attack on Iran. It will be a good thing because ZOG will be stretched to breaking point and that will only hasten its collapse paving the way for a white revolution.

      People all over the world have had enough of Jews and when shit finally hits the fan the filthy tribe of murderers and parasites will have nowhere to flee.