19 January, 2008

Ron Paul Wins Second Place in Nevada Caucuses

Posted by Socrates in Ron Paul, Socrates at 10:23 pm | Permanent Link

This will energize his supporters and help to establish him as a serious candidate in the minds of mainstream Americans:

[Caucuses results].

  • 20 Responses to “Ron Paul Wins Second Place in Nevada Caucuses”

    1. zoomcopter Says:

      I heard the news on NPR that Romney “left all the others far behind” I guess that was their way of not saying Ron Paul came in second. Everything on the news is spun one way or the other. They know very well the first impressions are lasting. Saying that Ron Paul came in second would give him momentum, that last thing in the world NPR wants as it is predominantly jewish. Ron Paul wants to kill the sacred cash cow which is the Federal Reserve and end the war for Israel.

    2. Cormac Says:

      Ron needs to get fired up and attack the scum he’s competing with.
      He’s too gentile and needs to tell it like it really is on the so called “War on Terror” which is just another genocidal war for kikes.


    3. Ceallachain Says:

      Ron Paul is a traitor: a traitor to the AmexiKwan establishment.

    4. Mark16:18 Says:

      No it won’t, but wishful thinking sure is fun, huh?

    5. nick Says:

      “Now I hope that Obama will win; with that nig in the White House, it will be hard for the Left to talk about how Whites run the country and Blacks are being held down, and that that would be the reason for their crimes and failures. I think many who oppose anti-White policies would be emboldened; the guilt weapon would be hard to maintain.”

    6. Maynard Says:

      I find this whole voter system suspect. Since, Senator Lieberman, jew, has supported the Manchurian Candidate, John McCain, he has won in most of the primaries/caucasus on the Republican side! I find this suspect! McCain wants to Nuke Iran which is exactly what Lieberman and his NeoCON (jew) friends want to do! You must remember this: the jews own and control the voting machine companies whose results can and are manipulated! Was it Stalin or Lenin who said: “It is not who the voters vote for that counts but who counts the votes”! I will vote for Ron Paul but I suspect that the system is rigged by the Self Chosen!

    7. Vaultner Says:

      Ron Paul is the only one left that sees government for what it is; a big business trinket that should be given back to the people. We don’t need one of 12% (Obama) of the population controlling America, anymore than we need one of the 10% Jews (Bush) ruling. If you think going to war for Bush’s Israel & oil is bad wait & see what that nigger has in store for us.
      I’ll be interested to see how the media is going to handle the continued blackout of Dr. Paul when he wins a state outright. Since they spend hours on other candidates who’ve won or taken second place, & not a mention of Ron Paul. I’m guessing a meteor shower taking out several satellites.

    8. Vaultner Says:

      “Wake up and smell the ZOG. The government is already 100 percent anti-White. If you think that “at least we don’t have a Black guy in the White House!” is a valid argument, then you forget what the government is about. With a nig in place in the Oval Office, the policies wouldn’t be one bit worse than they are today, couldn’t be because the govt is already working against Whites any way it can. But a lot of Whites who still cling to the idea that the president is white – like you, apparently – would finally lose faith in government.”

      It would be worse. If you read my post I said Bush is a Jew. I lost faith in the Government along time ago.

    9. Vaultner Says:

      “Wake up and smell the ZOG. The government is already 100 percent anti-White. If you think that “at least we don’t have a Black guy in the White House!” is a valid argument, then you forget what the government is about. With a nig in place in the Oval Office, the policies wouldn’t be one bit worse than they are today, couldn’t be because the govt is already working against Whites any way it can. But a lot of Whites who still cling to the idea that the president is white – like you, apparently – would finally lose faith in government.”

      It would be worse. If you read my post I said Bush is a Jew. I lost faith in the Government along time ago.

    10. Vaultner Says:

      “Wake up and smell the ZOG. The government is already 100 percent anti-White. If you think that “at least we don’t have a Black guy in the White House!” is a valid argument, then you forget what the government is about. With a nig in place in the Oval Office, the policies wouldn’t be one bit worse than they are today, couldn’t be because the govt is already working against Whites any way it can. But a lot of Whites who still cling to the idea that the president is white – like you, apparently – would finally lose faith in government.”

      It would be worse. If you read my post I said Bush is a Jew. I lost faith in the Government along time ago.

    11. Vaultner Says:

      He’s not White he’s a Jew look at the menorah on the White House lawn at Christmas time, look at our troops dying for Israel by his hand. If you think the masses will see the truth that Obamas a no good nigger? & Have a chance to fix it, look at South Africa.
      Ron Paul is the only chance we have. You can’t throw away misguided Whites because they’re to stupid to see the reality in front of them. They may deserve it I’ll grant you that, but there’ll be no repairing the damage done.
      P.S. To the moderator I didn’t mean to triplicate above.

    12. Vaultner Says:

      “Happy now jew boy?”
      Who the fuck are you talking about?

    13. sgruber Says:

      Electing Obama would only encourage niggers. They wouldn’t back down feeling “well we got what we wanted.” They would feel emboldened to push for more.

      Remember the ultimate goal of a subspecies in any environment is to push others out: nigs hate Whites (yes it’s irrational and not to their interest, but remember these are niggas we be talking about). To these primates, a black man on the throne means their foot on Whitey’s neck, the formal declaration that America is no longer a White country. Yes America’s been dead for a while. But when the doctor formally pronounces death, then the undertaker will tear the corpse limb from limb. “Civil rights” only led to cities burning down and ever-more outrageous demands. “Black president” means more of that. “WE GOT IT OVER WHITEY NOW” every black political operator and common nig would feel “FOR REAL.”

      “WE AIN’T GONNA CALL IT THE WHITE HOUSE NO MO, WHITE BOY” will be heard openly on TV and thruout the land.

      These groids will be emboldened and even worse than now.

      The jew destroyed America with “Civil Rights” and is the ultimate enemy.

    14. sgruber Says:

      “When the Niggers Take over America!” by R. Crumb HERE. (Click on image for clearer image.)

    15. blackshirt Says:

      Silly right wing CONservatives… when will you learn? Trying to “save” and “conserve” the USA- how silly. Get over it, it is time for you guys to quit flogging a dead horse. The USA is done. finito. Time for leaderless resistance and lone wolfism. Don’t vote or think that any politician has your interests at heart, White man. They are all traitors. (That includes Ron Paul- he denounces racism)

    16. melanie Says:

      look at this…to give you an idea of how the candidates balance their OWN budgets, what on earth will they do with the national budget? Note…Ron Paul owes….$0.00!!!!

    17. Muckraker Says:

      If you want to know just how much the Zionist media fears what Ron Paul represents to their criminal enterprise and the financial pirate robber barons, see the following unbelievable Fox jews video of the Ron Paul media blackout:

    18. blackshirt Says:

      Silly right wing CONservatives… when will you learn? Trying to “save” and “conserve” the USA- how silly. Get over it, it is time for you guys to quit flogging a dead horse. The USA is done. finito. Time for leaderless resistance and lone wolfism. Don’t vote or think that any politician has your interests at heart, White man. They are all traitors. (That includes Ron Paul- he denounces racism)

    19. Vaultner Says:


      That is disgusting. I can’t believe there is anything that can be done about this blackout. My own cable company likes to switch programming mid stream when Ron Paul is on. I might as well be watching a Soviet station for Christ sakes.

    20. Hibernian Says:

      “leaderless resistance” & “Lone-Wolfism” = Not doing shit.