14 January, 2008

Pink Men

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, media, Socrates at 3:58 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish author Erica Jong is unhappy with White guys [1]:


[1] more about Jong: [Here]

  • 27 Responses to “Pink Men”

    1. chrisperry Says:

      She says that she is tired of pink men telling wimmin what to do with their wombs and that is an intelligent conclusion based on 50% of the available information. I think that the opponents of abortion are concerned with what is happening to the the FETUS that is located in the womb. The womb belongs to the woman but the fetus is only HALF of the woman.

    2. Rex E. Cuto Says:

      Erica Jong can lick my pink ass.

    3. Ceallachain Says:

      Is she sick of “white” jews and their vicious, shitty little hate state and their treatment of “brown” Palestinians?

      Judaism – the first recorded example of racism in history.

    4. Phil88 Says:

      She needs a dick in her mouth to shut her up.

    5. brutus Says:

      What a pathetic turd.

      Maybe a pink guy will put a bullet in this jew’s head, like they do in Russia.


    6. Mark Says:

      A long-winded, nonsensical rant with no substance. She wants a woman to run the show just because she hates men, specifically white men. That’s not a good reason. I suppose it’s the same sickness that infects the minds of whites who support Obama, just because he’s “change”.

      “In her speeches, Jong presents an insightful yet compassionate look at the many pressing issues facing modern women and men. Confronting questions of independence, self-esteem, stability, sex, wisdom, power and courage, Jong explores what these terms mean today and whether we have really come as far as we think.”

      What a laugh.

      Seriously, I would love to see a nation run and maintained by women. It would be amusing to say the least. She should start with Israel.

    7. lawrence dennis Says:


      “After fifty,” says best-selling author (best known for the novel Fear of Flying) and feminist Erica Jong: “I began to question my ambivalent relationship to my Jewish identity and the unexamined assimilation I have written about earlier. It seems astonishing to me that a woman born at the height of the Holocaust should not have been trained to a stronger sense of Judaism. And I also began to regret not having raised my [my daughter] more Jewishly, and not having more Jewish children to replace those lost among the six million [Holocaust victims]. Lately I have begun to yearn for solidarity with other Jewish feminists … to celebrate Jewishness without shame.”

      [How, by the way, did Jong first get published? Her mother sent her to a Jewish family friend, Bessie Golding — Jong’s grandfather’s mistress. Jong presented poems to Golding at her office who read them for twenty minutes, then looked up and decided that “You’re going to be the most famous woman poet of your generation.” Golding passed the poems along to an executive at the Holt publishing company “who passed it on to Aaron Asher [also Jewish],” the Holt publisher. Thus was born Jong’s: Fruits and Vegetables.]

    8. Antagonistes Says:

      Escellent post by Lawrence Dennis.

      This is just another brick in the wall.

      What is the wall? The illusion, perpetrated by the Jews, of Jewish supremacy. They don’t want just women in charge; they want Jewish women. There are many bricks in this wall. So many, in fact, laid by Jews, that the wall will collapse soon. Very soon.

      And they want Aryans to not see the wall.

      This is incredible.

      Pink men!

      How about neo-con Jews?

      Listen . . . can you hear it?

      Hyperborea Arising!

    9. Lutjens Says:

      What’s funny is the blog after the article. That article was to the point I didn’t even know what the fuck she was babbling on about. Dumb kike cunt.

      We have “pink” men voting Ms Clinton to the Presidency. Short memory as to how those subhumans disgraced the Presidency and the country. Now that is an abomination. These mental retards should be hung.

    10. Alek James Hiddel Says:

      I am tired of Jews bombing brown (Palestinian) children.

    11. May Canady Says:

      I’m going to have to side with the jewess on this one. Yes the jews are a problem but they wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t for the white males who helped empower them in the first place.

    12. MHK Says:

      As Alex would say……jew sets up, jew knocks down.

      If this khazar hag doesn’t want “pink man” George Bush to bomb the darkies in Iraq anymore she should take the matter up with Bush’s jewish handlers and stop trying to shift the blame for this neo-con/zio-con war onto whitey.

    13. PinkGuyPower1488 Says:

      >>Seriously, I would love to see a nation run and maintained by women. It would be amusing to say the least. She should start with Israel.

    14. jackumup Says:

      If She didn’t have a cunt there would be a bounty on her

    15. Paul Dong Says:

      Erica Jong can lick my pink ass sideways.

    16. Marwinsing Says:

      This hypocrite ‘way past product sell-by date’ princess needs to take a long vacation to a kike-dyke brothel in Khazaria – and stay there. What ‘pinkoid’ would wish to have her/it in their lebensraum anyway?

    17. May Canady Says:

      “# jackumup Says:
      14 January, 2008 at 10:24 pm

      If She didn’t have a cunt there would be a bounty on her”

      What in the hell are you talking about?

    18. fur_loathing Says:

      Ms. Canady is right, our white men laid down and let this happen, When are you going to stop talking and start protecting us??
      STAND UP AND REDEEM YOUSELVES, or do the ladies have to do it for you?!?

      Put that in your cunt pipe and smoke it.

    19. saltriver Says:

      How about a pink rope for this pinko cunt.

    20. jim crow lives Says:

      What women? Gentile or kikes bitches? Why is she worried about white Gentile females since otherwise real white males could care less about nigger wombs and that goes for any white bitch slut womb who fucks coons in anyway.

      Tell this jew bitch who probably loves sucking and fucking niggers or eating cunt like the dancing dyke Ellen bitch that everyone seems to be so enthralled about, that the only females the white male cares about under any circumstances is the decent clean pure white female who hates a fucking nigger unlike those millions brainwashed to fuck them now and have their mutts.

      Ever notice why jews dont promote the black male and black female? Ever notive why jews dont promote jews with niggers? Ever notive why jews dont promote spics or chinks or sand niggers with coons?
      Ever notice jews only promote white females with nigger males?

      Pink? What the fuck is a pink male? She probably sees too much pink eating out her nigger cunt since the pinkness provides a strong contrast to the blackness.

      No such thing as a pink male you jew piece of shit.

    21. D. Smith Says:

      We know there’s a problem when an article like this does not raise widespread outrage. The same society that will tolerate a loxist screed entitled “pink men” would go into conniptions were a white to pen an article titled, for example, “Sludge Men” or “Ape Men”, that raised awareness of black and brown crime.

    22. Alexei Says:

      “I am not stupid. I know all generalizations are false. I know there are bad mothers, bad women, bad sisters, bad aunts, and bad females of every stripe. But I have seen enough men in high office to last a lifetime. Let’s give women a chance!”

      Fair enough, so long as it isn’t Hillary. Boudicca for President!

    23. PMS Is A Bitch Says:

      Ms. Canady is right, our white men laid down and let this happen, When are you going to stop talking and start protecting us??


      Stop babbling and try to stay on topic, okay?

    24. sgruber Says:

      Rank, foul, nasty, unplesant jewess (apologies for the redunancy) doing her bit for Hillary. Yawn.

      Say, how many managers and supervisors at work are closet Jongs? Who have an absolutely unreasoning animus against White men and do everything against them that they can get away with? We’re not supposed to ask that question.

    25. Ein Says:

      sgruber says: Rank, foul, nasty, unplesant jewess (apologies for the redunancy) doing her bit for Hillary. Yawn.

      Why, yes! Can the timing of this be just a coicidence?

    26. Ich Bin Laden Says:

      Jong’s rant is one of the worst pieces of writing I’ve come across from a so-called professional. It might’ve made me angry if it hadn’t been so laughable. If it hadn’t been credited to her, I would’ve guessed that a 12-year-old Junior High School girl had been the author.

      If this is representative of all of Jong’s writing, then her career obviously came about more for who she knows than on the merit of her work.

    27. Ich Bin Laden Says:

      “As an undergraduate studying literature at Barnard College, Jong was frustrated by the lack of female authors in her curriculum. ‘We’d had about 6,000 years of stories from a man’s point of view,’ says Jong. ‘What I sought to do was to slice open a woman’s head and show everything that was happening inside.'”

      What was happening inside? Obviously not much if you’re any indication!