17 January, 2008

NJ: Man Fined for “N-Word” Incident

Posted by Socrates in free speech, General Decline, political correctness, Socrates, Western culture at 2:54 pm | Permanent Link

So much for the First Amendment. Notice that the judge is female and that the “victim” is an Ethiopian immigrant. Further, notice that the name-caller was, apparently, sitting in his car preparing to drive off when the name-calling occurred. How did that amount to “harassment,” when the definition of “harass” is “to irritate or torment persistently.” Imagine such a court ruling occurring back in 1960, when America was still run by White males (excepting Hollywood and the media, of course) [1]:


[1] about the First Amendment: [Here]

  • 20 Responses to “NJ: Man Fined for “N-Word” Incident”

    1. Yankee Jim Says:

      The judge issued a warning to Cruz.

      “You better learn self-control,” she said. “You could have been charged with a bias crime.”

      Rest assured…if it had been a White man, he would’ve been charged with a “bias crime”!

    2. chrisperry Says:

      Oh boy. What nonsense this is. Did you notice that it started with an Ethiopian double parked. Tom Metzger was found civilliy liable for nigger Sarew’s death that began with a double parked nigger. What is it with Ethipian’s and double parking?

    3. M. Kraus Says:

      Assuming that Cruz is some variety of spic, this is still a load of B.S.

      ‘ “Apology accepted,” Kishen said. “I hope you learn from this.” ‘

      I’ll tell you what should be “learned from this”: that lowlife niggers, the most backward race on the planet, are arrogant pieces of shit who need to be put down, very soon. Ethiopian sewer-chunks have no business in the United States, making smug statements about tolerance.

      “Did you call him some not-nice things?”

      This is the level of legal discourse in the US now: a kindergarten teacher, disciplining a naughty student. This so-called judge couldn’t
      even bring herself to use a word like “insult”.

      “Yes, Cruz said. He acknowledged that he called Kishen the “N-word”

      Idiot. The burden of proof was on the nigger. Don’t “acknowledge” anything in court which violates ZOG’s principles of enforced tolerance.

      The spic then apologizes SEVERAL MORE TIMES to this irrelevant oxygen-thief nigger. The nigger, emboldened by the apologies, tells the spic to “watch out” in the future. Don’t anger the Africans! They’re dangerous! You watch out, hater, and treat these noble people with the respect they deserve!

      What a scenario. What a country. What a great time to be alive.

    4. Mark Says:

      Welcome to the nanny state, what a sick joke.

      “Outside the courtroom Monday, Cruz repeated his apology several more times to Kishen. Kishen said Cruz needs to watch out for his own safety. Someone else might have reacted differently to Cruz’s slur, Kishen said.

      “If I was out of control, I might have shoot you,” he said.

      “You’re right,” Cruz said.”

      So saying some “not nice things” is basis for homicide? Beyond ridiculous.

    5. Olde Dutch Says:

      Shaun Walker is doing 7 years in a federal prison for allegedly speaking a few words.

    6. TSman Says:

      According to the article, now a black man can’t even call himself a nigger.

    7. Yankee Jim Says:

      “According to the article, now a black man can’t even call himself a nigger.”



    8. Bill Says:

      Yeah, I have to agree with M Kras, Never self incriminate your self in court. The truth is not on your side. a simple I can’t recall that word or to the best of my recollection I don’t remember saying it but never never apologize.

    9. MikeTodd Says:

      10% of the people in prison are there because of some really fine detective work! The other 90% are there because they talked their way in!

    10. Nigger beater Says:

      Ugh – there’s no escaping them. I’m working a temp job while I get my master’s degree. kind of a telling story here – i was sitting across from a cute white girl – fun to talk to, nice smart. Well, for some reason she was moved to another area. She was replaced by another “worker” – well friends, you guessed it – a 300lb she-boon. I can’t tell you the sadness i feel when i look at the place where my friend used to sit.

    11. tbone Says:

      This story seems made up. Hard to believe. But it is New Jewsy.

      Does that mean they can’t sell cds and dvds that use the word nigger? Now that would be awesome!

    12. Rudolf the Red Nosed German Says:

      You know, a bit of tolerance may be in order, considering the MLK holiday is upon us.

      Oh, what the fuck. Fuck niggers. I hate them too.

    13. tennyson Says:

      The city of Cleveland barred Somalians from Hopkins Airport. The cab company that they all drove for was excluded recently. They were notorious for screwing customers. A $23.00 fare would end up being like 60.00 after they took them downtown (the long way). I can’t count the times they held up the taxi cue because they were all down on the ground “praying” on their little rugs. Many riders explicitly asked for white drivers because of these African bastards.
      I found them to be clannish, uneducated and anti-American(read anti-white). Good riddance bastards.

    14. Hans Schneider Says:

      why does the US import more blacks ? We have enough of them already !

    15. Darren Says:

      It wasn’t ‘bias crime’ because he tongue-lashed the nigger for being double parked, not for being a nigger. If it was a white man or a fellow spic, he would have probably called him something just as offensive.

      If a white man does something genuinely stupid and anti-social to me, I’m going to let him know and make sure he feels bad about it :D

      The justice system is insane but we can’t let them have our dignity. If you get drug into court for bullshit like this, you can’t cave in.

    16. Terry Phillips Says:

      Waiting for a pizza my son, who was three at the time, waddled over to a black family who were also waiting for a pizza order. He wrinkled up his little nose and said, “Ewww! Look daddy, nidders!.” He was so cute even the niggers smiled.

      I suppose if that happened today, the justice system would’ve fined his little ass.

    17. Marwinsing Says:

      I worry about white women.

    18. J. J. Says:

      Both these guys could have been illegal aliens. But that is alright according to Pres. Bush. Illegals have more rights than people whose families have defended this country for more than 300 years. Pres. Bush is also a NIGGER!

    19. Hoosier Says:

      “The man, Adelson Cruz, was fined $150 plus fees for the harassment offense. The complainant, Aregawi Kishen, a public works employee born in Ethiopia, said he had filed the complaint to teach the young man a lesson.”

      I could be wrong, but I beleive the reporter just made this story up. It’s not against the law in NJ to use the word “nigger” in public to the best of my knowledge. It seems like tactics to scare whitey. What kind of complaint could be filed, and who in their right mind, having time to think about it, would admit to anything? I think it’s probably BS, and many know how the media lies constantly.


    20. Hoosier Says:

      “The man, Adelson Cruz, was fined $150 plus fees for the harassment offense. The complainant, Aregawi Kishen, a public works employee born in Ethiopia, said he had filed the complaint to teach the young man a lesson.”

      I could be wrong, but I believe the reporter just made this story up. It’s not against the law in NJ to use the word “nigger” in public to the best of my knowledge. It seems like tactics to scare whitey. What kind of complaint could be filed, and who in their right mind, having time to think about it, would admit to anything? I think it’s probably BS, and many know how the media lies constantly.
