24 January, 2008

Libertarian Cowards Run from Own Words

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 12:34 am | Permanent Link

January 24, 2008

Contact: Alex Linder
[email protected]

Lew Rockwell Revealed as Author of Racist Ron Paul Material

VanguardNewsNetwork (govnn.com and vnnforum.com) has learned that it was Lew Rockwell himself who wrote the racist words in Ron Paul’s newsletter from which the candidate and his top backers now flee.

A source who wishes to remain anonymous told VNN:

Those Ron Paul Newsletters were authored by Lew Rockwell, and Ron Paul did know of the contents, but he is anti-racist.

At the time Lew Rockwell was Paul’s ghost writer, along with Jeff Tucker, and Murray Rothbard, cheering from the sideline, and contributing occasionally.

Ron Paul tolerated the ‘racist rhetoric’ because it was providing a large share of the reported $940,000 annual income of Ron Paul & Associates, at that time, and because his hispanic adviser convinced him that it would work as an “outreach to the Rednecks,” and gain the grassroots support being enjoyed by people such as David Duke at the time.

The idea was to appeal to many, but to serve few, by telling people what they wanted to hear, or rather NOT telling them what they didn’t want to hear.

It was basically an early, rather clumsy, blueprint for the Ron Paul ‘revolution’, or at least that’s what the other employees who worked on the newsletter have told me.

“I’m not surprised to learn that Lew Rockwell is a racist, nor that he authored the words in question,” said VNN editor Alex Linder. He added, “I can think of three writers offhand Rockwell drove off not because he disagreed with them, but, as he put it with regard to one, her words were ‘too hot.'” Linder named Carole Ward, Bob Wallace, and Jimmy Cantrell as writers whose opinions Lew Rockwell agreed with but banned from his site for writing honestly about jews and race.

“The fact is,” Linder continued, “libertarians are cowards. They know that liberty is found only in White societies. But their fear of the jews controlling the media, even when those jews are 23-year-old punk jew queers like Jamie Kirchick, overwhelms their good sense, and leads them down the safe but ineffectual path of individualism. Only when he and his backers find the courage to appeal to Whites as Whites, rather than as individuals, will Ron Paul’s numbers climb into the double digits.”

Discussion here: http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php?p=707268#post707268

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  • 12 Responses to “Libertarian Cowards Run from Own Words”

    1. Olde Dutch Says:

      Alex, why were my very factual comments, about Dr. Paul’s fund raising, censored on the “Nevada” blog entry?

      As you say, blacks are the symptom, jews are the disease. Much the same can be said of the Federal Reserve. LOL.

    2. Socrates Says:

      Olde Dutch Says: “Alex, why were my very factual comments, about Dr. Paul’s fund raising, censored on the “Nevada” blog entry?”

      Perhaps your comment got stuck in the “spam” filter, which happens frequently.

      (By the way, aren’t you the same guy who said that the Federal Reserve wasn’t created by Jews?)

    3. Olde Dutch Says:

      It wasn’t. With the exception of Warburg, and I agree that one jew involved is one jew too many, the Federal Reserve was put together by White American politicians & bankers. Matter of fact a case could be made that the Federal Reserve System was a creation of the Klu Klux Klan. LOL. That maybe why Dr. Paul is so against the evil racist Federal Reserve System keeping the colored folks down. ROTFLMAO

    4. Socrates Says:

      Warburg was the point man behind the creation of the Federal Reserve.

    5. Dawn Landry Says:

      What’s happening with Free Talk Live Shows? When will they be back online? Thanks-Dawn

    6. blackshirt Says:

      Silly right wing CONservatives… when will you learn? Trying to “save” and “conserve” the USA- how silly. Get over it, it is time for you guys to quit flogging a dead horse. The USA is done. finito. Time for leaderless resistance and lone wolfism. Don’t vote or think that any politician has your interests at heart, White man. They are all traitors. (That includes Ron Paul- he denounces racism)

    7. New America Says:

      in reply to Alex Linder:

      you were informed, in part:

      Ron Paul tolerated the ‘racist rhetoric’ because it was providing a large share of the reported $940,000 annual income of Ron Paul & Associates, at that time, and because his hispanic adviser convinced him that it would work as an “outreach to the Rednecks,” and gain the grassroots support being enjoyed by people such as David Duke at the time.

      in reply:
      You know, it’s fascinating that all of this support of White people is so worthy a goal, so ardently desired, and so masked by the intellectual dishonesty that is the hallmark of “conservatives” and “libertarians.”

      The only way the Republicans have won the Presidency is to have the die-hard support of *ahem* “the ethnic blue-collar vote.”

      Their indifference, in the face of policy betrayal, costs Bush 41 the White House, in ’92.

      As usual, they have been betrayed once the politician achieves his goals, but, that’s par for the course.

      Remember – ALL of the Republican Party at the National level went to enormous lengths to stop David Duke…

      I suspect a successful Duke campaign would have revealed them all for the cowards they are, and we can’t have that now, can we?

      A successful Duke campaign would also open the possibility to a true, truly motivated, Third Party…

      Can’t have that, either, can we?

      you were informed, in part:

      The idea was to appeal to many, but to serve few, by telling people what they wanted to hear, or rather NOT telling them what they didn’t want to hear.

      in reply:
      Looks like nothing much has changed, has it?

      you were informed, in part:

      It was basically an early, rather clumsy, blueprint for the Ron Paul ‘revolution’, or at least that’s what the other employees who worked on the newsletter have told me.

      in reply:
      It was also an effective tool for further neutralizing any potential RACE-based political effort for White people.

      I mean, it only worked for Nixon, and Reagan, both spectacularly well.

      Remember, pure RACE-based appeals are aimed at the foundation of society – RACE, as the macrocosm of Family, organically forming a nation.

      That’s a damn good idea.

      We ought to start thinking about something like that.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    8. Charlie Prince Says:

      It was also an effective tool for further neutralizing any potential RACE-based political effort for White people.

      Personally, I never bought into this “Ron Paul Revolution” nonsense. Libertarianism has no answers to our concerns. They believe Jews should be “free” to piss on us indefinitely through television, film, print, and radio. It was this insane worship of “liberty” (at the expense of all other values) that got us into this situation in the first place.

    9. sgruber Says:

      You gonna make Lewpus mad Alex.

    10. Muckraker Says:

      Warburg was the point man behind the creation of the Federal Reserve.

      Indeed Senator Warburg (NY) was the appointed subversive for sponsoring and passing this unconstitutional legislation for his financial pirate robber baron banking friends/family (all jewish). This legislation is the primary catalyst for our current financial tsunami, 9 trillion dollar debt, hyper-inflation our federal Leviathan lies about, manufacturing of monopoly money, and the incredible profits (producing billionaires and even trillionaires) of the nation-plundering jewish thieves who are all poised for flight to sunnier climes, buffered fortresses and stowed-away gold as the collapse unfurls.

      The best account (a purported first of the historical details) of how this scandal transpired is given in Worldnetdaily’s “Whistleblower” publication at the following link (well worth the low price):



    11. Newe Dutch Says:

      Indeed Senator Warburg (NY) was the appointed subversive for sponsoring and passing this unconstitutional legislation for his financial pirate robber baron banking friends/family (all jewish).

      Correction: Paul Warburg was a jewish banker/usurer. He was not a senator.

    12. Muckraker Says:

      Newe Dutch: I stand corrected, and thank you. It was Senator Aldrich. By the way, was he jewish, and if not surely one of the biggest traitors to Whites of all time?

      “Accompanying Senator Aldrich at the Hoboken station were his private secretary, Shelton; A. Piatt Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and Special Assistant of the National Monetary Commission; Frank Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, Henry P. Davison, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company, and generally regarded as Morgan’s personal emissary; and Charles D. Norton, president of the Morgan-dominated First National Bank of New York. Joining the group just before the train left the station were Benjamin Strong, also known as a lieutenant of J.P. Morgan; and Paul Warburg, a recent immigrant from Germany who had joined the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb.”


      Many of the details of Whistleblower’s awesome rendition of those fateful days of subterfuge are actually found repeated in the above link. The pains that were undertaken to shroud this nation-plundering, pocket-lining diabolical conspiracy in secret were astounding, and quite possibly understood by only like-minded psychopaths.