14 January, 2008

Itz Tough Being a Nazi

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 1:58 pm | Permanent Link
Not only are you responsible for all the things you didn’t do, you’re responsible for all the things jews do do! Oy gewalt. They say a good index of a man’s character is how he treats those who can’t fight back. Well, the nazis are all in the grave. Perhaps that is why conservative and libertarian cowards abuse their name, since they are too afraid to call jews who can fight back jews. So they take the cur’s way out, and call the jews nazis. It’s hard to take a man who calls himself a freedom advocate seriously when he censors himself out of fear, but that is precisely what every single one of the top libertarians does – Lew Rockwell does it, Thomas DiLorenzo does it, Ron Paul does it, Justin Raimondo does it – and all their lessers do it too. So with the conservatives – Paul Craig Roberts calls jews nazis, so do the writers at Chronicles and The American Conservative. The simple fact is that jews control America, and that the leaders of the respectable right are defined by their fear of speaking and writing this simple truth. As long as they toe the jew’s verbal line, the cowed right will be allowed to offer their feeble resistance, and keep on drawing their federal pension (501c3 status). The other requirement is that these cowardly lyin’s join their screams to the jews’ when encountering the unafraid. Verily I say unto you, no progress can be made until a man lose his fear of the jews. Psychic freedom precedes the fight for political freedom. Mental liberation is achieved only by calling things by their proper name. If a jew did it, then call the jew a jew. It is an easily demonstrable fact that jews control America’s government and her media, and they use that control to demonize anybody who stands athwart their agenda. Speak, write, and work against the jews, and never call them anything but what they are. They are not liberals, they are not commies, they are not leftists, they are not conservatives, they are not neocons – they are jews. They are our enemy. Know them, hate them, fight them. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS.

  • 12 Responses to “Itz Tough Being a Nazi”

    1. Curt Maynard Says:

      Itz Tough Being a Nazi.

      Yes it is, just ask Ernst Zundel, a man that refuses to bow to the Jew.

    2. Marwinsing Says:

      Damn right! — ugh sorry — meant correct, Alex.

    3. Cormac Says:


    4. S.S. Panzerstuffelwagenoberlieutenantsturmfuhrer Says:

      Jesus Fucking Christ, how about laying off Ron Paul? You yourself have achieved exactly, precisely ZERO in your “life” as a wannabe political operative & revolutionary. You have no idea of what Ron Paul is doing, or why. Nor are you able to fathom the ramifications and opportunities for people of European descent.

      If Ron Paul isn’t elected President, you and your elite cadre of rathskeller loudmouths are going to have your swastika-print underwear jammed in your mouths as you’re gang-raped by Negroes and Puerto Ricans in a FEMA detention camp.

    5. John Says:

      ‘Speak, write, and work against the jews, and never call them anything but what they are.
      They are not liberals, they are not commies, they are not leftists, they are not conservatives, they are not neocons – they are jews. They are our enemy. Know them, hate them, fight them. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS.’

      True words of wisdom!

    6. Heather Blue Says:

      I adore Ron Paul. He is the dearest sort of person trying to do the best he can under the circumstances. Compared to the other candidates he is a giant. I went over to Pat Buchanan’s website and watched the video of his interview with Laura Ingraham. You have to scroll down a few times. http://www.buchanan.org/blog

      She tried to shout him down, but he gave back as good as he got. Bravo, Dr. Paul.

      It would be nice to have a leader on the order of a Gen. George Patton, but Ron Paul is what’ve got. God gave us a sweet elderly doctor who – in spite of his age and kind heart – knows his stuff. Since he is who God gave us then Dr. Paul is the right person.

      Shutting down the Federal Reserve would be only the beginning of putting a stop to the Jews fleeching the white people. As a matter of fact, the Jews and the Federal Reserve should make reparations for all the money they have swindled since 1913.

    7. Hoosier Says:

      # S.S. Panzerstuffelwagenoberlieutenantsturmfuhrer Says:
      14 January, 2008 at 8:56 pm

      If Ron Paul isn’t elected President, you and your elite cadre of rathskeller loudmouths are going to have your swastika-print underwear jammed in your mouths as you’re gang-raped by Negroes and Puerto Ricans in a FEMA detention camp.”

      Phora Fag, please stop “projecting” your homoerotic fantasies onto Vnners. Thank you!

    8. GrandMaster oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      “S.S. Panzerstuffelwagenoberlieutenantsturmfuhrer”:
      …..how about laying off Ron Paul? You yourself have achieved exactly, precisely ZERO in your “life” as a wannabe political operative & revolutionary. You have no idea of what Ron Paul is doing, or why. Nor are you able to fathom the ramifications and opportunities for people of European descent.

      If Ron Paul isn’t elected President, you and your elite cadre of rathskeller loudmouths are going to have your swastika-print underwear jammed in your mouths as you’re gang-raped by Negroes and Puerto Ricans in a FEMA detention camp

      WRONG, cunt!….if Dr Paul “goes under”, then the last chance for the ‘usual suspects’ & their fellow travellers goes with it!…..he is actually “the final straw” for the Old Order to continue!……but ZOG’s just too fckn stoopid to see that!…. when he goes…..then WE ‘cut loose’…..no holds barred!

      it won’t be us in FEMA camps, dip-shit!

      it’ll be niggas and jews being dis-membered in the streets by angry Aryans in great, big bleeding batches and then FED TO PIGz & fckn DOGz!…..these fuck-‘tard ZOG bots will have un-leashed a fckn tsunami that they cannot hope to control….the searing, terrible anger of the White Race aroused to a killing fury…..modern-day Vikings whom no power on the face of this Earth can stop!

    9. S.D. Says:

      Have you ever bothered posting something like this at Chronicles’ site? How do they respond?

    10. Commander Melcur Says:

      If ya’ll don’t get the Vnnforum up and running ASAQP, as much as I like you guys, it’ll be “up against the wall.”

    11. abe foxman Says:

      Being a National Socialist is a spiritual journey. It transcends the religious and firmly places ones beliefs in a common identity of brotherhood.
      That said, I look at the nouveau lot that proclaim NS identity yet wonder exactly how far their commitment would have taken them into Russia…..

    12. Bill White Says:

      Well said.

      At the dinner that Paul attended, they referred to Jews as “Hawaiians”.
