29 January, 2008

Cops These Days

Posted by Socrates in feminism, General Decline, jewed law, Socrates at 4:11 pm | Permanent Link

Did women become police officers based on their abilities? No. They became police officers based on special laws and regulations that gave them artificial advantages in the hiring process. Women have no business being cops:


  • 14 Responses to “Cops These Days”

    1. Britain Quinn Says:

      The headline of the linked article is hilarious. Women have no place in the armed forces as well.

    2. Ein Says:

      That’s why most of them soon get assigned to some clerical do-nothing “job” where they can talk all day on the phone and polish their nails. Believe me, I hear it from someone who knows. These are make-work jobs, that allow persons like that policewoman the dignity of collecting a paycheck instead of a welfare check. And then the government can claim that they’re working instead of on the dole. It’s just semantics, and everyone looks good.

      Even when on patrol, she drives or handles the paperwork, while the male officer handles the tough jobs. He’s got a double responsibility because he has to look out for himself and take care of her too. And if he finds himself in a bad situation, he can’t look to her for much help.

    3. Muckraker Says:

      I think women as police officers endanger whoever they partner with too. It’s not fair for the male officers to be paired with females. And if they’re black and female, there’s another reason it may cost you your life.

      This being the cesspool known as New Orleans made me think of yet another known notorious first for blacks. The first black female police officer, Antoinette Frank, to murder a fellow white police officer who’d foolishly helped her (even though he despised her, and was angry that his commanding officer paired him with her) get an off-duty job in a Vietnamese restaurant where he too worked and two of the benevolent Asian employees (who she took complete advantage of everytime she “worked” there) when she returned the favor by robbing and murdering them. The asian employees prayed and begged for their lives as she killed them in cold blood. Incredibly, one of the females hid in a cooler and one of her relatives who’d escaped out-the-door called police. Incredibly, Frank who’d left with her thug friend, returned to the scene to hunt down and murder the escaped employee. The cops had already arrived, and one while sitting at the table with the hysterical survivor became aware that she was fingering Frank (now back in the restaurant) as the murderer/robber.

      It’s a story well worth reading especially since she’d been hired despite failing the psychological test administered for new hires. Affirmative action trumps all. Moreover it was strongly suspected she’d murdered her father. And did I mention how she would “work” by driving around with her gangbanger friend in tow? And all the usual hi-jinks that typically comes with black employees? As for this black “heroine” cop, cry me a river Leonard Pitts. Link provided to crime library:


    4. john a. whiteman Says:

      Dead nigger sow…dead cwop. Who cares?

    5. America First Says:

      I have read three Newspaper stories that I can remember in the last 7 years where a female cop ran away or dropped her gun when the male was shot etc.

    6. America First Says:

      I read a news story about a Congoid S.S. female employee driving in to Chicago going too fast over some pot holes or something that caused the trunk to pop open throwing out automatic weapons on the the hiway etc., and if I remember correctly she had left some party where she had be drinking etc.

    7. Sancho von Octoroon Says:

      Women shouldn’t be cops and they shouldn’t be in the military and they shouldn’t have the right to vote either. Women aren’t equal and they contribute to more subtle and cunning forms of social destruction than men could ever imagine. Women are great though, it’s a mixed bag with everybody, and I’m no misogynist but women who have the “goods” from nature not having babies is wrecking the white race completely and the overall quality of the human race in general. The modern brainwashed women are making life Hell for men in some ways too today, and enough is enough. White men need to put an end to all the psycho-liberal Judeo-Masonic-Illuminati-Luciferian-Molochoid-Rothschild-Rockefeller – U.N. destruction at some point.

    8. GrandMaster oberführer double diamond jim! Says:

      certain ‘tards on the “forum” have “bought into” the femi-twat-ocracy by proclaiming that they would never let a strange white man be alone with their kids or talk to them…..ZOG-bots is a correct definition of such!…..the “demonising” of hetero-sexual white males as potential child molesters if not serial killers is, of course, a major ZOG strategem implemented @ “the coal face” by their running dogz in the femi-twat-ocracy….such bald-faced proclamations by such tards plonks them fairly & squarely in the same basket as “race traitors”, “wiggers” & “neo-cons”!

    9. M. Kraus Says:

      I don’t see any woman in this story. I see a female nigger beast, but no woman.

    10. -jc Says:

      30-something years ago, the stats were that two-man units were no safer than one-man units: The theory is that one takes less chances alone. I’d like to see that statistics on units with one man and one woman and with one-woman units. I’m not real cynical about some women in law enforcement and think that they can be effective but that they will end up shooting more people because they are less likely to overpower those they are arresting. Then again, it is ego that causes men to fight other men; in good police work there is never any question about who is in control. Firefights while on patrol almost always result from stupidity or an unusual situation which, if handled properly, do not result in being cornered and having to shoot it out without backup.

      In my estimation, this young Black woman likely did a number of things wrong, including not getting a large man on the ground with his hands behind his back before approaching him. That approach often results from overconfidence and trying to prove something to others. Pride goeth before the fall.

    11. Mick Says:

      Women are a bunch of Commies and Marx. In most general elections, 70% of women will vote Left/Socialist while 70% of men will vote Right/Nationalist.

    12. Muckraker Says:

      Soncho von Octoroon: I am inclined to agree with you, and I am a woman.

      Mick’s numerical claims, if true, are a pretty darn good reason why.

    13. Marwinsing Says:

      I see female cops sometimes being used as political pawns.

      Example: That rotten kaffir-scoundrel police-commissioner in South Africa (and now-resigned head of Interpol) one Jackie Selebi, uses a white policewoman – Sally de Beer – to cover up for his shenanigans. Whitey, once again doing the dirty work. Also, recently we witnessed the cruel gang-rape and subsequent stoning to death of a gorgeous Afrikaner female cop by kaffir-mongrels. She trusted too much and was caught off-guard while going for a jog with a group of other female cops, decided to run a bit further than the others, never came back.

      Female cops: only in exceptional circumstances (eg: rape victims, searching females) – but not per this current quota-bullshit-story.

    14. John White Says:

      Friend of mine who owned a shooting ranch accurately coined them as “Cop Chicks.” I prefer Cop Cunts as they almost always have mental problems that cause them to be supreme bitches much favored by the JEWS that run most law enforcement agencies. 88