30 January, 2008

Canada Pulls Out of UN Racism Conference

Posted by Socrates in jewish hate & hypocrisy, Socrates, Zionism at 12:15 am | Permanent Link

This is sort of funny since Zionism – i.e., Jewish imperialism – is racism and was even labeled as such by the UN in 1975 [1]:


[1] UN General Assembly Resolution 3379, November 1975. The resolution was revoked in December 1991

  • 4 Responses to “Canada Pulls Out of UN Racism Conference”

    1. Mark Says:

      If it’s unclear who’s running the show…

      “Canada has withdrawn its support for a U.N. anti-racism conference scheduled to take place in South Africa next year after deeming it to be anti-Israel, a government official said Wednesday.

      The so-called Durban II conference “has gone completely off the rails” and Canada wants no part of it, said Jason Kenney, Canada’s secretary of state for multiculturalism and Canadian identity.

      “We’ll attend any conference that is opposed to racism and intolerance, not those that actually promote racism and intolerance,” he said.”

      Tail wagging the dog as it were.

      Apparently Canadian identity is now Jewish identity.

    2. Stronza Says:

      This is just mean gossip I’m passing along: Jason Kenney is known in these parts as Lardy Boy, and also (since he’s a Catholic, I believe) for making a big deal about his virginity. He is one of a group of bushytailed ambitious younger Tories derisively referred to as Little Shits™.

    3. Muckraker Says:

      OTTAWA (AP) — Canada has withdrawn its support for a U.N. anti-racism conference scheduled to take place in South Africa next year after deeming it to be anti-Israel, a government official said Wednesday.

      Let me get this straight…Canada is pulling out of a conference in South Africa whose besieged 4 million Whites are falling to the same fate the befell their White Rhodesian brethren (with nary an invitation in the offing for asylum and refuge in the West), and Canada is fretting over perceived anti-Israel SENTIMENTS.

      By God, this again illustrates that there needs to be more than just anti-Israeli/Zionists sentiments. And sure as hell not from the U.N.

    4. Bobby Says:

      Senator: U.S. to boycott UN anti-racism meet due to anti-Israel agenda

      A U.S. senator says the United States has decided not to attend next year’s follow-up to the 2001 United Nations World Conference on Racism because the panel seems certain to repeat anti-Semitic and anti-Israel positions of the original gathering.

      The United States and Israel walked out of that conference, which ended two days before the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks on the United States. A State Department spokesman, Karl Duckworth, said Wednesday no decision had been made whether to stay away from the second conference.
