24 January, 2008

Britons Finally Waking Up to the Jews?

Posted by Socrates in England, jewed culture, Socrates, Zionism at 1:49 pm | Permanent Link

After years of Jewish control of the UK, is this the beginning of a trend? [1]:


[1] more about Jews and the UK: “England of 1938 is not the England of 1914 because she is no longer controlled by Britons. Ever since the war the Jewish power has been growing”

  • 6 Responses to “Britons Finally Waking Up to the Jews?”


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      Attorney: King would battle new fronts today
      StoryDiscussionFont Size: Default font size Larger font size BY CARMEN McCOLLUM
      [email protected]
      219.662.5337 | Tuesday, January 22, 2008 | No comments posted.

      WEST LAFAYETTE | An award-winning civil rights attorney believes if Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today he would be at the forefront of the battle fighting for illegal immigrants.

      Morris Dees, co-founder and chief counsel of the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center, was the featured speaker of Purdue University’s 2008 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration: Affirming the Dream XIII, Walk the Talk.

      Dees said critics charge that immigrants, legal and illegal, are taking jobs away from Americans and bringing disease to the United States, yet these people “have paid into the Social Security system and will never see a dime back.” Dees said Americans fear change.

      “My people came from Ireland, starving and looking for a new life,” Dees said. “When they got here, they were roundly criticized for not being able to speak the language. It took 100 years before the grandson of an Irish immigrant became the president of the United States. I don’t think it will take 100 years before the grandson of a Latino becomes president.”

      Dees said he believes King would lead the march for those people who are “the least among us.”

      The attorney related the case of a group of Vietnamese fishermen who settled near Galveston, Texas and eventually cornered the market making more than the American fishermen.

      He said those American fishermen hired Ku Klux Klansmen to help them fight the Vietnamese by burning them out. Dees said the Vietnamese fishermen wanted to drop the lawsuit, but he spoke to dozens of them and their families convincing them to fight and telling them the story of Martin Luther King Jr. and the battles he faced.

      Dees, who won that case, said there still are many challenges for migrants, and many of them are mistreated and pistol-whipped when they cross the borders.

      Dees said giant corporations are paying migrant workers a pittance compared to what they would pay American workers. He said next to Latino workers, the largest group of migrants are Canadians.

      If King were here today, he would tell you he didn’t do it alone and the Southern Poverty Law Center doesn’t do it alone, Dees said.

      He said King had a front row seat to history, and he told students, they, too, have a front row seat. Dees challenged them to continue the fight for fairness and justice — on the health front, in gender bias, and for people of color and homosexuals.

      Purdue freshman Melanie Gibson, of Gary, said she, too, believes King would be at the forefront of the fight for migrant workers, working to improve the way immigrants are treated when they enter the United States and the laws that protect them.

      Prior to Dees lecture, Alysa Rollock, Purdue’s vice president for human relations, congratulated 210 students for “not sleeping in,” but instead using their time volunteering in the community.

      She presented the Dreamer Award, in appreciation of an someone who embodies Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of service to others, to Brenda Coulson, director of human resources, housing and food services at Purdue.

      Purdue’s popular Black Voices of Inspiration entertained the hundreds of people at the event with black spirituals, concluding with “We Shall Overcome.”

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    2. Nigger beater Says:

      Wonder if they will ever have the gang problems the US has. Has anyone watched the History channel shows about nigger gangs? My god, that’s enough to warrant deporting them.

    3. Ein Says:

      Do I understand that Moses Dies is presenting himself at Purdue as the “grandson of an Irish immigrant”?
      Who were the other grandparents?
      I have always said that the hybrid Jew is the most devious and the most dangerous.

    4. Anglo-celt Says:

      Nesta Webster was misinformed. Britain hasn’t been ruled by English since 1688 when the legitimate King, James II, was overthrown, and the Jewish hireling William of Orange installed.
      Jewish control increased steadily since the founding of the misnamed Bank of England in 1689, a front for Jewish financial interests.

    5. Ein Says:

      “Britain hasn’t been ruled by English[men] since 1688 when the legitimate King, James II, was overthrown, and the Jewish hireling, William of Orange installed.”

      Interesting observation. You have given me cause for some second thoughts. I rember reading somewhere, years ago, that William’s administration was much resented in England because he brought along with him a whole train of “advisors” and administrators from the Netherlands, to the extent that the “English” government seemed to have been taken over by foreigners. I didn’t give any further attention to that statement then, and I assumed they were all Dutchmen. Now, I am taking a second look at that remark.

    6. Ein Says:

      On further thought, the majority of them probably were real Dutchmen, I suppose (this would have made them acceptable at court) – but in the service of whom?

      The Netherlands had been — since the Spanish and Portuguese Jews settled there after being evicted from Portugal in 1497 and 1506 — the new center for Jewish activities in Europe and had become a catspaw for Jewish interests. Amsterdam became “The Jerusalem of the North”, replacing Lisbon, and before that Venice, in commercial pre-eminence … the New York of its day. The Netherlands also, very soon after the Jews’ arrival, became aflame with rebellion against Spain and the Church. It also detached itself from the German Empire, which it had been part of since Charlemagne, and became an independent entity. Any mere accident?

      Amsterdam gained the world’s first stock exchange (1602). And the Dutch East India Company (in Dutch, the VOC), founded with many Jewish backers, was “the first multi-national corporation in the world and the first to issue stock “[Wikipedia] . It became the most fabulously profitable company in the history of the world. For 200 years it paid an incredible 18% dividend, sometimes much more. Amsterdam Jews must have been flush with money, money that was available to bankroll William and “conquer” England (a second time).

      “The Amsterdam Stock Exchange, created in 1602, became the first official stock exchange when it began trading shares of the Dutch East India Company. These were the first company shares ever issued. ” http://www.advfn.com/StockExchanges.html

      “Among the early shareholders of the VOC, immigrants played an important role…. of whom Isaäc le Maire was the largest subscriber with ƒ85,000. VOC’s total capitalization was ten times that of its British rival.” [Wiki] One of its first directors, known for his cruelty and utter ruthlessness, who pushed it to dominance in the East Indies, was Jan Coen.

      In 1596, a group of Dutch merchants decided to try to circumvent the Portuguese monopoly. A four-ship expedition set out for Indonesia. …Half the crew were lost before the expedition made it back to the Netherlands the following year, but with enough spices to make a considerable profit.

      After 1598, an increasing number of fleets were sent out . Some [entire] fleets were lost, but most were successful, some wildly so. In March 1599, a fleet of twenty-two ships …was the first Dutch fleet to reach the ‘Spice Islands’. The ships returned to Europe in 1599 and 1600, and although eight ships were lost, the expedition made a 400 percent profit.

      “In 1619, J.P. Coen was appointed Governor-General of the East India Company (VOC). He was not afraid to use brute force. He was strict with his subordinates and merciless with his opponents. His willingness to use violence to obtain his ends was too much for many, even for such a relatively violent period in history. With a force of nineteen ships, Coen stormed Jayakarta driving out the Banten forces, and from the ashes, established Batavia as his headquarters Almost the entire native population …was deported, driven away, starved to death, or killed in an attempt to replace them with Dutch colonial slave labour. [Africans?] He also set about establishing a monopoly over the trade in nutmeg and mace, found only on Banda. The inhabitants had been selling the spices to the English. In 1621, he led an armed expedition to Banda, taking the island by force. Most of the inhabitants were killed or exiled to other islands. Methods used to maintain the monopoly included violent suppression of the native population, not stopping short of extortion and mass murder.” [Wiki]

      “By 1669, theVOC was the richest private company the world had ever seen, with over 150 merchant ships, 40 warships, 50,000 employees, a private army of 10,000 soldiers, and a dividend payment of 40%.” [Wiki]

      Jews supplied the capital and Dutchmen supplied the brawn and wits that fought the Spanish and Portuguese empires around the world, largely replacing them with Dutch (ie. Jewish) control. The Dutch flag became a front for Jewish interests.

      But despite the courage of the Dutch seamen, and the industry of its population at home, Holland was too small to hold its own in an expanding world. During the constant European wars, Holland could be sealed off by France or Britain from the open Atlantic and thus from its source of wealth. Dutch ships had to go north along the Norwegian coast and then far around Scotland to reach the Atlantic — a long and risky route for sailing ships. After some near-ruinous wars in the 1600s with Louis XIV of France, and three costly Anglo-Dutch Wars with Britain (losing New Amsterdam, for instance), it was realized by the commercial /banking interests of Amsterdam that they needed a larger arena in which to operate, and that London was the best situated to provide it.