26 December, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – December 25th 2007

Posted by Archives in Announce, audio, VNNB, VNNB-Tuesday at 9:53 am | Permanent Link

Tonight on FTL – Dec 25… “You’awl-tide Day”

  • “Bang-bang-bang!!!” — TKB (typical kaffir behaviour) — the newsual suspects
  • what REALLY happened – a bit of S.A. history and the downfall of the Apartheid Govt
  • conversations with bad boy Mishko Novosel – “how can we make things better?”

Merry XXXmas. See all you there!

  • 33 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – December 25th 2007”


      December 26, 2007
      Los Angeles Combating Gangs Gone International
      LOS ANGELES — Two gangs that originated on the streets here have grown so large in El Salvador that there are two prisons in that country devoted exclusively to their members, one for each gang, according to officials who traveled there recently to meet with the local authorities.
      That is just one measure of the way gangs in this city with the worst gang problem in the United States have bolstered their presence in Mexico and Central America, where they attract new members eager to come here. The growth in their transnational networks has made these criminal organizations all the more worrisome, officials say.
      “These gangs are the new and emerging organized crime in America,” said Bruce Riordan, director of anti-gang operations for the Los Angeles city attorney’s office.
      Last week the federal government and Los Angeles County undertook a joint attack on transnational gangs by charging 23 incarcerated gang members with the felony offense of re-entering the United States after being deported. The men, in their 20s and 30s, had been awaiting release from state prisons or city jails where they were serving time for a variety of offenses. They now face up to 20 more years in federal prison if convicted.
      Prison sweeps like last week’s are the latest phase in a two-year-old program to identify transnational gang members in Southern California who have violated immigration law, said Jim Hayes, a field officer here for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
      Though a majority of gang members are American citizens, the large number of deportations of those who are not has facilitated cross-border movement that abets transnational gang expansion, said Gary Hearnsberger, chief of the Hardcore Gang Division at the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office…


      Illegal switchblade carrying shitskins packing their rags in their bags and leaving Arizona
      Story Highlights
      Illegal mestizos, facing new law cracking down on corrupt employers, are going home

      Arizona’s new employer-sanctions law takes effect January 1

      Law an attempt to “lessen the economic incentive” for illegal spics

      Hector Ramon Lupe Javier Francisco Jemenez, Jr: “I don’t want to live here anymore because of the new law which will take my Santa Claus out of my everyday Christmas”
      by Andrei Yustschinsky, AP Correspondent

      PHOENIX, Arizona (Associated Pricks) — Illegal beaners in Arizona, frustrated with a flagging economy due to George Wanker Bush’s wars for Israel and tough new legislation cracking down on their corrupt employers, are returning to their home countries or trying fuck off in other states.

      For months, mestizo invaders have taken a wait-and-see attitude toward the state’s new employer-sanctions law, which takes effect January 1. The voter-approved legislation is an attempt to “lessen the economic incentive” for illegal illegals in Arizona, the busiest crossing point along the U.S.-Mexico border.

      And by all appearances, it’s starting to work.

      “People are calling me telling me about their friend, their kissing cousins, their neighbors — they’re moving back to Mexico,” said Magdalena Schwartz, an immigrant-rights activist fool and pastor at a Mesa church. “They don’t want to live without a 60 inch Sony LCD TV set or just a little discomfert.”

      Martin Herrera, a 40-year-old illegal spic and masonry loafer who lives in Camp Verde, 70 miles north of Phoenix, said he is planning to return to Mexico as soon as he ties up the family he’s currently robbing in home invasion.

      “I don’t want to live here because of the new law and the “oppressive” environment,” he said. “I’ll be better in my country.”

      He called the employer-sanctions law “absurd.”

      “Everybody here, illegally or illegally, we are part of a motor that makes this country shut down,” Herrera said. “Once we leave, the motor is going to restart and speed up.”

      There’s no way to know how many illegal illigals are leaving Arizona, especially now with many returning home for normal holiday visits. But self-proclaimed pseudo-economists, shyster kike and Gentile immigration lawyers and people who work to exploit the shitskin community agree it’s happening.

      State Rep. Russell Pearce of Mesa, the author of the employer sanctions law, said his intent was to drive illegal spics out of Arizona.

      “I’m hoping they will self-deport,” Pearce said. “They broke the law. They’re all natural born criminals.”

      Under the employer sanctions law, businesses found to have knowingly hired illegal loafers will be subject to sanctions from probation to a 10-day suspension of their business licenses. A second violation would bring an 11-day suspension.

      Nancy-Jo Merritt, an immigration lawyer who primarily represents employers, said her clients already have started to fire loafers who can’t prove they are in the country legally.

      “Loafers are being fired, of course,” she said. “Nobody wants to find out later on that they’ve got somebody loafing for them who’s not here legally.”

      When immigrant invaders don’t have jobs, they don’t stick around, said Dawn McLaren, a research economist at Arizona State University who specializes in illegal invasion.

      She said the flagging economy, particularly in the construction industry, also is contributing to a mestizo exodus.

      “As the jobs dwindle and the environment becomes more unpleasant in more ways than zero, you then decide what to do, and perhaps leaving looks like a good idea,” she said. “And certainly that creates a problem, because as people leave, they take the jobs they created with them.”

      Pearce disagreed that the Arizona economy will suffer after illegal immigrants leave, saying there will be less drug trafficking, lower taxes, less congestion, less stabbings, less e-coli, less public defecation and urination, less drive-by shootings, less car and taxi jackings, less pregnant 12 year old mestizo females, smaller classroom sizes of mestizos that don’t learn goddamn thing and shorter lines in emergency rooms due to gang shootings and stabbings.

      “We have a free market. It’ll adjust,” he said. “White Americans will be much better off.”

      He said he’s not surprised illegal beaners are leaving the state and predicts that more will go once the employer-sanctions law takes effect next month.

      “It’s attrition by enforcement,” he said. “As you make this an unfriendly state for natural born lawbreakers, I’m hoping they will pick up, leave and STAY THE FUCK OUT.”

      Copyright 2007 The Associated Pricks. All rights not resoived.This material can and will be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

      Illegal switchblade carrying shitskins packing their rags in their bags and leaving Arizona
      Story Highlights
      Illegal mestizos, facing new law cracking down on corrupt employers, are going home

      Arizona’s new employer-sanctions law takes effect January 1

      Law an attempt to “lessen the economic incentive” for illegal spics

      Hector Ramon Lupe Javier Francisco Jemenez, Jr: “I don’t want to live here anymore because of the new law which will take my Santa Claus out of my everyday Christmas”
      by Andrei Yustschinsky, AP Correspondent

      PHOENIX, Arizona (Associated Pricks) — Illegal beaners in Arizona, frustrated with a flagging economy due to George Wanker Bush’s wars for Israel and tough new legislation cracking down on their corrupt employers, are returning to their home countries or trying fuck off in other states.

      For months, mestizo invaders have taken a wait-and-see attitude toward the state’s new employer-sanctions law, which takes effect January 1. The voter-approved legislation is an attempt to “lessen the economic incentive” for illegal illegals in Arizona, the busiest crossing point along the U.S.-Mexico border.

      And by all appearances, it’s starting to work.

      “People are calling me telling me about their friend, their kissing cousins, their neighbors — they’re moving back to Mexico,” said Magdalena Schwartz, an immigrant-rights activist fool and pastor at a Mesa church. “They don’t want to live without a 60 inch Sony LCD TV set or just a little discomfert.”

      Martin Herrera, a 40-year-old illegal spic and masonry loafer who lives in Camp Verde, 70 miles north of Phoenix, said he is planning to return to Mexico as soon as he ties up the family he’s currently robbing in home invasion.

      “I don’t want to live here because of the new law and the “oppressive” environment,” he said. “I’ll be better in my country.”

      He called the employer-sanctions law “absurd.”

      “Everybody here, illegally or illegally, we are part of a motor that makes this country shut down,” Herrera said. “Once we leave, the motor is going to restart and speed up.”

      There’s no way to know how many illegal illigals are leaving Arizona, especially now with many returning home for normal holiday visits. But self-proclaimed pseudo-economists, shyster kike and Gentile immigration lawyers and people who work to exploit the shitskin community agree it’s happening.

      State Rep. Russell Pearce of Mesa, the author of the employer sanctions law, said his intent was to drive illegal spics out of Arizona.

      “I’m hoping they will self-deport,” Pearce said. “They broke the law. They’re all natural born criminals.”

      Under the employer sanctions law, businesses found to have knowingly hired illegal loafers will be subject to sanctions from probation to a 10-day suspension of their business licenses. A second violation would bring an 11-day suspension.

      Nancy-Jo Merritt, an immigration lawyer who primarily represents employers, said her clients already have started to fire loafers who can’t prove they are in the country legally.

      “Loafers are being fired, of course,” she said. “Nobody wants to find out later on that they’ve got somebody loafing for them who’s not here legally.”

      When immigrant invaders don’t have jobs, they don’t stick around, said Dawn McLaren, a research economist at Arizona State University who specializes in illegal invasion.

      She said the flagging economy, particularly in the construction industry, also is contributing to a mestizo exodus.

      “As the jobs dwindle and the environment becomes more unpleasant in more ways than zero, you then decide what to do, and perhaps leaving looks like a good idea,” she said. “And certainly that creates a problem, because as people leave, they take the jobs they created with them.”

      Pearce disagreed that the Arizona economy will suffer after illegal immigrants leave, saying there will be less drug trafficking, lower taxes, less congestion, less stabbings, less e-coli, less public defecation and urination, less drive-by shootings, less car and taxi jackings, less pregnant 12 year old mestizo females, smaller classroom sizes of mestizos that don’t learn goddamn thing and shorter lines in emergency rooms due to gang shootings and stabbings.

      “We have a free market. It’ll adjust,” he said. “White Americans will be much better off.”

      He said he’s not surprised illegal beaners are leaving the state and predicts that more will go once the employer-sanctions law takes effect next month.

      “It’s attrition by enforcement,” he said. “As you make this an unfriendly state for natural born lawbreakers, I’m hoping they will pick up, leave and STAY THE FUCK OUT.”

      Copyright 2007 The Associated Pricks. All rights not resoived.This material can and will be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

    3. clan bigot Says:

      ole pearce is an OK guy !!!! Wish he would go TDY to Wash.DC for 1 month !! Then on to JEW YARK SHITTY,etc.etc.

    4. James Hawthorne Says:

      It was great to be on the broadcast with Stan and Jim. I hope my Yuletide spirit helped the show. It was early UK time.

      In this end of year festival, it is always good to reflect on the year past and look forward to the adventures in the coming year.

      If we can look back on the year and we have not moved forward, then it was a wasted year. VNN Broadcasting is moving ahead. More programming, the main page updated regular, more responsive moderators on the forum.

      Yet we need to look to 2008 how can we improve VNN ? That is the QUESTION – not ALSO for Alex – but us all involved in this great Aryan project.

      Well, more programming on VNN Broadcasting, more intelligent invetive on the front page, more intelligent posts on the forum, more Aryan interest stories, more revolutionary insight in a future we cry out for… More new ideas .. The Aryan mind is only limitless in our imagination, lets move our imaginations forward!

      Lets make 2008 a year of further progress and a year of boundries broken … Always remember OUR RACE DEPENDS ON IT!

    5. Marwinsing Says:

      *confession* ALL the above posts give me a feeling in my heart that to retaliate to, or describe with words, would be a feeble attempt at NOTHING. A HUGE SALUTE to all White Nationalist guys and gals, let us recharge our batteries for this forthcoming year 2008 – and KICK ASS!!!
      Love, dark Mark who barks from The Dark Continent.

    6. New America Says:

      At about 84, Mark hits the big issue that few dare to address in a remotely constructive manner, if at all.

      What do we do next, why, and how?

      If you have noted, the “Christian/non-Christian/’Pagan” controversy has not been resolved, and will not be resolved.

      Nor SHOULD it be resolved.

      Only the Christians, including those of Christian heritage, are actually moving the ball down the field; all others are simply engaged in the functional equivalent of passive aggression – a Feminine response (Jew-inspired, of course) to the Masculine Assertiveness that is at the spiritual foundation of Christianity.

      Most critics of Christianity criticize Christianity at the Institutional level, as do I.

      That does not change the fact that the best of “Pagan Northern Europe” was transformed by Christianity, and formed new Churches out of the rubble of the archaic past.

      The enormous energy that was freed up – as Christianity was the glue that bound the warring tribes in common purpose – manifested in the political, technical and economic marvels that became Northern Europe, then, and America, now.

      So, the critics of Christianity have a positive duty to offer something better, and PROVE it is better, for our RACE.

      Again = “Pagan” faiths, united in a Christian spiritual framework, provided Christianity with the fruitful soil it needed to spout fruitful seed.

      So, essentially, ignore the critics of Christianity, and, with that as our theme…

      White Nationalism was the next topic Mark addressed.

      Why has it “failed,” in its current form, from when the Klan could out hundreds of thousands of feet on the street?

      Great question.

      I think the Second Klan was formed as a response to the economic transforming the South, with the “divide and conquer” tactics that are the hallmark of the demonic Goddamned Jews.

      It organized, functionally, along economic lines – much like the Masonic Lodges, if you will.

      Mass communications – television, in particular – essentially replaced and displaced its position, and neutralized its effectiveness.

      The indifference of the membership following the economic growth of World War II, and the post-War economic system, also worked to weaken the Second Klan…

      I have argued that White Nationalism is the functional equivalent of a religion, and the conversion process for both are remarkably similar.

      One morning, you realize things are horribly wrong, and you ACCEPT that Insight; the problem is not YOU, it IS “them.”

      You move forward from there.

      Harold Covington has defined the only feasible expansion path for us, whether or not we “take the Gap” to the Northwest, or do what we can, where we are, WHILE we can, to make our lives facsimilies of what they WOULD be if we were in a racially consciously Community in the Northwest.

      Simple as that.

      More to follow, but, as Covington noted in his novels, there is room for all true Believers in the Northwest Republic – Christian, Christian Identity, Odinist, as long as its European, it works.

      Am I the only person that sees nothing much happening with Christianity until it hit the soil of the Western Soul?

      AND, am I the only person who thinks that, if people sent half as much time improving themselves as they do criticizing Christianity, or ANY attempt to organize a better place for ourselves, we would be talking with our Regional Headquarters in Kalispell, as they advised us on how our Mars Colony is doing?


      Here’s a serious Thought Exercise:

      Write out, in daily diary form, how you would have spent this day if you were living in the RACIALLY Conscious Northwest Republic.

      Do this every day for a month.

      See what you would REALLY do with your life, if you could.

      Later, we’ll deal with what’s stopping you…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    7. MHK Says:

      Christianity’s illogical anti-nature anti-science teachings are in direct conflict with our struggle for biological survival.

      I believe christianity was one of the worst things that ever happened to our race, but I’m still willing to work with individual christians as long as they keep their bible babble to themselves and don’t try to convert me.

    8. New America Says:

      MHK wrote:

      Christianity’s illogical anti-nature anti-science teachings are in direct conflict with our struggle for biological survival.

      I believe christianity was one of the worst things that ever happened to our race, but I’m still willing to work with individual christians as long as they keep their bible babble to themselves and don’t try to convert me.

      in reply;
      Linder nailed the best answer to this issue:

      “The best rebellion is excellence.”

      Don’t worry about Christians trying to convert you; just tell them you aren’t interested, and let it go.

      This is one of the subtle issues that undermines our making any headway in forming, if only in our own hearts, the foundation of a White Homeland – all too many of us are looking for any excuse, no matter how trivial, to avoid doing ANYTHING constructive.

      All of the people who complain have a moral duty to find a better way, a better philosophy, a better tool, anything better than the status quo.

      I think they would be more credible, as critics, if they put a twenty in an envelope and mailed it to Linder.

      That, however, would require initiative – positive action, no matter how small it seems.

      So, they will create elaborate rationalizations to avoid the responsibility that is the hallmark of the Adult.

      In the meantime, an excellent place to start would be to do the Thought Exercise listed above.

      While we can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    9. New America Says:

      Incidentally, it might be useful to define Terms and Definitions, so we don’t argue at cross purposes:


      That will do, for now.

      Now, in the words of Terrible Tommy Metzger, “What have you done for your RACE today?”

      The Thought Exercise begins NOW.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    10. Hoosier Says:

      New America

      you’re an intelligent guy, and I respect your opinion. I’m not a Christian, but I find I can’t really abandon it completely either, as it is part of my personal roots, having been raised in a German/Lutheran environment, and the lessons I learned in my childhood serve me well today.

      But in the long run, I simply can’t accept that things like snakes in the garden, virgin births, talking burning bushes and floods that covered the whole earth, arks carrying a pair of every animal, etc, happened here on planet earth.

      I’m assuming you’re Christian, judging by your posts. How do you – I don’t know – force yourself to believe such things, without losing a great deal of “mind space” at the same time? Once I started looking at it from a critical eye, it all started falling apart.

      I have no wish to start yet another religious argument, but I’m curious.

    11. New America Says:

      in reply to Hoosier:

      Christianity is – I repeat, IS – the Gospels.

      Christianity as it MAY become may be seen in the Book of Revelation, written by Jesus Christ.

      Christianity’s direct religious forbearer is Zoroastrianism – see their Holy Book, about the Son, born of a Virgin, dies on the Cross, is resurrected after three days. Incidentally, the Zoroastrian priests are called the Magi…

      A lot of the foreshadowing of Christianity is discussed in a book Terrible Tommy Metzer likes to quote called “Horus Saves.”

      The Bible has a lot, written on many levels, but, frankly, it’s only purpose is to point to the Incarnation, and the Resurrection – the Gospels.

      Hell, think of the Ark LITERALLY, and you can see the Lambs come in – just the two of them -and the Lions following them in and thinking, “Damn! Free buffet on this cruise lines!”

      More to follow.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    12. New America Says:

      Incidentally, an excellent place to learn more about RACE and Christianity is christianseparatist.org. They have useful pamphlets, including one on how we got the Bible, AND they have their version of the New Testament that I find quite helpful, and insightful.

      That Christianity required the fertile soil of the Western Soul – which required Christ, as well, who used that cultural framework to transform Christianity – seems only too obvious. The Old Testament is simply, for the most part, seen as religious instruction, relentless and ruthless self-promotion by the demonic Goddamned Jews, who place themselves at the center of the story every chance they get.

      The larger issue that Mark addressed is the issue of White Nationalism. Again, I compared conversion to White Nationalism as being not unlike conversion to a new religion, and the test is simply this: White Nationalism, and Christianity, are both antithetical to the demonic damn Jews, who, in turn, are simply nodes through which the cultural process of Judaism operates.

      THAT allows the model of Harold Covington to work with institutional efficiency, and personal effectiveness; in his Northwest Republic, everything from Odinism to Christianity went, because they had the common foundation of supporting the Western Soul in its development, by being the EXACT opposite of Judaism, in both theory, and practice.

      That brings the Though Exercise to mind…

      ; )

      Remember – WE are THE Creative RACE.

      We can see the opportunities, where the Other races only see the obstacles.

      We can see them, and do something about them, with them.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    13. Hoosier Says:

      Thanks for answering, New America. I do miss going to church sometimes, I liked the social aspect, and the music, and the women look so pretty all dressed up. It’s one of the few places I can sit in a sea of white, and for a blessed hour, relax.

      Have a Happy New Year, everyone!

    14. New America Says:

      in reply to Hooiser:

      you wrote:

      Thanks for answering, New America. I do miss going to church sometimes, I liked the social aspect, and the music, and the women look so pretty all dressed up. It’s one of the few places I can sit in a sea of white, and for a blessed hour, relax.

      Have a Happy New Year, everyone!

      in reply:
      Remember, churches have become social clubs, and little else. The mainline Protestant denominations have become Unitarian in all but name, and the Methodists have become Marxist-Feminist.

      They are simply social clubs, and, frankly, the smart pastors KNOW that better than you and I.

      It’s good to go to these places, if only to be around members of your own RACE, who share, to a good degree, your demography, and your values.

      Being around pretty women in an environment where there is no pressure – or alcohol – is also nice, and a real cheap way to meet them, too!

      As to being in a “sea of White,” well, that is the deeper truth that many of the preachers do not want to discuss; when we are closest to God, Institutionally, we self-segregate along RACIAL lines.

      Heh. heh, heh!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    15. MHK Says:

      Incidentally, an excellent place to learn more about RACE and Christianity is christianseparatist.org.

      Why would you endorse an organization that advocates religious separatism?

      Religious separatism is antithetical to the idea of pan-Aryan cooperation!

    16. New America Says:

      in reply to MHK:

      you wrote:

      Incidentally, an excellent place to learn more about RACE and Christianity is christianseparatist.org.

      Why would you endorse an organization that advocates religious separatism?

      Religious separatism is antithetical to the idea of pan-Aryan cooperation!

      in reply:
      One, I am “advocating” (small “a”) christianseparatist.org as a site to learn about Christianity from a perspective of (1) Positive Racism, and (2) a Christianity that is free from the demonic forces of Judaism. In short, if you will, Judeo-Christianity without the Judeo.

      “No Jews, Just Right!”

      Two, their advocacy of religious separatism, which is supported by the New Testament, is a reflection of the spiritual separation that takes place in the Real World, every day of the week, and particularly on Friday, when the Jews go to their Babylonian temple, and Sunday, when the White RACE self-selects to go to THEIR churches, and the Other Races go to THEIR churches.

      Three, “pan-Aryan cooperation” will take care of itself, in its own way, in its own time. To trivially disparage Christianity, in whatever form it takes, in a nation whose citizens self-identify as “Christian,” is to doom yourself to political irrelevance, at the cost of the impotence of ideological purity.

      Ayn Rand had ideological purity down cold; she could never form a political organization that had any effect. Her ideas, moderated in the framework of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, provided the ideological foundation for the failed Goldwater Campaign of 1964, the successful Reagan Campaigns of 1980 and 1984, and the Ron Paul Campaign of 2008.

      Reagan was not shy in making reference to his spiritual faith, which was always discussed in Christian backdrops, but not in exclusivist Christian terms; Catholics, Methodists, one and all, could accept this “Big Tent” where their actual practice did not matter. Reagan’s HEART was in the right place, and THAT was what one and all could relate to.

      That takes us to Ron Paul.

      Linder deserves full marks for the conceptual breakthrough that makes Ron Paul our man, whether he invited us to the party in the front door, if we act like normal people, or the back door, if we act like people who consider bedsheets and pillow cases to be formal attire.

      Linder noted, by definition, FREEDOM is a White value. To elaborate on that, FREEDOM is a Western value. No other Culture values freedom in the slightest. Power, yes, but freedom, no.

      And with the freedom to CHOOSE, our people will self-select to live among White people, doing White things, and, in doing so, build Civilization.

      THAT is our ultimate goal – Civilization, which only the White RACE can Create, and develop.

      Covington nailed it – in his Northwest Republic series of novels, he noted there was room for ALL Western religions and faiths – Christianity, Odinist, Christian Identity – knowing that these religions only had power to work IF they worked for the RACE.

      If they worked AGAINST the Race, they would die for lack for fruitful soil in which to blossom.

      And THAT takes us back to Metzger’s Insight.

      In his Soliloquy of 2 April 07, Terrible Tommy noted that, if we had done our job, the Parasites would not have been able to find a foothold, much less a nation easily conquered.

      “The parasite,” Metzger noted, “only exists, and thrives, off of the dead, and the dying. They are just fulfilling their duty. Their presence warns us, from the very beginning, that we are doing something wrong. We didn’t pay attention, and now, the Parasites, like the cancer they are, are destroying the society our forbearers worked so damn hard to build out of wilderness, mountain, and desert.” (Loosely paraphrased!)

      While we argue over WHICH religious practice is the BEST religious practice for the White RACE, the Parasites took over our governmental institutions, and then our systems of governance, while Falwell and Swaggart condemned “haters.”

      Try this.

      Take a train or bus to a Northwest Republic area, like Montana.

      Just get off the bus, and walk a few blocks, and see if you don’t FEEL years younger, lighter, faster, and stronger.

      THAT is the spiritual foundation – that is the feeling of FREEDOM – that we have turned our back on in the pursuit of pleasure, and the mindless dreams of our RACIAL Enemies, the Goddamned, demonic Jews.

      That feeling of FREEDOM frees up enormous Creative energies for our people, and THAT is the fertile soil Christianity found waiting for it in Northern Europe.

      Speaking of “pan-Aryan unity,” what have you done for your RACE today?

      Did you remember to slip a twenty in an envelope for Linder?


    17. MHK Says:

      No self-respecting atheist or pagan WN is going to cooperate with someone who advocates christian separatism nor should they.

    18. New America Says:

      in reply to MHK:

      you wrote:

      No self-respecting atheist or pagan WN is going to cooperate with someone who advocates christian separatism nor should they.

      in reply:
      Any “self-respecting atheist or pagan WN” who refuses to cooperate with their RACIAL kinsmen (and kinswomen) on RACIAL projects probably deserve the social isolation, and personal ineffectiveness they deserve.

      Harold Covington has it right; his Northwest Republic allows ALL of the White RACE’s religions and spiritual practices, in a spirit of Freedom that Ron Paul would rejoice in.

      I note, incidentally, that such social isolates do not have a track record that inspires confidence in RACIAL endeavors.

      Indeed, quite the contrary.

      I suspect this is because they do not make the decisions to matter in a positive way, for their Family, or their RACE.

      So, let them go off and propound philosophical differences that would not matter, and recognize the Deeper Truth:

      They are cowards, and are looking for any reason, any rationalization, no matter how irrelevant, to justify their doing nothing.

      And why do they do nothing?

      Because they ARE nothing; at least, they do not matter because they do not do the things that matter.

      The irony is, while claiming to be great and noble Fighters for the RACE, they have been overshadowed by the deeds of people like April Gaede, who, in Covington’s phrase, “took the Gap,” and moved forward in RACIAL Faith that her RACE had a Homeland in a better land than where she was.

      I don’t ask that from the self-proclaimed, self-promoting, “self-respecting atheist or pagan WN.”


      That’s asking a Child to act like an Adult.

      I am asking them to simply do the Thought Exercise described above, and send at least twenty dollars to Alex Linder, each and every month.

      The address is at the top and bottom of your screen.

      In the meantime, let them live in their Asgardian fantasies.

      All too soon, La Republic del Norte, and the Aztlan Brotherhood, will shatter their fantasies with the harsh reality of RACE, writ larger, as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, as a universal, and universally effective, organizing principle for Mankind.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    19. MHK Says:

      We need white people who put the interests of their race first.

      Christian separatists consider their religion to be more important than their race and are opposed to pan-Aryan cooperation (that’s why they call themselves “christian separatists” as opposed to “white separatists”).

      They’re not WNs in the true sense, so if they want to separate themselves from atheist WNs, pagan WNs and non-separatist christian WNs, that’s fine with me.

      We’d be much better off without them.

    20. New America Says:

      in reply to MHK:

      you wrote:

      We need white people who put the interests of their race first.

      Christian separatists consider their religion to be more important than their race and are opposed to pan-Aryan cooperation (that’s why they call themselves “christian separatists” as opposed to “white separatists”).

      They’re not WNs in the true sense, so if they want to separate themselves from atheist WNs, pagan WNs and non-separatist christian WNs, that’s fine with me.

      We’d be much better off without them.

      in reply:
      I believe your analysis demonstrates why White Nationalism has failed so spectacularly.

      Rather than looking to the truly important things we can agree on – the primacy of RACE, First, Foremost, Forever, as an Organizing Principle for a society, you are looking at a truly marginal issue.

      Consider Covington’s correct, broad-spectrum solution, our own Nation, in our own White Homeland, the Northwest Republic.

      In such a system, AS LONG AS THE RELIGIOUS AND/OR SPIRITUAL PRACTICE DID NOT WORK AGAINST THE RACE, it is allowed. Odinist? All twenty of you, step right up. Christian Identity? All fifty of you, right over here. Christian Separatist? However many, step right up.

      That is the correct answer; there is room for all, and then some, in such a society.

      This lets us briefly address the larger issue, and that is White Nationalism as the functional equivalent of a spiritual construction.

      I have argued that accepting White Nationalism is not unlike converting to a religion. To be authentic, it takes time, and then, suddenly, you have a new explanation for all of the discordant events you had noticed previously.

      When you see RACE as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, your Mind opens to a new world, with new possibilities.

      It is YOUR RACIAL DUTY to make something out of the possibilities.

      I stand amazed at all of these people with grand Designs for the Future, who can’t find it in their power to send even twenty dollars a month to Alex Linder…

      But, they will do SOMETHING just as soon as The Conditions Are Right…

      No, they won’t.

      Not ever.

      They won’t do the simplest of things, like sending some money to Linder each and every month.

      They WON’T do the Thought Exercise I mentioned above, each and every day.

      They won’t develop their OWN Religious Community in the Northwest Republic.

      Their lives are spent in dreams of picking up the Hammer of Thor, and laying waste to their Enemies, real and imagined.

      Their lives are spent in the impotence of safe Dreams, that keep all responsibility, no matter how small, at a safe distance.

      I might not make it to the Northwest Republic.

      I have younger relatives, and I have discussed moving to the Northwest Republic in explicitly RACIAL terms, as a suggestion for them to strongly consider. As well, I have offered to pick up the costs of their scouting trip out there.

      That’s all I can do, for now.

      That, and send some money to Linder, each and every month.

      THOSE are the sort of ACTIONS that unite us, in a great RACIAL Work, and Wonder.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    21. MHK Says:

      Rather than looking to the truly important things we can agree on – the primacy of RACE, First, Foremost, Forever, as an Organizing Principle for a society, you are looking at a truly marginal issue.

      Racial unity is NOT a marginal issue.

      Racial unity and religious separatism are fundamentally incompatible with each other and can NEVER co-exist in the same space.

      Every WN leader I know of has acknowledged this fact, including Metzger and Covington.

    22. New America Says:

      in reply to MHK:

      you wrote:
      citing my post above, in part:

      Rather than looking to the truly important things we can agree on – the primacy of RACE, First, Foremost, Forever, as an Organizing Principle for a society, you are looking at a truly marginal issue.

      you replied:

      Racial unity is NOT a marginal issue.

      Racial unity and religious separatism are fundamentally incompatible with each other and can NEVER co-exist in the same space.

      Every WN leader I know of has acknowledged this fact, including Metzger and Covington.

      in reply:
      I think words are being used without clear meaning.

      There is room for ANY religion that’s spiritual foundation is derived from a White/Western context, whether it is Russian Orthodox, or Nordic Odinism, in any White society, and especially, a White Homeland.

      Racial unity allows for religious separatism, as long as the religious separatism does not undermine the Race.


      Remember, Judaism is the EXACT OPPOSITE of True Christianity.

      So, there would be no room whatsoever for the demonic spiritual practices of the hook-nosed Satanists known as Jews in a White Homeland.

      Remember, also, that Jews are the nodes through which the process of Judaism operates.

      No room for THEM, either!

      However, just as the various Christian denominations WITHIN the Christian religion go to different churches on Sunday – a “separatist” act, if ever there was one – so, too, would the various White/Western-founded religions fit together in a white Homeland, united by their common faith, and their common RACE.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    23. Hoosier Says:

      The answer seems pretty simple, and I think most of us have figured it out.

      Rule number 1

      Only white people are allowed to participate/go forward/join us/be citizens. This rule is immutable.

      Rule number 2

      This rule is subordinate to rule number 1. Participants/citizens are free to worship in any manner they see fit, as long as they do it/don’t do it with other white people/or themselves if they are some sort of solitary practitioner. No non-whites can ever be included.

      I’m assuming the language could be cleaned up, but I know you see my point.

      It covers all bases. Christianity isn’t going to go away any time soon and we all know it. People who non-Christian aren’t going to go away either, and we all know it. We are the most individualistic race on the planet, and that’s not going to change any time soon either. so this truth may as well be accommodated, rather than railed against.

      Imagine some new religion comes along, let’s call it “white religion brand A” that catches on like wildfire, and everyone joins it.
      the above two rules still apply, and would be able to accommodate things like this if they evolve in that direction.

      If things stay splintered, then things can still move forward on a secular basis.

      If it ends up being overwhelmingly Christian, At least the non-Christians can still participate without being shunted aside.

      If it ends up being overwhelmingly non-Christian, then the Christians can still participate without being shunted aside.

      People who insist that it’s their religion, or else they won’t participate, then they’ll have to go their own way. What else can be done but to force the issue at this point? I can’t see any other answer.

      This has to be the answer. What else can it be? It’s been said over and over and over. Has anyone actually tried to codify this yet?

      The rub is, we don’t have a way of ratifying or having a consensus anyway, but as far as the religion issue goes, what else can the answer be, but by adopting rules 1 and 2 above? I didn’t invent this, Many people have been saying the same thing over and over, I’m trying to clarify the issue into the simplest components.

      There, that solves the religion issue. Can we move on now?

    24. Hoosier Says:

      New America Says:
      30 December, 2007 at 8:17 pm

      Hoosier Says:
      30 December, 2007 at 8:24 pm

      We both must have being thinking about this, New America. Both of our posts appeared on my computer at the same time. I didn’t read your post until after I had written and submitted mine. It seems we are saying the same thing, in our own ways.

    25. New America Says:

      in reply to Hoosier:

      Agreed, but I need to clarify this because too many damn people who are nominally on “Our Side” are looking for any excuse to do what they have done all of their lives…

      Which is Nothing, for their Family, or their RACE.

      It is useful to clarify these issues now, while we can.

      Covington – and White – have more than their share of detractors, yet both have shown us, in their deeds, what CAN be done.

      My test for White Nationalism now pulls off Covington’s Northwest Trilogy:

      If is is incompatible with Covington’s model of a Northwest Republic, then, by definition, it is incompatible with White Nationalism.

      I’ll have more to say about Covington directly, but, you are right – the religion issue is solved, and it’s well past time to move on.

      We have a Homeland to build…

      One thought at a time, one deed at a time, one day at a time…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    26. MHK Says:

      Racial unity allows for religious separatism, as long as the religious separatism does not undermine the Race.

      Whites who refuse to cooperate with other whites always undermine our race and that’s what religious separatism is about.

      If the christians from chistianseparatist.org are willing to cooperate with non-christians then they shouldn’t call themselves “separatists” since the word “separatist” strongly implies otherwise.

    27. New America Says:

      in reply to MHK:

      you wrote:

      quoting me:

      Racial unity allows for religious separatism, as long as the religious separatism does not undermine the Race.

      end quote:

      you replied:

      Whites who refuse to cooperate with other whites always undermine our race and that’s what religious separatism is about.

      If the christians from chistianseparatist.org are willing to cooperate with non-christians then they shouldn’t call themselves “separatists” since the word “separatist” strongly implies otherwise.

      in reply:
      I think I see the problem here.

      It’s trivial semantics, supporting a trivial rationalization, in pursuit of a trivial issue, in defense of a trivial goal.

      In short, you are engaged in a trivial pursuit.

      My – and Hoosier’s, and Harold Covington’s – substantial points, dealing with substantial issues, have been made…

      And none of us has the time to play Trivial Pursuit.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    28. MHK Says:

      The problem may be semantical but it’s hardly trivial.

      If there was a group of white odinists who refused to cooperate with non-odinist whites I seriously doubt you’d be coming here to defend them the way you’ve been defending your christian separatist buddies.

      The christianseparatist.org website can’t be accessed by non-members (I wonder why?) so I don’t know whether they oppose pan-Aryan cooperation or not, but my suspicion is that they probably do.

      If you can prove otherwise, that’s fine, but don’t try to dodge the issue by pretending it’s not important.

    29. New America Says:

      in reply:

      you wrote:

      The problem may be semantical but it’s hardly trivial.

      If there was a group of white odinists who refused to cooperate with non-odinist whites I seriously doubt you’d be coming here to defend them the way you’ve been defending your christian separatist buddies.

      in reply:
      This is the key to a major difference between Western Civilization, and other forms of governance.

      If the white Odinists did not want to cooperate, fine.

      That’s the key to understanding why Ron Paul is so important to the White RACE; his conception of freedom includes the reasonable right to say “No.”

      In the meanwhile, we are following the Linder Model of Rebellion – “Excellence is the best rebellion.”

      And, if you don’t want to cooperate with someone who is doing better, for the betterment of all, well, as long as you don’t get in the way, fine.

      The model of the demonic Goddamned Jews in RACIAL thought and deed might prove useful to us; I will address that later.

      you wrote:

      The christianseparatist.org website can’t be accessed by non-members (I wonder why?) so I don’t know whether they oppose pan-Aryan cooperation or not, but my suspicion is that they probably do.

      If you can prove otherwise, that’s fine, but don’t try to dodge the issue by pretending it’s not important.

      in reply:
      If you think sites like VNN and Hal Turner are the victims of attack by the hook-nosed Satanists known as Jews, how much must the only Christian website that:

      (1) deals forthrightly and favorably with the issue of RACE,

      (2) does so out of Scripture,

      (3) does so by removing the interpolations placed in the Bible by our Racial Enemies and their hirelings, and…

      (4) does not take one step back in the name of “tolerance” and “compromise” – how much must they have been under assault by the demons-who-walk-the-Earth known as Jews, and simply seek separation from those soulless demons?

      Look to the experience of VNN; while the Blog does not require a formal registration process, it does screen all posts, while using excellent spam filters to slow down the relentless assault of the one group that understands the Jews, and what they mean for the White RACE, and Western Civilization.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    30. sgruber Says:

      New America,

      The fingers of one hand would be sufficient to count the number of Christians of any sect who could be tolerant toward self-proclaimed non-Christians and toward outspoken atheists such as Linder.

      If Christianity means anything, it means being a Christian, doesn’t it? Why root for the other team?

      You can’t serve two masters. It’s the White race – or God (unless you conceive of the White race as the godhead; then why call yourself Christian when so many great Whites hate Christianity?). The White race includes atheists and pagans. The Christian God is a jealous god. He doesn’t look kindly on atheists, and why should he, anyway? Why should his servants do so?

      If your first value if FREEDOM for all Whites (even those who don’t like your frankly nutty views on religion), then it’s not God. You can’t have two first values.

      Maybe you’re trying to convert us with this insistence on Christianty-as-foundational, over and over and over? I don’t believe in God or Jesus. I do believe in FREEDOM for the White race. Perhaps you would put me in a special camp for the misguided?

      We need to drop all other masters and fight for our race. Dragging in some highly specific mystical belief system is counterproductive.

    31. New America Says:

      in reply to sgruber:

      Thank you for your thoughtful comments, which deal substantively with some ideas that VNN has not treated as substantially as it might have.

      you wrote:

      New America,

      The fingers of one hand would be sufficient to count the number of Christians of any sect who could be tolerant toward self-proclaimed non-Christians and toward outspoken atheists such as Linder.

      in reply:
      In fact, the contemporary practice of Christianity, particularly at the Institutional level, is all but Unitarian, in all but name.

      Linder – and all of us – would be warmly welcomed at these churches on Sunday, if only because these are the last openly segregated social clubs in America, easily segregated on the lines of RACE, first, and socioeconomic status, second.

      I suspect great Christian proselytizers, like King Olaf, would have been defined as “atheists” by the Pope of his day.

      King Olaf would have returned the favor, and his support for Christianity allowed the Christ to work in a new, fallow, and much more productive framework, that of the White RACE.

      The framework of intellectual freedom that ONLY this society offered allowed the formation, in time, of Gutenberg, and Luther.

      And, someone who fled the Christianity of King Olaf – Leif Erickson – went on to leave for the Western Land…

      I suppose, absent the impetus of King Olaf, Erickson would have made a good family man, working hard chasing the reindeer up and down the hillsides.

      Yet, obviously, he was chosen for a purpose that suited the new Forms adopted by Christianity just fine…

      Remember, alone of all religions, Western Christianity encourages the criticism of even its founding principles, knowing that the gift of Freedom is meaningless when we lose liberty – freedom, in action.

      As Orwell noted in his proposed preface to Animal Farm:

      “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

      The most atheistic society – Judaic Communism – was totally opposed to freedom, or liberty, except for the Leadership.

      Christian societies do not flourish in the absence of Christ’s greatest gift, TRULY free will.

      More about that later…

      you wrote:

      If Christianity means anything, it means being a Christian, doesn’t it? Why root for the other team?

      in reply:
      I am not rooting for “the other team.” You will note that Christianity has made no headway of substance outside of the West.

      There is a reason for that.

      Only the Western Soul is developed enough to accept freedom, and liberty, and have the intergenerational discipline needed to Create new Institutions around them that allow yet further freedom, and liberty, endlessly, until we return to the stars.

      The other Races have no such aspirations, I assure you.

      The other Races – the other “Team,” if you will – do not matter, as they will fight over who controls the mud, while our Posterity will walk among the stars.

      There is an issue you have tangentially raised, that I will deal with more fully later…

      you wrote:

      You can’t serve two masters. It’s the White race – or God (unless you conceive of the White race as the godhead; then why call yourself Christian when so many great Whites hate Christianity?). The White race includes atheists and pagans. The Christian God is a jealous god. He doesn’t look kindly on atheists, and why should he, anyway? Why should his servants do so?

      in reply:
      We must draw the critical distinction between the Matters of Form – Christian Institutions, and the endless attempts to those Institution to remake Christianity in THEIR Image -and the Matter of Substance – Christianity as the Living Vehicle through which the Living Savior – the Aspect of the Godhead known as Christ – can work to bring those who are ready more peace, more freedom, more liberty, and more prosperity.

      Who do you think spoke to King Olaf?

      The Pope?

      you wrote:

      If your first value if FREEDOM for all Whites (even those who don’t like your frankly nutty views on religion), then it’s not God. You can’t have two first values.

      in reply:
      Read “Libido Dominandi,” and see how quickly “freedom and liberty” degenerate into “anarchy, and license.”

      Then, realize how such exercises of “freedom” lead, inevitably, to a totalitarian social order.

      Then, realize the demonic Goddamned Jews planned it that way, making all of the money from license – who do you think runs the liquor and pornography industries? – and investing it in ever greater social control systems.

      Again, there is an issue you have tangentially raised, that I will deal with more fully later…

      you wrote:

      Maybe you’re trying to convert us with this insistence on Christianity-as-foundational, over and over and over? I don’t believe in God or Jesus. I do believe in FREEDOM for the White race. Perhaps you would put me in a special camp for the misguided?

      in reply:
      The last thing I want to do is convert ANYONE to ANYTHING, other than getting the White Race to acknowledge that it IS a Race, and then doing SOMETHING about that.

      Again, there is an issue you have tangentially raised, that I will deal with more fully later…

      you wrote:

      We need to drop all other masters and fight for our race. Dragging in some highly specific mystical belief system is counterproductive.

      in reply:
      You will notice that our Race, in the absence of Christianity, was essentially sleepwalking through Life.

      Christianity – ALONE – is responsible for our not being Muslims, today.

      This battle – in microcosm, you will see it in the Kosovo issue – is one way of addressing the topic of what would we have been in the absence of Christianity.

      The tangential issue you have raised is this:

      The Ron Paul Campaign is like the Goldwater Campaign of 1960.

      It’s failure led to the networking of True Believers, who refined and reformed his ideas until they could accomplish the Reagan Presidency, twenty years later.

      Paul’s Campaign really has one Idea – “Freedom” – and freedom has only worked in White societies.

      This leads us to the Big Issues:

      One, as Linder noted, “It is the damndest thing I have ever seen. We have the best Idea, the best Ideals, and the damndest bunch of fools, clowns, and incompetents out there representing us.”

      For twenty years, Congressman Ron Paul has been able to say pretty much the same thing, and he had pretty much the same results for his long years in the Wilderness.

      Well, not any more, and not for either of us, if we see the (seemingly insurmountable) opportunity present in the obstacles before us.

      Peter Shank wondered why it was we never made traction, much less headway.

      It didn’t make sense; to Shank, the Patriots had the best Idea, the best Ideals, and the damndest bunch of fools, clowns, and incompetents out there representing them…

      Then, Peter Shank interviewed Bill White, in a remarkably even-handed interview, and was fired that very night, BEFORE HE LEFT THE STATION.

      One day, in the tremendous intellectual honesty that has been his hallmark, Shank saw what the Patriot Movement ACTUALLY was; in the words of Savitri Devi concerning contemporary religions, “mere rackets to bluff the fools.”

      In other words, one nice, safe, Controlled Opposition, following False Flag after False Flag.

      Revilo Oliver saw the same in the Conservative Movement.

      I see the same forces at work in the Libertarian Movement.

      Linder saw the same forces at work in the White Nationalist Movement; he simply didn’t have the experience, at the time, to see WHAT we were up against.

      Simply stated, we were in a Total Race War.

      We were chasing the False Flags the Jews use to keep us chasing ourselves in circles, like puppies chasing their tails.

      We’ve been doing that for far too long.

      Our Racial Enemies, the Goddamn Jews, spend fortunes attacking the White RACE, Western Civilization, and Christianity.

      The key to their success is simple: they organize ruthlessly along the lines of RACE: First, Foremost, Forever, and are ALWAYS engaged in RACIAL Warfare.

      What is the Talmud, after all, but a manual on low-intensity warfare, teaching one lesson in a thousand ways: “It is always US, versus THEM, and we must win, by any means necessary? Lie? Routinely, for animals are not entitled to the truth. Steal? It is not theft, for it all truly belongs to us, anyway. There are no limits on what the Jew can do, as long as it is good for Jews.

      Note this: the Jews do not attack the Odinists, the Wicca, the Pagans, the Atheists.

      They only attack the only true threat to their dream of world domination, and that is Christianity, the White Race, the Western Civilization.

      Their leaders are smart, ruthless, and relentless, and have been groomed for this from birth; according to the Lubbavitch Rabbi, they were groomed to rule the animals (that’s you and I, and our Families) BEFORE they were born…

      After all, the God of the Jewish People is the Jewish RACE.

      Remember, in politics, Jews don’t take one side of an argument; they take ALL sides of an argument, so they can shape the actions that result from the outcome to serve the Jewish RACE.

      THAT is the kind of Racial Awareness and Racial Focus we need.

      And that takes us to VNN.

      The focus of VNN has been, whether knowingly or not, the creation of a White Nation, whether than means taking back America, or building a Homeland in the Northwest, as Covington has so wisely defined.

      Let me repeat that.

      The focus of VNN has been, whether knowingly or not, the creation of a White Nation.

      This has been dealt with in all manner of issues, that danced around the real issue, our right to form an live in a White Nation.

      VNN had aspirations for political effectiveness, but to what end?

      The self-proclaimed “White People’s Party” never really gained traction, and the Initiative for our own Homeland faded, until Harold Covington, uniquely, grabbed the bull by the balls, and said, “HERE is why, and HERE is how. You have no excuse to at start where you are, and setting your personal compass in the direction of RACE. If RACE is True North, then the Northwest Homeland is Magnetic North – good enough, until I can do better.

      Look at the old VNN pages, and you will see article after article dealing constructively and effectively with these issues, including excellent thought pieces on forming our own Church – and with it, our own Religion – using the models of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

      What VNN offers is the framework for the Theory of Positive Racism, which can be applied to all aspects of society.

      It’s good to focus on the soulless demons known as Jews, because they provide useful examples of how basing all thoughts, words and deeds on their Positive Theory of Racism works spectacularly well.

      While it is good to see the patterns and practices of the Goddamn Jews, it is better to see how they operate as a biological organism, that focuses solely and exclusively on Race as its organizing principle. In short, it’s good to see Jew – White Interaction as simply Predator/Prey Interaction.

      Tom Metzger just nailed the issue we must address: The parasitic forces – illegals, the Colored, the Jews – are only doing what parasites do.

      They only appear in the presence of death, and decay.

      They only appear where we have left, in places we have either abandoned, or been forced out of.

      Metzger’s Insight is so damn important to a Theory of Positive Racism that is should be phrased in Latin, and carved into the Foundation Stone of any Church we form.

      THAT takes us to a basic point in politics: “You can’t beat something, with nothing.”

      The demonic Goddamn Jews beat us by getting us to define ourselves in materialistic terms, buying things we did not need, with money we didn’t have, and trapping us into being sharecroppers on the New Plantation.

      They won, because we didn’t offer anything better, or even bother to acknowledge there was an issue being addressed, in the Soft Eternal War of Judea against Christianity.

      VNN the news, analysis and commentary network – has defined itself – wisely, and correctly – in a negative motto: “No Jews, Just Right.”

      VNN as the news and information linkage needed for the formation of a White Community needs to match the negative motto with a positive motto, which can be used as the framework for a Positive Theory of Racism.

      Let’s try this:

      “For Family, and For Freedom.”

      The first reminds us of the foundation of society; the second, of a Force that only our Race can work with in a positive manner, with very real results.

      Attacking Christianity as a matter of Form means attacking Christians, as a matter of Substance.

      The soulless, demonic Jews are already doing that.

      Why add fuel to their fire?

      The Ron Paul Campaign offers us an opportunity that we should well take advantage of, because it will not come our way again, absent a change on a par with 1776-1791.

      The Northwest Republic offers us the best way to achieve either, or both, but a Positive Theory of RACE is the essential foundation the Jews have, and the Jews have denied us.

      Joining with the Ron Paul people, and the Christians, in common purpose – “Freedom,” for the Ron Paul people, and “Family,” for the Christians – is the best way for us to make headway.

      While we can.

      If nothing I have said meets with your approval, then know this:

      The way they treat Ron Paul, today, is the way WE will be treated, all too soon; disappeared today, displaced tomorrow, and replaced the day after that, by our Racial Enemies.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    32. sgruber Says:

      Ed, continue to whoop for Jesus if you must, and you won’t be disturbed by me. I guess I understand if you and others need a focal point for racial understanding in the form of an icon. Just remember there is a reason Christianity was susceptible to becoming Judeo-Christianity. The battle of AD 1 to AD 1900 was lost by the Christers. The jew beat Christianity. You can’t raise a broken shield. Now it’s time to name race not creed. Race is the crux, pun intended, of the issue, after all.

      There is a solution to the jew problem.

    33. New America Says:

      in reply to sgruber:

      you wrote:

      Ed, continue to whoop for Jesus if you must, and you won’t be disturbed by me. I guess I understand if you and others need a focal point for racial understanding in the form of an icon. Just remember there is a reason Christianity was susceptible to becoming Judeo-Christianity. The battle of AD 1 to AD 1900 was lost by the Christers. The jew beat Christianity. You can’t raise a broken shield. Now it’s time to name race not creed. Race is the crux, pun intended, of the issue, after all.

      in reply:
      The long-fought efforts, from Rockwell to Linder, to awaken our (nominally) racial brethren, have come to so little, and we have wasted so much time on essentially futile activities, fighting one Jew-created false-flag after another, that I can only cringe in horror as a few within our minority group willfully and gratuitously attack our racial brethren SOLELY on the basis of their religious beliefs.

      Three points:

      One, most “Christians” aren’t really “Christian,” by any other than the loosest of theological definitions.

      Two, theological definitions aren’t really relevant.

      The reason is simple: most people go to Church on Sunday to join a social club.

      This is the part that favors us, because virtually ALL members of the social clubs called Churches are of the same Race, and are usually of roughly the same socio-economic strata.

      Why we don’t practice the First Rule of Politics, and build the framework for alliances where we can, is beyond me.

      The folks in Church don’t want to hear about Odin, they really don’t want to hear more than a few soothing words about Jesus…

      They will ACT – vote, buy houses, make personal investments – on the basis of “socio-economic status,” which, at the end of the day, at the tip of the sword of conflict, is a proxy for RACE.

      Bill White correctly – and astutely – made an observation all too many of us wish to ignore; when his people go out in working class White neighborhoods, wearing a crisp, professional uniform – brownshirt and red swastika armband – people walk up to them, smile, shake their hand, and tell them to keep up the good work!

      Hell, they could drop the armband and the regalia, and go to church with that neatly pressed brownshirt, and some good black slacks, and a black tie, and fit right in.

      People would know them, and know OF them, and, in church, they might get a few scowls of disapproval, but they would also show people that they are “just like us.”

      White has a lot of “enemies,” for various reasons, but, by acting without fear, his people send a clear message; if we can present that message appropriately, we gain ground by magnitudes.

      Once someone SEES it is possible, it opens the door for them to accept at least part of what we have to offer.

      Simply showing up did wonders for the Colored integrationists at Woolworths…

      We can’t bring ourselves to do even that.

      And, we go out of our way to gratuitously attack those with whom he have the most in common, today, and could likely work together in common cause, tomorrow…

      To quote Alex Linder, “It is the damndest thing I have ever seen…”

      I suspect those of us who support gratuitously attacking Christianity, and Christians, will live the life of the Racially impotent; ideologically pure, and politically helpless, as they are “defined” out of acceptance, today, and existence, tomorrow.

      Three, the process of accepting White Nationalism – positive theory and practices for the White RACE – is quite similar to religious conversion.

      We have the advantage of demonstrating, before their very eyes, WHY we are right.

      We need only speak calmly, and quietly, to their Minds; their hearts are already centered around their Family, and Family, as you know, is the foundation of RACE.

      What better place, than in Church, and what better example, than our own lives, and the lives – the living examples – of their still-living Ancestors, who would love to talk to them of how RACE MATTERS so much; it did, then, and it does, today.

      Not us. though.

      Not yet, and not until we decide to do the things that lay the essential foundation for success.

      you wrote:

      There is a solution to the jew problem.

      in reply:
      Terrible Tommy Metzger did a Soliloquy on 2 april 07, where he discussed his tremendous Insight concerning RACE, in general, and the shortcomings of the White RACE, in particular.

      He said that parasites – demonic Jews, and their Colored attack animals, the niggers and the illegals – ONLY flourish in the presence of death and decay.

      If WE had been doing our job, they would not have been able to even set foot in OUR Nation, without OUR explicit approval.

      THIS is the seminal point James Burnham made in “Suicide of the West” – we “lost” by quitting while we were ahead, and not continuing to expand…

      The spawn of Satan known as the Jews – and they truly are demonic, make no mistake, – love it when we attack Christianity, in any way, shape or form, because we become their partners – their junior partners – because they have a lot more experience at it, and they never stop…

      I use Jews as an example of Racial effectiveness, and love VNN because it, alone, intelligently discusses how the Race of Jews – who are “Of their Father, the Devil” – work, both for themselves, as a RACE, and against us, as a RACE.

      You WILL notice they have been spending a lot of time at these Interfaith meetings than they used to, and LOVE to attend Christian churches and talk about “wonderful Israel,” and their joy at being with our “Younger Brothers in the Covenant.”

      There is a reason for that…

      Metzger – and Burnham – are right, painfully right, for different reasons.

      Above all, the one reason they have in common can be summed in one phrase:

      “We Let It Happen.”

      That will probably be the tombstone of the White Nationalist “Movement,” when it is finally declared illegal…

      “We Let It Happen”

      The price that WILL be born by our Posterity, as Third Class Citizens, in a Second World Nation, will insure that either a saving remnant (Covington’s NORTHWEST REPUBLIC, for example) adopts racial policies worthy of Martel, or the Earth shall be a cold, dark, world ruled by demons.

      The Choice is OURS.

      Choose Wisely.

      While you can…

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!