30 December, 2007

Today’s Texans

Posted by Socrates in mestizos, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 6:41 pm | Permanent Link

How can a non-citizen be a “Texan”?


  • 17 Responses to “Today’s Texans”

    1. Heather Blue Says:

      Of course, we can do without the immigrants, both legal and illegal, from Mexico. We lived a long time without them. Big Business just wants cheap labor.

      The White Man is an inventor. In the past when we need something we invented it or developed what we needed. As the saying goes….”necessity is the Mother of invention.”

    2. Terrorsaurus Says:

      Complex problem?

      Build a fuckin’ wall, deport them all.

      Problem solved.

      Mexico’s problems are not our problems. That country needs a violent uprising, not a 2,000 mile long poverty-release valve.

      What we’re seeing are the early stages of a borderless NAU. And the American southwest will be sacrificed on the altar of diversity and slave wages. Because that’s what all these illegals represent: a slave underclass for corporate America to use as they see fit.

      IF they have their way.

    3. Marwinsing Says:

      A white person who employs a non-white person is a traitor to Our Race. Period. And THIS is what happens to RACE-TRAITORS…

      The Circles of Hell

      The Ninth Circle

      TRAITORS, distinguished from the “merely” fraudulent in that their acts involve betraying one in a special relationship to the betrayer, are frozen in a lake of ice known as Cocytus. Each group of traitors is encased in ice to a different depth, ranging from only the waist down to complete immersion. The circle is divided into four concentric zones:

      * Zone 1: Caïna, named for Cain, is home to traitors to their kindred. The souls here are immersed in the ice up to their necks. (Canto XXXII)

      * Zone 2: Antenora is named for Antenor of Troy, who according to medieval tradition betrayed his city to the Greeks. Traitors to political entities, such as party, city, or country, are located here. Count Ugolino pauses from gnawing on the head of his rival Archbishop Ruggieri to describe how Ruggieri imprisoned and starved him and his children. The souls here are immersed at almost the same level as those in Caïna, except they are unable to bend their necks. (Cantos XXXII and XXXIII)

      * Zone 3: Ptolomæa is probably named for Ptolemy, the captain of Jericho, who invited Simon Maccabaeus and his sons to a banquet and then killed them. Traitors to their guests are punished here. Fra Alberigo explains that sometimes a soul falls here before the time that Atropos (the Fate who cuts the thread of life) should send it. Their bodies on Earth are immediately possessed by a fiend. The souls here are immersed so much that only half of their faces are visible. As they cry, their tears freeze and seal their eyes shut- they are denied even the comfort of tears. (Canto XXXIII)

      * Zone 4: Judecca, named for Judas the Iscariot, Biblical betrayer of Christ, is for traitors to their lords and benefactors. All of the sinners punished within are completely encapsulated in ice, distorted to all conceivable positions. Dante and Virgil, with no one to talk to, quickly move on to the center of hell. Condemned to the very center of hell for committing the ultimate sin (treachery against God) is Satan, who has three faces, one red, one black, and one a pale yellow, each having a mouth that chews on a prominent traitor. Satan himself is represented as a giant, terrifying beast, weeping tears from his six eyes, which mix with the traitors’ blood sickeningly. He is waist deep in ice, and beats his six wings as if trying to escape, but the icy wind that emanates only further ensures his imprisonment (as well as that of the others in the ring). The sinners in the mouths of Satan are Brutus and Cassius in the left and right mouths, respectively, who were involved in the assassination of Julius Caesar (an act which, to Dante, represented the destruction of a unified Italy), and Judas Iscariot (the namesake of this zone) in the central, most vicious mouth, who betrayed Jesus. Judas is being administered the most horrifying torture of the three traitors, his head in the mouth of Lucifer, and his back being forever skinned by the claws of Lucifer. (Canto XXXIV) What is seen here is a perverted trinity. Satan is impotent, ignorant, and evil while God can be attributed as the opposite: all powerful, all knowing, and good.”

      [slice] —>

      And I never said that. He did.

    4. Booger Says:

      Well,that jerk of a writer knows how to put a happy PC spin on the naked fact that whites are being “Ethnically Cleasned” from the once great state of Texas.Read your History-We Whites took over Texas Originally through Osmosis,Now the cockroaches are doing the same with the approval of ZOG and Corporate SCUMBAG TRAITOR America.Looks like Texas will go down without a fight,to the illegal,low IQ, pregnant ,MESTIZO BITCH standing triumphant over prostrate, fallen form of WHITE TEXAS.GOD-what would John Bell Hood and the boys from Texas say to see their glorious state just an extension of mexico by default-sad folks -sad.


      Date posted online: Tuesday, January 01, 2008
      Colored boy in custody in deadly hotel shooting
      Nigger charged after 1 dies, 4 others hurt
      by Andrei Yustschinsky

      MERRILLVILLE, INDIANA | Yard ape Pierre Taylor surrendered to police Sunday and faces multiple charges in a fatal shooting early Saturday morning at a Merrillville hotel, police said.
      Charges filed Monday against the primate include one count of murder and four counts attempted murder, according to the Lake County prosecutor’s office.
      The groid John Boyd, 20, of Gary, died of multiple gunshot wounds and four other groids were wounded in the shooting at Country Inn & Suites, police said.
      Merrillville police Detective Joseph Cooper said the simian Boyd and three other negroes were trapped in an open elevator on the third floor when the porch monkey opened fire about 1 a.m. Saturday.
      The altercation started at a crack party inside the hotel, police said. the African Boyd and a group of other African males from the steal city of Gary and Merrillville were invited, as was the yard ape Taylor and his other yard ape brothers from Hammond, police said.
      The two groups of coons locked horns.
      The nigger male Boyd and three other chocolate brothers decided to split the party, police said. They walked out with two ebony bitches and got on the elevator, but the primate Taylor and his simian brothers followed and started throwing punches from just outside the elevator doors, Cooper said.
      The groid Taylor pulled out a handgun and fired into the elevator, police said.
      The now dead nigger Boyd died of multiple gunshot wounds about 8:30 a.m. Saturday at the Colley Animal Clinic in Highland, Indiana, said a spokesman for the Lake County Animal Control.
      The other three negroes in the elevator and one black bitch were wounded. They were taken to Lake Station Pet Clinic.
      Hammond and Merrillville police searched the colored boy Taylor’s crib Sunday but did not find anything related to the case, they only found some broken up and straightened clothes hangers, copper wool mesh, cut up hollow car antennas, empty cans of STEELE RESERVE 211 and empty bottles of GORDON’S GIN police said. The black bastard Taylor was identified by witnesses in a photo lineup and later turned himself in to the Hammond Police Department.
      The 67 IQ negro male is being held without bond at Lake County Animal Control.

      Copyright © 2008 Yustschinsky Enterprises

    6. Ed Logsdon Says:

      I have lived in Houston since 1968, and I know short and sweet that the business owners in Texas are the worst money grubbers in this nation. One construction company owner lives in a house valued at three million dollars. This man rides in a private jet, yet he does not want to pay a living wage. The apartment building Jews in Houston have always hired illegal spics. Between me, my family, and my friends we have been hit by the spics over 100 times and they never have insurance. I used to work as a surveyor setting points for construction work. I had to unload all my equipment at night because when you are forced to live with shitskins around, you had better sleep on top of every thing you own with a gun in your hand. Twice my truck was broken into, once at a cost to me of $15,000. I do not have the time to spell out in detail the stunts, pranks, and skullduggery this nasty race engage in to get whites fired. The companys in many cases have fired all the White people and told us that the Mexicans will work cheaper. My life has been ruined, while I have watched the Jew’s and their (rapture bunny) Zionist, Christian counterparts get stinking rich. The one thing that makes me angery is that everybody in the WN crowd just wants to talk about it and no body wants to do anything about it. If the people in this country had the balls I have, then this shit would get fixed. starting tomorrow morning at 4:00 am. Start keeping a list of the business owners on your computers, compile, and exchange the lists with others so we can deal with these bastards when the time comes. At 55 years of age, I am ready for a fight, they are begging for it, so let’s give it to them. Now I am damn serious about this…


    7. Carpenter Says:

      It makes me angry to read about things like that, Ed. How White countries are becoming more and more like a war zone, where everything has to be locked up, and noone will escape crime. How is this any better than e.g. living under a foreign military occupation? We live like an imprisoned people, and there hasn’t even been a war.

      There are rotten bastards in all classes: workers, middle class, the rich. The rich ones are the most visible of course. And their treason hurts us all. Definitely, action is needed. There are good White men and women who are organized though, tens of thousands of them. Not so much in Texas maybe, but all over the West. I am sure that there will be outbreaks of open violence in the future, like in the Balkans and Somalia and the like. When that day comes, we can be thankful that White Americans have plenty of guns. Many will run, but many will also fight. I don’t think the Blacks and Mestizos will be too happy about that, and I don’t see them making any noble sacrifices when they can just move south instead.

    8. Ed Logsdon Says:

      Dear Carpenter:

      I was a member of the Houston carpenters local 213 back in the 70s. In a union meeting we were told by ranking union leaders that if we did not fight for our jobs and our lives, we would be replaced by “Imported Labor”. To acomplish this, the money supply was tightened and the investment bankers together with the construction company owners shut construction down. Many union members lost their homes, and suffered the break-up of their marrages. Over one million Whites have fled the Houston area with not much more than the clothes on their backs. After they routed us out of Houston, construction company owners went all through Mexico telling Spic workers that if they could make it to Houston, they had jobs! Williams Brothers construction Co. (the largest road and bridge contractor), D.E. Harvey construction Co.,Tellepsen Construction Co., are three examples of thousands of different construction and manufacturing companys who have engaged in this evil, and treasonous undertaking. When Whites go into the human resorces departments (hiring offices) they are met face to face with Spanish speaking, ripe smelling cunts who shit-can your application. If you are outed due to your White skin, these Mestizo pieces of shit will give you a bad reference! This has happened to me more than once. The claim that we want too much money is a ball face lie. They tell you how much you will make, in right to work, non-union Texas, and you either take it or leave it. Complain about anything and, you are down the road. Houston has the second largest economy of any of the other 50 states and ranks #1 in fortune 500 companys. They run Texas and rule any body we elect with a carrot or if nessary a stick.

      The Klan is a very small drop in the bucket! The White Nationalist Movement consists of White working and ex law enforcement officers, local, state, and federal, military, ex military, national guard, and millions of working class wage slaves. The WN crowd is not organized, just a mind set, and that should scare them to death if they were not so hidebound and stupid. This ZOG will get a sober awaking when the economy goes down flat, and they try to declair martial law. Let them start the trouble first, after all they always do. To see 500,000 boots on the ground in the Houston sub-divisons of River Oaks, Memorial, and Tangle Wood is a dream I long to see…


    9. sgruber Says:

      I wouldn’t shed a tear if examples were made of the owners of these companies. But what would make me actually CHEER is seeing the jews behind our displacement swinging from a rope.

      Make a list, and check it twice. For when the time comes.

      What have we got to lose? They’ve taken it all from us. Even a cornered rat will fight. Anti-White kikes are backing us into a corner.

      There is a solution to the jew problem.

    10. 1492 Says:

      Heather Blue Says: “Of course, we can do without the immigrants, both legal and illegal, from Mexico. Big Business just wants cheap labor. “

      And it doesn’t stop there. It’s not just about money. Big Business is only one of the elements undermining us. Some other elements want more gullible voters. Still other elements want more gullible worshipers. Etc., etc., etc.

      And above all, one very powerful element wants more DIVERSITY.

      All of these disparate interests, converging from very different directions, come together in a strange alliance to form what amounts to an anti-majority coalition. They don’t necessarily even like each other, and they may be at complete odds on other matters, but for the moment, their mutual interests are being served. (They think.)

      As sgruber says: keep makin’ a list and checkin’ it twice.

    11. sgruber Says:

      Human shit has always been in conspiracy against anything better than it. The dark races hate the lighter, etc. We are the good guys (and gals) and the envy against us from the bottom is enormous. Jews want us dead, niggers want us dead, mexcrement wants us dead. And with their guilty conscience, they call us the haters. Well, what would happen if more of us hated them (as they hate us)…and acted on our hatred? More than cars would be torched, perhaps. Our hating them is what needs to happen, but “hate” has a bad rap; it’s destructive and Whites are built to want constructive, cooperative solutions to problems. But sometimes Raid is the only solution to cockroaches, as ugly as that feels. We slaughtered our German brothers in 1940-45, so it’s not like we’re weak cowards by nature. We have it in us to hate constructively (if pointed in the right direction). Let’s fight our enemies.

    12. Ed Logsdon Says:

      Dear gruber:

      We have had an immigration problem in the past and they were rounded up and sent back with opperation wetback. The reason we have so much mud in America now is that people will hire them. If people would not hire them, they would not come here. When some people gain college educations, and wealth, they become full of them selves and look down on the people who work at crafts, skills, and trades. They view us as unskilled, and uneducated. For the most part these traitors are Christian Evangelist. They believe that we must support Israel at any cost. They think that anything they want to do is allright with God. Zionist Rev. John Hagee of San Antonio calls for the bombing of Iran. The political power of this group explains the rise from obscurity of Mike Huckabee who has one of the worst records on immigration. Like the rest of the Zionist Christians, Mike is Queer for cheep labor. Doctor Steven F. Hotze is a perfect example. Steve comes from a rich family. Steve lives in Houstons exclusive Tangle Wood subdivison in a house worth $1,150,000. Steve recently sent out an email declairing that we Americans do not want to work. He stated in so many words that we are lazy, hooked on entitlements, and unskilled. There are no entitlements for males who do not want to work, now women with children, that is another story. Steve’s email has the large anti immigration crowd in Houston in an uproar.

      The money Jews, and the rich Evangelicals love Mike Huckabee, they hate Ron Paul because he wants to close the border, deport the cheap labor, and all the filth that comes with it. Ron Paul would work to cut off all unconstituational foreign aid and that would include Israel also. I think that it is important to acknowledge that there are Jews who support Ron Paul, they are as sick of the Zionist shit as we are, and I am fine with that. Many people do not stop to think that the Blacks and the Mestizos are here, due to the Quest for cheep or free labor. The rich are the ones who feel entitled in America. Something must be done with these people before they finish the distruction of this nation. All of our problems revolve around Zionism, and the Evangelicals. These two movements are nostrum, and anathema to the Constution and our Nation. They are behind the police state, and the continued outlawing of drugs in order to create a lot of crime for the prison / police / law industry, and all the profit that comes with it. They are behind the War, and military / industrial complex. They provide nothing good for America!


    13. ein Says:

      The Evangelical loonies are just gullible fools who are being used. Used by whom?

    14. Ed Logsdon Says:

      By the Zionist Jew bankers, that’s WHO! They all have the same god$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    15. sgruber Says:

      What counts is how you get money. The suckers Ed hates rose to the top of the sewer of jew.

      It’s true that rich people who inherited it tend not to identify with Whites who are less rich; while rich people who earned it tend to resent or scorn them with some justice. What’s needed is more racial solidarity, more naming of a common enemy – the jew. But a third breed, always present in history but predominent presently, is Shabbos-Goyim and System-Sucks, who hate fellow Whites and glom on to all things kikey or at least kwany (which is jewy once-removed). These rich – most of them government or quasi-government contractors or political appointees – slept their way to the top of the yamulke (I don’t care if that’s misspelled or not) and couldn’t give a damn if you lived or died; forced to choose, they’d vote to cover you with dirt, and daily do.

      Don’t holler against the rich. Follow the money. So few people earned it, but some do. We need to appeal to them.

      PS. Not special pleading. I’m poor as a church mouse, especially after Christma$.

      There is a solution to the jew problem.

    16. sgruber Says:

      I meant predominant.

    17. Ed Logsdon Says:

      We will lie stinking and rotting in our graves before that will happen!
