20 December, 2007

Kosovo/Serbia Update

Posted by Socrates in jewed foreign policy, Kosovo, New World Order, Serbia, Socrates at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link


More about Kosovo and Serbia: [Here].

A map of Kosovo and Serbia: [Here].

  • 14 Responses to “Kosovo/Serbia Update”

    1. Stronza Says:

      Why wouldn’t jew-run Amerika take the side of the Serbs? This has puzzled me for years – where is their gratitude for the Serbs opposing the Nazis during WW2 with all their might? I actually said this to an old dzhu once and he agreed with me, but said no more; when they say they agree with you, though, that doesn’t mean a thing. What happened to turn things around so mightily?

    2. Olde Dutch Says:

      Why wouldn’t jew-run Amerika take the side of the Serbs?

      That’s the $64 dollar question. I dunno. It could be the Amerikwan jews trying to keep the Turks on the sidelines, and from taking a moslem leadership role in the Levant.

      I had a fellow in the Clinton administration tell me that Clinton, in relation to Serbia, understands blacks & Whites, and doesn’t have a clue about any other, like Serbs, or anyone else in that part of the world.

      Why Madam Albright, and Genreal Wesley Clark, were and are, so down on the Serbs is beyond me. Except, maybe their jewish jewish genes were effecting their common sense. We would have to include, the little jew theif Shlomo Berger in this cabal too. Maybe, Berger was shoving the answer in his pants?


      Sen. McCain Wants To Be President
      Check-out his unpresidential credentials
      January-February 1997 Issue
      By Ted Sampley
      U.S. Veteran Dispatch
      Citing his 5-1/2 years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, columnists and journalists freehandedly describe Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona as a war hero.
      Washington Post columnist George Will wrote about McCain in 1988, “He was a prisoner for 5-1/2 years. Because he was properly obstinate, he was in solitary confinement most of that time . . . Every day for two years, one of his guards ordered him to bow, and then knocked him down.”
      Joseph Spear, an awestruck columnist who wanted presidential candidate Bob Dole to pick McCain for vice president wrote, “McCain is a war hero . . . He was tossed into the infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison camp, where he was hung by his fractured arms for hours at a time.” Many have written columns suggesting that McCain is presidential material and advocate his running for the nation’s highest office.
      McCain obviously agrees.
      Reuter’s News Service reported in January that the 60 year old McCain says he wants to be President of the United States.
      McCain also thinks President Clinton, who dodged the draft rather than serve in Vietnam, is the perfect presidential role model. He recently told the press that Clinton “is the best politician I have ever seen.”
      McCain, however, does not think so highly of the POW/MIA families and activists who openly challenge the U.S. government’s POW/MIA policy, many of whom walked the halls of Congress during the Vietnam War years demanding America’s prisoners of war, including POW McCain, not be forgotten.
      McCain, as a member of the 1992 Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, took the lead in demanding a U.S. Justice Department investigation of the POW/MIA activists and their organizations. He accused the activists of fraud because in some of their fund-raising literature the activists claimed the U.S. government knowingly left U.S. POWs behind after the Vietnam War and that some remain alive today.
      McCain openly attacked the activists telling the press, “The people who have done these things are not zealots in a good cause. They are the most craven, most cynical and most despicable human beings to ever run a scam.” The Justice Department did investigate the POW/MIA activists and their organizations and found no reason to charge any POW/MIA activist.
      McCain’s use of the words craven, despicable and scam are mighty powerful and poisonous words from a man who admittedly traded “military information” to his communist captors in exchange for better medical treatment–or who divorced the wife that stood by him while he was a POW, after she became crippled in an accident.
      Those words are hypocritical from a man whose younger and richer wife (she’s an heir to Hensley & Co., the second largest Anheuser-Busch beer distributor in the United States) got caught after stealing drugs for two years from a charitable organization of which she was president.
      Editor’s note: The U.S. military Code of Conduct is the definitive code specifying the responsibilities of American military personnel while in combat or captivity.
      Article V of the Code is very specific in ordering U.S. military personnel to avoid answering questions to the utmost of their ability and to make no oral or written statements disloyal to the United States and its allies or harmful to their cause. Any willful violation of the Code is considered collaborating with the enemy.
      U.S. Navy pilot John McCain was shot down on his 23rd mission over North Vietnam, October 26, 1967. He was released March 1973 after being held captive by the North Vietnamese for 5-1/2 years.
      Within days of his release, McCain wrote the following account of his captivity, which was published in U.S. News and World Report – May 14, 1973:
      “I think it was on the fourth day [after being shot down] that two guards came in, instead of one. One of them pulled back the blanket to show the other guard my injury. I looked at my knee. It was about the size of a football . . . when I saw it, I said to the guard, ‘O.K., get the officer’ . . . an officer came in after a few minutes. It was the man that we came to know very well as ‘The Bug.’ He was a psychotic torturer, one of the worst fiends that we had to deal with. I said, ‘O.K., I’ll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital.'”
      McCain now says it was only a coincidence that at the same time he was offering “military information” in exchange for special medical treatment, his captors discovered that his father was Adm. John S. McCain Jr., commander of all U.S. forces in Europe and soon-to-be commander of all U.S. forces in the Pacific, including Vietnam.
      Upon learning about McCain’s father, the communists, in an unprecedented move, rushed McCain to one of their military hospitals where he received treatment not available for other U.S. prisoners of war… http://www.usvetdsp.com/story22.htm

    4. John Says:

      ‘Why wouldn’t jew-run Amerika take the side of the Serbs? This has puzzled me for years – where is their gratitude for the Serbs opposing the Nazis during WW2 with all their might?’

      The main reason is because of Russia, they see Serbia as an outpost of Russia in the region, also the Serbs were the only ones in the region who wanted no part of NATO or the E.U.

      As for the Serbs opposing the Nazis during WW2 well this is too simplistic as there were Serbs who co operated with the Nazis like the German backed Belgrade government of Milan Nedic which had rounded up many Jews, also some Chetnkik commanders in the field co operated with the Germans in battles against the Partizans.
      The whole situation n Serbia during WW2 was a complete mess as on top of the German occupation there was also a brutal Serb on Serb civil war {pro British Monarchist Chetniks versus Communists} as well as battles with the Bosnian muslims, Albanians and Croatian ustashi.

    5. Hengest Says:

      Here’s what Jerry Abbott had to say: http://jabpage.org/posts/serbia.html

    6. Stronza Says:

      60 years after it happened, the bombing of Dresden entered the news, in a controversial way, at least in Absurdistania. Maybe one day the bombing of Serbia will get a bit of mention. The photo of Sanja Milenkovic puts a human face on this event.

      I can’t tell you how I hate Madeline Allbright. She goes around giving speeches to young ladies at their schools telling them they can be and do ANYTHING they want. No shit, Maddy!

      John, no truer words were ever spoken when you said that the situation in Serbia during WW 2 was a “mess”. I was having a heck of a time to decode, from my reading of various articles, what really went on there and you cleared it up.

    7. John Says:

      Stronza, here is a short article about Serb nationalist forces during WW Jew.


    8. Olde Dutch Says:

      Germany has been allied with Turkey, almost since the emergence of modern Germany in 1870. The Austrians have been happy to have a status quo peace with the Turks in the Balkans since the 17th century.

      Hitler continued the German policy of friendly relations with the Turks to the detriment of the Serbians and other White non-moslems in the Balkans.

      Hitler also couldn’t grasp an alliance with the Arabs.

      Hitler was a pill popper too. LOL

    9. Jaroslav Hus Says:

      Olde Duch says: “Germany has been allied with Turkey, almost since the emergence of modern Germany in 1870. The Austrians have been happy to have a status quo peace with the Turks in the Balkans since the 17th century.” Which is true but those were only diplomatic relations of necessity and far from “love affairs”.
      One and only one World Power which was standing thru history of Europe as the unquestionable military defender and supporter of stinky asiatic Turkish monsters was also only one country of which Hitler had fear and all Germans undeserved inferiority complex. That was slimy, homosexual “Great” Britain whose princesses are copulating with Afro-kanibals and Arab camel jockeys.

    10. Bill Says:

      On the whole, Serbia did provide many services to Jewish organizations before, during, and after WWII. So it is a good question why the Clinton Administration followed its Jewish handlers so readily into murdering Christians in the Balkans.

      That this is not a fantasy was proved in an essay by Thomas L. Friedman of the NYT perhaps a year ago when he boasted that Arabs and Muslims need not assume Jewish hostility because of the example of the attack on Christian Serbia. Friedman comes right out and documents American Jewish organizational support for murder in the Balkans on the heads of Christians. It was his essay that brought out the religious analysis, not a national analysis. We European Americans don’t yet get it that religion and religious obligations are a critical part of this situation. We believe Jews when they disown religion, and we do it at our peril.

      We don’t need to assume any special or historical animosity between Israel & Jewish organizations, and Serbian and Serbians. Remember the Universal Law of Jewish Hatred. They hate all of us all the time but express it differently here and there. We can just take Jewish hatred at face value without searching for valid reasons for their hatred. I don’t know why so many people spend so much time trying to sort out why Jewish hatred strikes here sometimes, and there sometimes. It’s almost as though we can’t bear the thought that they might really be malignant psychopaths.

      But here are two ideas as to why Jew-controlled Clinton would have ordered bombing Serbian Christians in addition to all the other reasons advanced above.

      1) Conside the geopolitical position of Serbia vis-a-vis Israel. It is in the ring of states almost equally distant from Israel as Libya, Somalia, Iran, and Chechnya, which is to say it is in the second circle of states surrounding Israel.

      The first ring includes Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt….each of which are pretty well pacified on Israel’s “right to exist.” First ring nations that balk are rendered into statelets…Lebanon with a north-south division, Iraq with its upcoming three statelets, and Palestine with its West Bank and Gaza statelets.

      However, it appears that the attractive thing to Israel is the possibility of a really major US military base in the Serbian province of Kosovo. We don’t hear much about it, but it’s there and has been growing although more slowly than the US base in Bagdad. Major US bases in the second ring of nations would be just the kind of grandiose thinking that dominates Israeli thinking.

      2) Consider the relation of Serbia & Kosovo to the former Soviet Union. It appears to be a direct policy of the USA to push the frontiers of the USSR back and back, right into Moscow’s backyard. What better place to acquire land for an anti-Russian base that in Serbia’s Kosovo?

      And there may be other reasons…transportation routes, oil pipeline routes, access to warm water ports, mineral resources. But never forget that the US government is totally Judeo-centric, meaning literally that Israel is the true center of US foreign policy and that it is always profitable in analysis of any European-Asian-African problem to take a good look at the problem from Israel’s point of view which is always the center of the map to them.

    11. Olde Dutch Says:

      Bill, don’t forget the Seven Pillars of Wisdom. The Arabs rebelled against the Turks, and overthrew hundreds of years of Turkish religious & political leadership in the Levant.

      I agree with you that the jew cultists will do anything to protect their homeland and cult center. Including sacrificing former friends/hosts like the Serbs, if it makes the bigger jew cult agenda work.

      Fitch in the British “Independent”, and Le Monde diplomatique have said pretty much the same thing too.

      Now I see our stinking negress Coondi is putting her butt ugly puss into this Balkan mess—which will only inflame the situation. And not necessarily the Serbs in particular. We may see some pan slavism if this dumb nigger bitch says or does the wrong thing.

    12. Jaroslav Hus Says:

      Whites always hated each other but culmination was reached thru European division in different sub-sub Cults of judeo-christian sub-cult developed from the cult of jdaism. In the religious wars led by the most pathological judeo-christian subcult, Roman Catholicism against any other judeo-christian subcult such as Lutherans, Anglicans, Orthodox, Kalvinists, Cwigli movements and the most genocidal of all, war against Czech Husits and Serbian Orthodox, more Whites were murdered than against any Asiatic invasion or pandemic disease.
      Only cult which murdered more Whites and historically in lightning speed was Judeo-Bolshevism.

    13. Jaroslav Hus Says:

      Whites always hated each other but culmination was reached thru European division in different sub-sub Cults of judeo-christian sub-cult developed from the cult of jdaism. In the religious wars led by the most pathological judeo-christian subcult, Roman Catholicism against any other judeo-christian subcult such as Lutherans, Anglicans, Orthodox, Kalvinists, Cwigli movements and the most genocidal of all, war against Czech Husits and Serbian Orthodox, more Whites were murdered than against any Asiatic invasion or pandemic disease.
      Only cult which murdered more Whites and historically in lightning speed was Judeo-Bolshevism.

    14. ViV Says:

      Behind this push for the independence of Bosnia are the Jews, just as they were behind the bombing of Serbia. The Jew Tom Lantos promised Bosnia to Albanians already in 1989, see http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7647717319228463142 .

      The Mongol-Hun-Turkic descended imposters called ‘Jews’ were and are working closely together with their Turco-Albanian bloodbrothers, to create a radical islamitic state in the heart of Europe. The Albanians were fighting together with the Mujahedeen, which was once funded by the JewSA.

      The kikes are ‘Balkanising’ all countries in Europe with non-white mass immigration to destroy the indiginous white populations in a future ‘clash of civilisations’.
