11 November, 2007

New Book About Sen. Joseph McCarthy

Posted by Socrates in Big Lie, jewed culture, Jewish Tyranny, New World Order, Socrates at 7:31 pm | Permanent Link

McCarthy was a good fellow, but he didn’t really understand the Jewish forces that conspired against him. Some of those Jewish forces were right next to him, e.g., attorney Roy Cohn [1]:


[1] more about Cohn and the downfall of McCarthy: [Here]

  • 3 Responses to “New Book About Sen. Joseph McCarthy”

    1. anti hooder Says:

      that expose on mccarthy is great———-finally !! one more issue surrounding that ERA additionally needs to be exposed to sunshine……Why did the North American Freemasons support baptist freemason-convert to catholicism clarence thomas and Thurgood Marshall also a freemason…..EXPOSE THEM ALL !!!!!! I call these fu@king people affirmative action rent-a-niggers !!!

    2. Mike Parker Says:

      Why do you suppose he didn’t understand the Jews? He understood them perfectly well, just as Richard Nixon, William Buckley and Sam Francis did.

    3. Socrates Says:

      Mike Parker Says: “Why do you suppose he didn’t understand the Jews? He understood them perfectly well, just as Richard Nixon, William Buckley and Sam Francis did.”

      If he understood the Jews very well, why did his career end so quickly and so soon? Sure, he knew about Jews to a degree, but I don’t think he fully understood their nature.