4 November, 2007

Jewish Journalist Sues Neo-Nazi Over Remarks

Posted by Socrates in Germany, hate speech, Socrates at 11:13 pm | Permanent Link

Free speech has vanished in Europe, thanks to decades of Jewish activism [1]:


[1] about anti-racism/Holocaust-denial laws in Europe: [Here], [Here] and [Here]

  • 8 Responses to “Jewish Journalist Sues Neo-Nazi Over Remarks”

    1. Vaultner Says:

      Isn’t that entrapment?

    2. Friedrich Braun Says:

      Typical kike behaviour: rat-face Michel Friedman, a known sex and drug fiend and someone responsible for the death of a high-ranking German politician wants to interview the outspoken eccentric Horst Mahler knowing very well what sort of views the old man holds. Following the interview, the oily, hideous kike runs to BRD’s Zionist police to whine and complain that he was offended by Mahler’s answers to his questions. If Germany was really Germany, and not a Zionist play-thing, an anti-German provocateur such Friedman would’ve been put on a plane to Israel or U.S.A. (what’s the difference?) a long time ago, instead of acting as if Germany belongs to “them.” More chuzpah from the usual suspects. That word chuzpah suits that entire Satanic race so well.

    3. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      I love impartial journalists who are only interested in facts. A Jewish Journalist is always either a spy or a whore for ZOG.

      Daniel Pearl? Cry me a river!!! Kike (head) in a box. Boo Hooooooo!

    4. The Warlord Says:

      “Michel Friedman’s courageous interview gives an important insight into the deep chasms that this society must confront,” Poschardt said. ”

      Courageous? WTF? Did he think that 72 yr. old Mahler was going to beat him up and stuff him in an oven?

      The Warlord

    5. sgruber Says:

      I noticed an interesting local item:

      The UJC General Assembly – the largest annual gathering of Jewish leadership in the world – promises this year to be a truly memorable event with a distinctive Southern flair. The GA will take place Nov. 11-13 at Nashville’s magnificent Gaylord Opryland Hotel Resort and Convention Center, with multiple host communities helping to bring some down-home flavor to the GA.

      They will be gathered in one place. Nashville, Tennessee. Terminally ill “anti-Semites” might see this as a chance for glory. Gosh, I hope not.

      There is a solution to the jewish problem.

    6. abe foxman Says:

      Mahler should have had more sense. Why anyone in his right mind would even want to talk to a Jew let alone be interviewed by one is beyond me.

    7. D Carver Says:

      Censorship denies my right to express my views. It is a violation of my free speech inalienable rights, which are God given and inviolate. To call them hate speech is to cast your individual or group views as superior to mine, and more worthy of protection, indeed, you deny my right to free speech at all costs. Well, hate speech is precisely what is intended to be protected! If you find my speech hateful, well, tough. My views oppose yours, so they are “Hate”. What a semantic joke. You Jews are a joke on the white race! When the white man disappears, you will be next!!!

    8. David Baker Says:

      I was amazed to view a savage beating of a local high school girl by a young black female student. What I’m also surprised about is that she ‘proudly’ expressed no remorse for the attack, which lasted far beyond what even males would inflict upon an opponent. The application of “Hate Crime” statutes here will not be discussed by the media, mainly because the victim was not Hispanic, black, or Muslim–she was Asian. It’s interesting to witness the media’s treatment of such events because their hypocrisy is so overwhelming, you feel as if they have to sit on their tongues (as we do..) to keep from honestly describing their feelings in the matter. It is absolutely true that news media personalities are on a very short leash, and the slightest variation from any politically-correct parameter will result in their ouster from the public eye. I personally would have remarked on the feral nature of the attacker, which resembled very much an animal-like behavior. This girl was (is..) a vicious, violent person, who apparently cannot control her temper to any extent. However, the puffy-lipped liberals have pigeon-holed her tribe firmly within the status of “Hate Victims”. One day, mankind will realize just how unintelligent such measures have been shown to be.