12 November, 2007

Israel and Zionism

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, Zionism at 9:49 pm | Permanent Link

Two articles: a new one from Dr. Kevin MacDonald, and another one from 2001 that makes good points about Israel’s claim to Palestine:



  • 2 Responses to “Israel and Zionism”

    1. lawrence dennis Says:

      Easy proof of the bogus nature of many American “anti-racist” jews is their silence or support of the Jews’ brutal suppression of the racial minority of Arabs in Palestine. Sure, they’re all for “civil rights” when it robs the non-jewish majority of power, but there are to be no equals to “God’s chosen” in the area where they constitute a majority, or even where they can dictate living conditions of others due to their overwhelming superior force.

    2. Junghans Says:

      Well said L. D., the people of the double standard, indeed.