24 November, 2007

Iraq These Days

Posted by Socrates in Iraq, jewed culture, Socrates, war, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism at 5:15 pm | Permanent Link

According to the Jewish columnist Krauthammer, the Iraq war is now “winnable.” Why are there fewer deaths in Iraq these days? Part of the reason may be because there are fewer people there. Some of them have fled to Syria or other countries. Population shifts within Iraq could also account for a lower death rate [1]:


[1] more about the death toll in Iraq: [Here]

  • 2 Responses to “Iraq These Days”

    1. Vaultner Says:

      I think they all pulled back to await a U.S. invasion of Iran.

    2. jimbo Says:

      i’m SICK to FCKN DEATH! of seein’ that BULL-SHIT “official death toll” for the jewSA ZOG-bots in Iraq: 3½thou’ or WTF-ever it is!….what a fckn CROCK!….any BLONK with more than ½-dzn fully functional brain cells KNOWs that the REAL DEATH TOLL for jewSA ‘forces’ is AT LEAST 10 TIMEs that, if not 20 TIMES!….an “alternative” site like anti-war.com should fckn KNOW BETTER than to keep ‘quoting’ that BIG LIE stat’!