9 November, 2007

Good Cartoons

Posted by Socrates in A. Wyatt Mann, cartoons, Socrates, White media, White philosophy at 9:32 pm | Permanent Link

Cartoons by A. Wyatt Mann: [Here].

  • 4 Responses to “Good Cartoons”

    1. LOLfunny Says:

      Those cartoons were a big hit with my friends. I love the rabbi with the spraypaint.

    2. Some guy Says:

      These are funny, and so true. Jews WILL stab you in the back, never under any circumstance put any amount of trust into a Kike for a split-second because they will screw you over!

    3. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Great stuff. Let’s print some and leave them on buses and other public places. My favorite place is in jew deparment stores. Print some A5 size and place them coat and jacket pockets of clothes in the men’s department.

    4. Tommy Says:

      lol that’s fucking funny