5 October, 2007

“The Right to Exist”

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Zionism at 3:12 pm | Permanent Link

Some good comments about Israel: [Here].

  • 6 Responses to ““The Right to Exist””

    1. Hengest Says:

      Let’s not get caught up in siding with the Pals against the Izzies, for it is none of our business what those two tribes do to each other.
      We should just stand back and watch them fight.
      That means no more tax dollars for Israhell of course.

    2. abe foxman Says:

      These people have no right to exist other than in south eastern Russia just as Hitler planned once the Communists had been driven out.
      90% of modern day Israelis are misfits and fakes! These Zionists descended from the Khazars of Europe, call themselves ‘God’s chosen people’, but they are not ‘REAL Jews;’ not the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to whom the natural Covenant of Promise was made.
      Largely of Turkish extraction, these people were never ‘strangers’ in Egypt or in Palestine but built an empire in the Caucasus. They converted to Judaism, which is Talmudism that developed from Pharisaism which withstood and crucified Jesus Christ.
      They adopted Judaism (which is the antithesis of the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) under the reign of King Bulan in AD740. This was not a spiritual choice, but like Constantine’s so-called conversion to Christianity four hundred years earlier, a political move to maintain his kingdom’s independence from the Islamic Caliphate in the East, and the Holy Roman Empire in the West.
      This filth that persecutes the real semitic descendants of Abraham under the banner of Jewry use this falsehood as a cudgel to beat upon and extort from unsuspecting or misled Christians notably fundamental Christians in the US including its illiterate leaders, and as a tool to focus gentile dislike (anti antisemitism) on the real children of Israel.
      The hijacking of religious teachings of Abraham and Moses by impostors was always the precursor to the Talmudisation of Christianity which is now well on its way to completion when Popes and Politicians go over there and prostrate themselves for all to see.

    3. Gerald E. Morris Says:

      No animal with a cranium infected by jew-filth has any “right to exist” according to Aryan and for that matter simple Human interests. By definition, jewry is the most extreme form of criminal insanity there is, bar no exceptions. Mankind will not be Free until the Last Kike is strangled to it’s death in it’s own guts. No excuse for them is acceptable, none. Likewise for any aspirant replacements or imitators.

    4. lawrence dennis Says:

      A brief observation:

      At the root of the “right to exist” argument that Jews put forward for Israel, is the argument that Jews should never, ever have to support themselves. This “right to exist” thus extends to all Jewry, who are to be allowed, FOREVER, to live well at the expense of others (principally the white race, since we create the most preferred living environments, but Jews are not too picky about the different racial admixtures of their servants as long as they are obedient and fulfill the Jews’ wishes). So, to acknowledge the Jews’ “right to exist” is thus to acquiesce in PERMANENT JEWISH DOMINATION, and thereby to be accept being nothing better than a servant of world Jewry.

      TIME TO CHOOSE: Freedom … or Jews.

    5. Coup d'Etat Says:

      Giving the Israelis the “right to exist” is the same as giving them a loaded gun, giving permission to massacre anyone who stands in their way without compromising.

    6. sgruber Says:

      Do cancer cells have a right to exist?

      As Alex Linder wrote:

      ““Like I say, jews should be physically exterminated. That is not an extremist position, that is a moderate position. The extremist position is that they ought to be shot with silver bullets and have stakes driven through their hearts.”

      Interesting discussion in the comments section HERE.