29 October, 2007

South Africa: “Unemployed Were Better Off Under Apartheid”

Posted by Socrates in apartheid, Marxism, Socrates, South Africa at 5:49 pm | Permanent Link

South Africa is still “enjoying” the handiwork of the Jewish activists – such as Joe Slovo – who played key roles in the movement to give Blacks political power in that country [1]:


[1] more about Slovo: [Here]

  • 2 Responses to “South Africa: “Unemployed Were Better Off Under Apartheid””

    1. Wolf Says:

      If Ron Paul is courting Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Holocaust Deniers and 9/11 “Truthers” then I have egregiously misjudged the fine doctor. Sadly, I seriously doubt Mr. Paul would embrace such sane and sober points of view. He has in the past agreed with the official fairy tale explanation for the events surrounding 9/11. Introducing the racial question in his next debate is a non starter and forget about a Holohoax campaign plank. Let’s get real people. Medved is trying to bait him.

    2. Ivan Says:

      Oh yeah! And read this http://samsonblinded.org/blog/apartheid-is-politically-correct.htm