23 October, 2007

“Sabotage Fails, Free Speech Wins”

Posted by Socrates in conferences, Israel - the facts, jew mentality, jewed culture, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Socrates, Zionism at 4:56 pm | Permanent Link

About the attempts to stop the “No More Wars for Israel” conference, which happened in mid-October. How pathetic: the Jews demand that White people practice racial, social and political “tolerance,” yet the Jews are extremely intolerant themselves and will go to great lengths to censor speech that they don’t like [1]:


[1] about Jewish hyperethnocentrism: [Here]

  • 4 Responses to ““Sabotage Fails, Free Speech Wins””

    1. John Stomos Says:

      I usually don’t post comments on this blog, but what happened to Alex Linder? Is everything okay? What’s going on?

    2. Wolf Says:

      “Less than 48 hours before the conference was to begin, one of the organizers received a message from the events coordinator at the hotel with a bombshell: the demand of $20,000 within 24 hours or the event would be banned. “

      $20,000 for what? The article doesn’t say. Something’s fishy about this confrence.

    3. Socrates Says:

      # John Stomos Says: “I usually don’t post comments on this blog, but what happened to Alex Linder? Is everything okay? What’s going on?”

      Alex will be back soon. He’s taking some time off.

    4. Booger Says:

      To all the morons who say we live in a “free” country,I have a great come-back.Critisize Israel and see how long your “free speech” lasts!This country is Israels BITCH.