27 October, 2007

“Faggots: the Governator Gives Them California”

Posted by Socrates in California, New World Order, queers, Socrates at 11:28 pm | Permanent Link

By Alan Stang: [Here].

  • 30 Responses to ““Faggots: the Governator Gives Them California””

    1. abe foxman Says:

      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigrant…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

      Simply put, Hitler would have tolerated such scum and their laws.
      He threw those ass thieves in jail and kicked their sheeny promoters out. He strung up peadophiles and the sick fucks who promoted it!
      So how does this issue relate to Hitler? Well there’s a tenuous link to an Austrian. Don’t matter that despite looking like an Aryan, this Hymied Goy is nothing but a treacherous made in Hymiwood sack of shit!
      In fact Arnie would be dangling from a meat hook in the Germany of old for promoting such Jewey behaviour.

      This faggoty article is not worth commenting on and I’m surprised VNN even posted it.
      I’ll assume Socrates posting it feels the redeeming value was to draw the above or similar commentary from it’s readers.

    2. abe foxman Says:

      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigrant…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

      Simply put, Hitler would not have tolerated such scum and their laws.
      He threw those ass thieves in jail and kicked their sheeny promoters out. He strung up peadophiles and the sick fucks who promoted it!
      So how does this issue relate to Hitler? Well there’s a tenuous link to an Austrian. Don’t matter that despite looking like an Aryan, this Hymied Goy is nothing but a treacherous made in Hymiwood sack of shit!
      In fact Arnie would be dangling from a meat hook in the Germany of old for promoting such Jewey behaviour.

      This faggoty article is not worth commenting on and I’m surprised VNN even posted it.
      I’ll assume Socrates posting it feeling the redeeming value was to draw the above or similar commentary from it’s readers.

    3. -jc Says:

      Goo-goo (Images) Arnold + “Warren Buffet” + “Jacob Rothschild” and you come up with a group shot. Raises questions I suppose.

      The first article I read on the most recent U.S. homo legislation was in World Net Daily. Make of that what you will.

      Effective rat poison is 99%+ good food or it doesn’t work. Rats are wary, smart, and apparently pass along awareness of rat poison in their genes, with a tip of the hat to Nobel laureate Dr. James Watson. Read a little about who grants the Nobel prize: The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

      In the instant piece, Jew Stang apparently, like Limbaugh, et al., is defining the limits of acceptable debate on pet issues. Nazis mentioned unfavorably (what a surprise) along with other bad guys (guilt by association). Piece is pro-organized religion if badly in need of reformation. No mention of the Jewish question however.



      In one of his earliest writing jobs Alan Stang scripted interviews for Mike Wallace before Wallace moved to CBS. Alan’s first novel, The Highest Virtue, won smashing reviews from the Los Angeles Times, the late Los Angeles Herald Examiner, the Orange County Register, and five stars—top rating—from the then West Coast Review of Books. Editor Dave Dreis says he gives five stars in only little more than one per cent of his reviews

      Alan Stang has written ten books and hundreds of feature magazine articles, reprinted in the millions. He has won awards for scholarship and journalistic excellence from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and the American Academy of Public Affairs in Los Angeles, chaired by Loyd Wright, former chairman of the American Bar Association.

      Alan Stang has lectured around the world. As a network radio talk show host, he went head to head with Larry King in Los Angeles. According to Arbitron, Alan had almost twice as many listeners.

      Alan was born and raised a Jew but converted to Christianity. He and his wife Gail have five children.

    4. abe foxman Says:

      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigrant…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

      Simply put, Hitler would not have tolerated such scum and their laws.
      He threw those ass thieves in jail and kicked their sheeny promoters out. He strung up peadophiles, homosexuals and the sick fucks who promoted their deviance!
      So how does this issue relate to Hitler? Well there’s a tenuous link to an Austrian. Don’t matter that despite looking like an Aryan, this Hymied Goy is nothing but a treacherous made in Hymiwood sack of shit! Nevertheless, he makes the connection proper.
      In fact Arnie would be dangling from a meat hook in the Germany of old for promoting such Jewey behavior as this.

      This faggoty article is not worth commenting on and I’m surprised VNN even posted it.
      I’ll assume Socrates posting it feeling the redeeming value was to draw the above or similar commentary from it’s readers.

    5. r Says:

      Goo-goo (Images) Arnold + “Warren Buffet” + “Jacob Rothschild” and you come up with a group shot. Raises questions I suppose.

      Indeed, like how the hell did you come up with that combination?

    6. zoroastro Says:

      Well, it was obviously written by a jew because it is the other jew, always sitting on both fences, who creates these frightful pro-homo ‘laws’ and not some paltry pawn like the Austrian Conan the barbarian. The usual jew ‘fie nazi!’ nonsense just make one laugh; jews aren’t NORMAL even when they try hard to appear as such like this clown who unfortunately has spawned five little kikies….

    7. r Says:

      Minorities less likely to trick-or-treat: more likely to rape your daughter, study finds


    8. Celtic Warrior Says:

      Typical piece of jew writing. They always trade both sides of the street.

    9. jigaboos j. jigabooze Says:

      “Indeed, like how the hell did you come up with that combination?”

      Picture was posted here last year. Even then it was old news.

    10. NS Says:

      When Stang declared that National Socialism was just a form of sodomy I knew he was a Kike, although the name “Stang” certainly is a hint. Study the history of National Socialism in practice and then see that one is dealing with just another Jew lair. As Mr. Linder has pointed out “Jews Set Up, Jews Knock Down”.

    11. StuGavin Says:

      Does the moron who wrote the article know that the Nazis put homosexuals in concentration camps?

    12. booger Says:

      The perversion and evil have no end except in the blood of patriots.if this shit is for real, then the monstrosity of the Beast is apparent.This news sickens me to my core. any of our Racial Brethren on the side of the beast must abdicate NOW in favor of YOUR FAMILY,FAITH,AND FRIENDS or forever bow to the wishes of the BEAST!GOD-BLESS THE INTERNET as the LAST ,absolute LAST place WE the PEOPLE can get any De- ZOG-ified news.FUCK THIS COUNTRY!And fck the Homos in Caly.may that place BURN IN HELL JUST LIKE IT WAS DOING.GOD IS NOT MOCKED!

    13. abe foxman Says:


    14. abe foxman Says:

      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigrant…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

    15. abe foxman Says:

      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection. The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigrant…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler. The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

    16. abe foxman Says:

      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigrant…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

    17. abe foxman Says:

      What’s goin on there VNN? Trying to post re this item. Keep getting a stupid ‘it appears you have already posted that item’ message. DO we have a problem?

    18. -jc Says:

      The case against free speech in favor of administrators deleting such posts is that it is only acceptable to yell “fire” in a movie theater if there actually is a fire:

      “# r Says:
      28 October, 2007 at 10:22 am

      Minorities less likely to trick-or-treat: more likely to rape your daughter, study finds


    19. -jc Says:


      [Source: CEC’s Australian Alert Service Oct.03 2002 ]

      According to the Sept.26 LondonTimes, in private retreats, top oligarchs are discussing a “hair raising” and “grim” future of non-stop wars in the Middle East, and global economic collapse — or, How the Old Dark Age meets the New Dark Age.

      In his regular Times column, Anatole Kaletsky writes a quite shocking article. He says he is reminded by a recent experience he had of the writings of Boccaccio’s Decameron, written during the 14th century tribulations, where a form of “escapism” is described, whereby the characters “turn away from the plagues of the outside world and retreat to a refuge of beauty, luxury, and self indulgence. Although I am not very rich, I had the opportunity to do exactly this when I spent two days at a retreat for the rich and powerful, organized by NetJets, a company which provides private aircraft for the world’s movers and shakers.

      Schwarzenegger being Groomed for California’s Governor

      Warren Buffet, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lord Jacob Rothschild at Waddesdon Manor
      “Everything about this gathering made me think of Boccaccio. The setting was Waddesdon Manor, the magnificent baroque palace outside London, built by the Rothschild family, in the 1980s…. The hosts were Lord Rothschild,…. and Warren Buffet, the owner of NetJets, and the second richest man in the world.” The themes were so unnerving, that “the conference agenda made me think of Boccacciossybarites, eating sweetmeats on their hilltop outside Florence, as the plague ravaged the world outside..”

      He said that while everyone was drinking the best wines in the world, they were confronted with “three interconnected traumas” by those speaking: The Middle East, The collapse of shares, and the prospect of a global economic depression.

      Kaletsky writes: “The apocalyptic tone was set by a hair raising discussion of the Middle East. After hearing presentations from two well placed Washington officials, it became clear that war was now inevitable — and in a matter of weeks, not months. Far more alarming, was that the war would not stop with the removal of President Saddam Hussein, still less with the U.N.-sponsored campaign to eliminate Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction.

      Within hours of September 11 2001, President Bush apparently made two irrevocable decisions. America was at war, and the war ‘was not just against the authors of September 11, but against all those who air or support acts of this kind.’ The war against terror, would therefore, ‘get bigger and bigger all the time.’

      “After dealing with Iraq, the pressure for ‘regime change’ would shift to Iran, then Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Pakistan. Most Middle Eastern countries, we were told, were not really ‘nations’. They were personal fiefdoms. Iraq should really be called ‘Saddam-land’, Syria ‘asad-land’ — and the name Saudi Arabia speaks for itself. Thus military action to remove Saddam will really be a war on Iraq, not against it. The White House seemed confident that Iraqis would see things this way and would welcome U.S. soldiers, if not American bombs.

      “As if an ever expanding war were not bad enough, the economic outlook presented to the gathered plutocrats, was even grimmer since it was not overlaid with the blustering confidence of the Washington war party. In contrast to the geopolitical experts, who all seemed intoxicated by the omnipotence of the U.S.military machine, the economic experts — including James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank, Paul Volcker the former chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, and, of course Buffet himself — all emphasized the impotence of monetary and fiscal policy after the collapse of one of the great speculative bubbles of all time.

      “To make matters worse, the assembled company generally agreed that America and Britain, would soon be threatened by the new bubbles in the property markets…”

    20. abe foxman Says:

      Any one who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection.

    21. abe foxman Says:

      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigration…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

    22. abe foxman Says:

      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigration…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.

    23. Abe Says:

      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigrant…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

      Simply put, Hitler would not have tolerated such scum and their laws.
      He threw those ass thieves in jail and kicked their sheeny promoters out. He strung up peadophiles, homosexuals and the sick fucks who promoted their deviance!
      So how does this issue relate to Hitler? Well there’s a tenuous link to an Austrian. Don’t matter that despite looking like an Aryan, this Hymied Goy is nothing but a treacherous made in Hymiwood sack of shit! Nevertheless, he makes the connection proper.
      In fact Arnie would be dangling from a meat hook in the Germany of old for promoting such Jewey behavior as this.

      This faggoty article is not worth commenting on and I’m surprised VNN even posted it.
      I’ll assume Socrates posting it feeling the redeeming value was to draw the above or similar commentary from it’s readers.

    24. Abe Says:

      Jews and their Goy can only address an issue these days by bringing in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline. A chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigration…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most are so well tuned to the sham that the kikes and their goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

      Simply put, Hitler would not have tolerated such scum and their laws.
      He threw those ass thieves in jail and kicked their sheeny promoters out. He strung up pedophiles, homosexuals and the sick fucks who promoted their deviance!
      So how does this issue relate to Hitler? Well there’s a tenuous link to an Austrian. Don’t matter that despite looking like an Aryan, this Hymied Goy is nothing but a treacherous made in Hymiwood sack of shit! Nevertheless, he makes the connection proper.
      In fact Arnie would be dangling from a meat hook in the Germany of old for promoting such jewey behavior as this.

      This faggoty article is not worth commenting on and I’m surprised VNN even posted it.
      I’ll assume Socrates posting it feeling the redeeming value was to draw the above or similar commentary from it’s readers.

    25. abe foxman Says:

      Steng’s a cunt….as is the cunt who’s stopping me posting!

    26. abe foxman Says:

      Hey cunt
      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigration…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

      Simply put, Hitler would not have tolerated such scum and their laws.
      He threw those ass thieves in jail and kicked their sheeny promoters out. He strung up pedophiles, homosexuals and the sick fucks who promoted their deviance!
      So how does this issue relate to Hitler? Well there’s a tenuous link to an Austrian. Don’t matter that despite looking like an Aryan, this Hymied Goy is nothing but a treacherous made in Hymiwood sack of shit! Nevertheless, he makes the connection proper.
      In fact Arnie would be dangling from a meat hook in the Germany of old for promoting such Jewey behavior as this.

      This faggoty article is not worth commenting on and I’m surprised VNN even posted it.
      I’ll assume Socrates posting it feeling the redeeming value was to draw the above or similar commentary from it’s readers.

    27. abe foxman Says:

      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots knows that the only way they can address an issues is to bring in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline…a chameleon designed to get one outraged and then slip in the eternal Nazi denigration….big bad National Socialism and worse still Hitler.

    28. abe foxman Says:

      Anyone who knows Jews and their Goy faggots know that the only way they can address an issue these days is to bring in the Nazi connection.
      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigration…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

      Simply put, Hitler would not have tolerated such scum and their laws.
      He threw those ass thieves in jail and kicked their sheeny promoters out. He strung up pedophiles, homosexuals and the sick fucks who promoted their deviance!
      So how does this issue relate to Hitler? Well there’s a tenuous link to an Austrian. Don’t matter that despite looking like an Aryan, this Hymied Goy is nothing but a treacherous made in Hymiwood sack of shit! Nevertheless, he makes the connection proper.
      In fact Arnie would be dangling from a meat hook in the Germany of old for promoting such Jewey behavior as this.

      This faggoty article is not worth commenting on and I’m surprised VNN even posted it.
      I’ll assume Socrates posting it feeling the redeeming value was to draw the above or similar commentary from it’s readers.

    29. abe foxman Says:

      Steng’s a cunt…as is the cunt stopping me posting!

    30. abe foxman Says:

      The issue itself is a mere sideline, a chameleon designed to get one outraged then simply slip in the eternal ‘Nazi’ denigration…that of National Socialism and worse still Hitler.
      The odd thing is these are simply not enough these days…folks have woken up to the lie. In fact most sheeple are so well tuned to the sham that the Kikes and their Goys are working overtime to get them back in the PC pen, and their latest move is to throw in alongside Hitler and his movement a few REAL made in Kikeland despots like Stalin so they have all the bases covered.

      Simply put, Hitler would not have tolerated such scum and their laws.
      He threw those ass thieves in jail and kicked their sheeny promoters out. He strung up pedophiles, homosexuals and the sick fucks who promoted their deviance!
      So how does this issue relate to Hitler? Well there’s a tenuous link to an Austrian. Don’t matter that despite looking like an Aryan, this Hymied Goy is nothing but a treacherous made in Hymiwood sack of shit! Nevertheless, he makes the connection proper.
      In fact Arnie would be dangling from a meat hook in the Germany of old for promoting such Jewey behavior as this.

      This faggoty article is not worth commenting on and I’m surprised VNN even posted it.
      I’ll assume Socrates posting it feeling the redeeming value was to draw the above or similar commentary from it’s readers.