28 October, 2007

Duke, re: Watson and Shockley

Posted by Socrates in David Duke, egalitarianism, political correctness, racial science, racism accusations, Socrates at 11:24 am | Permanent Link

“The two Galileos of the modern scientific age tell the truth about race” by Dr. David Duke: [Here].

  • 2 Responses to “Duke, re: Watson and Shockley”

    1. Donald E. Pauly Says:

      This essay is one of the best by Duke. There is no doubt that the discovery of the transistor and DNA are two of the ten greatest scientific discoveries in history. The Jews must cringe that both of the discoverers were White racists.

    2. sgruber Says:

      Donald E. Pauly said:

      The Jews must cringe that both of the discoverers were White racists.

      Ultimate cringing jew drawn by genius R. Crumb HERE (pdf). See Page 2, Panel 3… He creeps along the wall.

      Happy Halloween! :)