12 October, 2007

Abortion Opponent Loses Property

Posted by Socrates in abortion movement, feminism, Socrates at 11:06 pm | Permanent Link

The abortion movement is all about advancing the feminist agenda. After all, it’s difficult for a career-chick to go to college, get a degree and then work in a fancy office if she has children. That’s why the Jews and the liberals are worried about Roe v. Wade being overturned:


  • 22 Responses to “Abortion Opponent Loses Property”

    1. Jim Says:

      “By the front door of the home hang a U.S. flag ” When will people learn that this asswipe rag is the flag of their enemy? You can’t fight it until you recognize it for what it is.

    2. brutus Says:

      While the Christians pray for God’s help, they haven’t a clue that their own Bible tells them to kill the baby murders. But they look the other way because their beloved charlatan, John Hagee, tells them to love the baby murderers for they are the apple of God’s eye.

      The judeo/Christians sit in the car and they wait for God to drive them around. They’re so ignorant of their own good book, that they don’t know that they’re supposed to drive the car themselves. What does one do with such idiots?

      They must be disposed of, just like the rest of the swine. When the time comes, I will eagerly volunteer to pull the lever.


    3. jimbo Says:

      if judæo-xtians had the courage of their convictions and loved their God, then they would band together, storm the abortion murder factories and KILL! every baby-butchering freak in them!……in the ‘Kwa, where guns/explosives are EASY to get and where xtianity has such a ‘high profile’, there is NO EXCUSE NOT TO DO THIS!……the Kwaps & jewdiciary who try & stymie such ‘actions’, should also be ‘taken care of’…..a few dozen or a few hundred examples will make them slow to arrest/prosecute those saving the lives of the innocents!

      these six things doth the Lord hate; yea even seven are an abomination unto Him; a proud look, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren

      how many of these imprecations fit those who sanction the murder of white babies and kow-tow to the murderers; viz: the jews?

    4. Charles Martel Says:

      Actually this is narrow sided old school thought right winger thinking. But I don’t blame you for it.

      As our world becomes darker and darker abortion is a good thing. We just don’t want whites carrying white babies to abort. So as far as I am concerned, overall (since whites are now a minority), abortion is a good thing.

      Abort nigger and mestizo fetuses, abort away!

    5. Charles Martel Says:

      sorry for the grammar mistakes…

    6. Charles Martel Says:

      “jimbo” sounds like a covert jdl crypto.

    7. jimbo Says:

      re: ‘charles martel’…..therez no ‘jdl’ in 0zz……….that’s exclusivley a ‘Kwa phenomenon….OTW: i’m past the point of givin’ a “rat’s”!; the over-whelming majority of abortions in the ‘Kwa and here are white babies; in effect: legally-sanctioned murder; if the state won’t protect the weak & the innocent, then it has forfeited any right to ‘enforce’ laws of any description or , for that matter, to exist as a viable entity….doesn’t matter WTF sez that!…..it’s self-evident!

    8. Brian Gareth Martivale Says:

      The problem is niggers and mestizos rarely get abortions … even when the 14-year-old ones get pregnant. Mexicans are always against abortion and arboreals aren’t much better.

    9. Charles Martel Says:

      I can only make partial sense of jimbo’s statements so I’m going to skip those for now.

      Not sure your right about groid abortions overall Brian. You’re right about the mestizos I’ll grant you that. But many groidlettes and half-groidlettes are destroyed a year in abortion clinics. How could you not see that as a good thing?

    10. 1st Edu Says:

      vnnforum.com seems to be having some technical difficulties. It was moving slow, now it is down…

    11. Wolf Says:

      This group, “American Coalition of Life Activists” held a function some years ago where they met and dspeculated about the time when they hoped abotion rights would be outlawed. In preperation for this outcome the ACLA launched its so-called “Nuremberg Files Project.” One of the organizers at this function said “We don’t want to make the mistakes that allowed so many Nazis to escape justice after World War II. We intend to have extensive files on each of them (abotionists) which will permit prosecutors to easily identify the criminal perpetrators and bring the appropriate judgment against them.”

      I could be wrong but I’m willing to bet that this Judeo-Christian group also beleives in Israel’s right to exist, the morality of sending their kids to die in wars for Israel and that Jesus loves all the little children in the world, be they black, brown, yellow, red or Yid.

    12. Aaronic Low Priest Says:

      Why is the abortion of a Jew or mixed race child a moral wrong?

    13. Thoughtcrime Says:

      Speaking of feminist ideology:

      Just got back from a first date with a tall, smart, sharp looking White babe. She asked me how I felt about homo’s and I said I don’t feel anything towards them, so she proceeds to fill me in on the fact that the majority of her friends are male homo’s.

      She then says she doesn’t want to have kids, but would rather adopt some (probably minority) kid. Said having a (beautiful White) baby would interfere with her career.

      So then she says she doesn’t understand why my life isn’t filled with relationships with homosexuals. I sat there flabbergasted; unable to speak.

      And she’s an educator with a Masters in rhetoric/logic and composition and teaches at a local college.

      I’m still flabbergasted. It’s like some sort of Bizarro world and normalcy is NOT the norm.

    14. Anchorage Activist Says:

      Re: Thoughtcrime:

      Sounds like that first date with her needs to be the LAST date. She’s got too many issues to ever be brought round to the Cause.

      Likes queers AND wants to adopt a signature brown/black baby AND has a Masters in rhetoric/logic? Sorry, mate, she’s lost to the Cause.

    15. sgruber Says:


      Welcome to the Kwa. They want to create a whole world of NOTHING BUT those kinds of women (and men, and queers) with those kinds of views – a world of insanity, a big madhouse.

      Who be “they”? Dey be the jews.

      A good way to counter this bs (in that date situation) is simply to say “I’m a Nazi” (don’t worry about whether you are technically a Nazi or not) and explain your racial views calmly but bluntly, then walk away. At least YOU will not be the one leaving with the feeling of living in a nightmare. :)

      There is a solution to the jewish problem.

    16. Spurrier Says:

      A good way to counter this bs (in that date situation) is simply to say “I’m a Nazi” (don’t worry about whether you are technically a Nazi or not) and explain your racial views calmly but bluntly, then walk away.

      Yes. I started doing that and have found out the people who don’t agree but who are decent, thinking people respect that and the shitburgers just stay away. A win win situation.

      I also get people to look up Revilo Oliver, by way of explaining his ideas are what I agree with. Has much the same effect.

    17. Informer Says:

      Judeo-Christians say that abortion and feminism in general are White-Supracist Nazi plots to wipe out the coloureds.

    18. Kaalkop Says:

      It becomes a bit tiresome, but if you want judeo-xtians come over to the WN fight against abortion, you should point out that abortion is worse than the holocaust. 50 million kills a years versus 6 million total.

    19. susan Says:

      At the risk of sounding self promoting, which I can assure you IT IS NOT, I am going to suggest to some of you guys who are maybe late twenties to late forties, and are looking for relationships or whatever, you may want to look at older “babes”.

      There are a lot of older women out there who aren’t in relationships and who would probably love the attention and whatever you have to offer them. And many of them are NOT multiculti diversitoid nigger loving whiggers.

      I agree, these young chicks are hopefully temporarily lost. I hope to hell as they grow older and gain experience with niggers, they will come to their senses. I imagine they will, especially if people like us speak out. Who knows….

      But, there are a lot of women, some who are divorced and some who never married or had children, who are ripe for the picking if you know what I mean. Teehee.

      They may not have the twenty something flat bellies or smooth faces, but these women are quality women who hold intelligent opinions and with whom you can hold an intelligent conversation about shit that matters.

      Again, please don’t take this to be an advertisement for myself…it’s not…but it is an advertisement for other women my age, and younger, and some older, who are in need of good male companionship.

      Where to find them. that’s a good question…..I happen to know a lot of older women in animal rescue, but I’m sure there are other places you can meet these women. At dog parks, at bookstores, at coffee shops, in dog obedience classes, at the gym, at concerts or plays…..hell use your imagination.

      Older women expect to be treated nicely and respectfully, just remember that. They won’t put up with any disrespectful bullshit, I know I don’t. And different women want different things from a man, so it’s not a one size fits all.

      Again, I’m just trying to help you fellas who are so lonely and tired of not having anyone to date or talk to or whatever….I’m not your enemy…even if some of you think I am.

      I really don’t know what I would do if I were a man nowadays. I’m sure it must be awfully frustrating to find a female who thinks like we do. I know it took me a while to come around completely, but I finally could not ignore facts.

      But, I wouldn’t tell her you’re a Nazi up front……just a suggestion. Maybe make her appreciate your finer qualities and then tell her you’re a Nazi. Teehee.

    20. Thoughtcrime Says:

      Likes queers AND wants to adopt a signature brown/black baby AND has a Masters in rhetoric/logic? Sorry, mate, she’s lost to the Cause. Anchorage Activist

      Agreed. I won’t be calling her back.

      It’s interesting that she defended her relationships with homosexuals as simply the fact that she “doesn’t judge anyone” and it’s all love and flowers and warm fuzzies and that can’t we all recognize that we are all different AND special?!! etc etc ad nauseum.

      I’m not sure why that type of mind-wipe is so effective with women. It just confounds all logic as to why it works so well on them. Most heterosexual males don’t want to be within 100 feet of a homosexual either male OR female.

      She then proceeded to tell me that she likes friendships with homosexual men because they won’t hit on her, or so she can just get a hug and know that a hug from a homo is just a hug.

      So I immediately asked her does she have some sort of problem with heterosexual men? I suspect there is some sort of hate/envy/bitterness there.

      She also told me I need to go to therapy and I laughed my ass off and said there ain’t no therapy that I need besides clear thinking.
      It seems working in academics encourages these ultra liberal slants.

    21. Anoy Says:

      Yes, Thoughtcrime. Women generally have a lot less trouble swallowing PC non-sense. I think to a large extent they genuinely agree with it.

      A Masters in logic eh? LOL! She’s obvioulsy quite deficient in the “logic” department!

    22. sgruber Says:

      In academe today, “logic” as a discipline is no more than symbol-manipulation without empirical referents. Which is a slick way of saying it’s horseshit.

      Look at this. I’ll wait.

      If your eyes aren’t crossed by now, you can see the plain truth about that stuff, which is this: if the squiggles are lined up straight, then you could plug in any premises (e.g. “all niggers are smart”) and the result would be called “logical.”

      All reds are green.
      All greens are blue.
      If John is blue, then John might be red or green instead of blue.

      THIS is what’s swimming around in her brain, instead of recipes and child-raising tips.

      Don’t go to college. Learn a trade and save your money. Buy real books used and read ’em at home.