18 September, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – September 17th 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 7:36 am | Permanent Link

Join Stan Sikorski and Yankee Jim as they bring you the Hank Williams Sr. Birthday Edition of Free Talk Live: Monday.

  • 2 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – September 17th 2007”

    1. Heather Blue Says:

      Good show. Good country music. No one beats Hank Williams for white country music. You hit the nail on the head about Jewish promotion. Oprah is where she is because of the color of her skin.

      They Jew accuse us of not like people because of the color of their skin – a good idea, actually – but they promote people because of the color of their skin. We need to emphasize that more, I think…. constantly accuse the Jews of promoting people because of the color of their skin. And accuse them of doing what they are doing by using the television and radio and film industry all of which we invented and that we did not invent them for their propaganda use.

    2. Will Burcker Says:

      LOL, freakin hilarious. The impersonation of a the “KaP seshun”. I was listening to the show on the headphones at work, and I laughed so loud everyone looked at me. Classic. “Its a fight, Its a fight, tween colored and da white” LOL…”Yo mamma so black…..she blue”LOL. VNN should try to get together an ocassional comedy show…if not live at least like a show full of clips like the ones in this show.

      PLEASE, check out this “Ebonics Translator”
      I typed this into the English section:

      Whites have invented 97 percent of all the technology that people in the modern day world enjoy. Jews have invented 97 percent of all the lies which now perpetuate the genocide of our people. This is just the way it is.

      And it gave me this as the “Ebonics” translation:

      Whites haz invented 97 percent o’ all da technology that niggas in da modern dey world enjoy. Jews haz invented 97 percent o’ all da lies which now purptetutate da genocide o’ our niggas. This iz just da way da thang iz.

      Thanks fo’ allowing me a few words,
      Loved da show, take care, see ya’ll on da forum…
      And tell those niggas in da background ta be more considerate when ya’ll guys iz trying ta do a show.

      Peas owt! Keep da sheet reel niggaz,