2 September, 2007

The Pope on Marriage

Posted by Socrates in feminism, jewed culture, Socrates at 3:46 pm | Permanent Link

It’s surprising that marriages last as long as they do, given the “progressive” forces that pull on our society. For example, the wife – feminized and liberalized since her early teens – wants to work and also be a wife and mother. That unnatural desire strains the family relationships in a variety of ways. When your culture is dominated by Jews instead of White people, nothing works as it should [1][2]:


[1] Dr. William Pierce on feminism: [Here]

[2] who dominates American culture: [Here]

  • 7 Responses to “The Pope on Marriage”

    1. sgruber Says:

      Is this a joke?

      Kevin Alfred Strom – bringing us views on the sanctity of marriage and love.


      The sewer which is the Forum is leaking. The poo is running on to the front page.

      Is it worth dealing with kidfucker STROM (oops, alleged kidfucker, eh?) to make a point about the breakdown of marriage? Dragging up a 15-year-old interview, with STROM’s name prominently displayed? STROM the child molester?

      There are probably a dozen other NON-TAINTED family-breakdown links to choose from and post. But no. STROMfront material goes right to the top!

      Including 15-year-old junk riffing on Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas. WTF?

      Nice “vanguard” material, that. ZZZZZZZZ

      But it’s material by our beloved dear leader, Kevin. The man who has done so much. To so many. Whom we all admire!!!

      The kidfucker. In an article about love and marriage. An honest inquirer after truth.

      Psst…hey VNN!

      It’s becoming plain you didn’t sink STROMfront.

      STROMfront is sinking you.

      Now I’m going to go destroy my cellar door in a fit of frenzied apoplexy.

    2. sgruber Says:

      Oh yeah – let me throw in a few “alleged”s.

      Alleged, alleged, alleged. That should do it.

      Notice I alleged the probability of child molestation. I didn’t allege the viewing of child porn. The child molestation is my conjecture. The viewing of child porn is a FACT.

      Now I am sick to my stomach.

    3. Socrates Says:

      It’s about Pierce and his views. It isn’t about Strom. Let’s stop the Strom-phobia from spreading to the main page. Again, the issue is PIERCE and HIS views.

    4. Anchorage Activist Says:

      Exactly, Socrates, it is about Dr. William Pierce and his views. But some people can’t see beyond the tip of their nose.

      We need to get Dr. Pierce’s views on various issues out front and center to counter the misrepresentations and outright lies told about him. I’ve always been MOST impressed about his ideas concerning education. Dr. Pierce believed the mission of an education system was to transmit three critical attributes from one generation to the next: culture, skills, and character. If we implemented his vision, we wouldn’t need the gimmickry of “No Child Left Behind”.

    5. New America Says:

      Regretfully making KAS the issue (1), KAS is not the issue here. He was simply the interviewer who asked Pierce the questions Pierce wanted to be asked.

      Regretfully making KAS the issue (2), KAS has done an enormous amount of good, for which he has received precious little credit. He did the best promo for Our Side I have ever heard – it starts with an acoustic guitar, and has a professional speaker reading the script – and has done an enormous amount of good for us in helping to define the issues of our RACE beyond simple-minded, and ultimately impotent, exhortations of “WHITE POWER!”

      I see Kevin Alfred Strom as a rather tragic figure, in many ways, because he did what he thought he was “supposed” to do – get married, and have children.

      Wrong choices for him, simple as that.

      For someone with his psychological nature to have attempted that, I think, is was a waste of the time of all parties.

      Pierce did not designate a successor.

      I suspect the death of Robert Matthews – the Man of Action, and an excellent counterpoint to Kevin Alfred Strom as the Man of Ideas – hit Pierce harder than he dared admit…

      I see a Lesson for all of us in Kevin’s situation; he did what he thought he was SUPPOSED to do, in terms of one set of responsibilities that were never really his, when he could have done what he was uniquely qualified to do, and magnified his talents by turning them into useful capacities for our RACE.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. Scipio Americanus Says:

      New America: Thank you for your cogent reply. Indeed, you are a gentleman and a scholar. However, this does raise an important point: How do we refer to KAS’s past work given the seriousness of the charges coupled with the demise of the man’s reputation? I agree with your assessment that KAS has produced some very fine work in the past, however, it seems to me that this work will no longer be viable given the likelihood of a conviction. Even the mere presence of his name on a transcript sent “sgruber” into a state of frenzied agitation despite the fact that the issue, as Socrates rightfully pointed out, involved William Pierce’s views on feminism. I remember posting an old KAS essay over at Original Dissent shortly after his arrest and intentionally leaving his name off the post so to avoid turning that specific thread, which was dedicated to exposing the wickedness of Martin Luther King, into a discussion of KAS’s arrest only to have one of the board administrators chastise me for doing so! It’s a catch-22 — damned if you do and damned if you do not! LOL! Anyhow, since the issue has been raised, what should the “official” policy be regarding KAS’s past contributions?

    7. New America Says:

      Scipio Americanus wrote:

      New America: Thank you for your cogent reply. Indeed, you are a gentleman and a scholar. However, this does raise an important point: How do we refer to KAS’s past work given the seriousness of the charges coupled with the demise of the man’s reputation? I agree with your assessment that KAS has produced some very fine work in the past, however, it seems to me that this work will no longer be viable given the likelihood of a conviction. Even the mere presence of his name on a transcript sent “sgruber” into a state of frenzied agitation despite the fact that the issue, as Socrates rightfully pointed out, involved William Pierce’s views on feminism. I remember posting an old KAS essay over at Original Dissent shortly after his arrest and intentionally leaving his name off the post so to avoid turning that specific thread, which was dedicated to exposing the wickedness of Martin Luther King, into a discussion of KAS’s arrest only to have one of the board administrators chastise me for doing so! It’s a catch-22 — damned if you do and damned if you do not! LOL! Anyhow, since the issue has been raised, what should the “official” policy be regarding KAS’s past contributions?

      in reply:
      I have considered the state of the “Movement” – the one David Lane went looking for, and did not find, because it wasn’t…there, and consider the Kevin Alfred Strom situation in that light.

      Simply put. about 99+% of us are of no value whatsoever to the RACE in any way, shape or form. I make that statement in the following context: Family is the microcosm of RACE, and RACE is the macrocosm of Family.

      Look at our more prominent members over the last little while, and the picture is…well, judge for yourself.

      Pierce died without naming a successor, because he had no worthy successor; Robert Mathews came closest. When Mathews died (betrayed by someone he trusted, by the way), Pierce suffered the grief of a father burying his only son…

      We had our strongest moment when we had a clearly identifiable, external foe; the demonic JEW-inspired “Civil Rights Movement” (ACTIVE Black militants!) formed the backdrop of Rockwell (assassinated), who attracted Pierce (dead), who attracted Martin Linstedt (locked up), Shaun Walker (locked up for, in effect, the rest of his life), Eric Gliebe (incompetent damn loser), Chester Doles (incarcerated), Kevin Alfred Strom (on his way to jail for a long time, effectively neutralized as a Movement person thereafter), and Alex Linder (underfunded, undersupported, under the functional equivalent of probation).

      Do you see a Pattern here?

      I do.

      Hell, I see several Patterns at work simultaneously.

      Harold Covington, author of the Northwest Trilogy, noted the Movement “back in the day” attracted one person who joined a beginning White Nationalist organization. This person never really had a past that was discussed in detail, but always had “Movement Leaders” speak for them. This person would take off for a couple of weeks at a time, on “vacation” or something, and, somehow, every organization died in its crib, torn apart by the sort of vicious infighting you only see among pathetic losers, bald men fighting over a comb.

      See that Pattern yet?

      The only person who has been able to form an organization and make it begin to work so far has been Bill White, because White actually has a Plan that he shares with the membership, has an open books philosophy, and consciously develops the skill set of the organization and its members in the fulfillment of that Plan.

      No room for “sneak around back stabbers.”

      In short, White does what Rockwell and Pierce would have done, if they had been here today…

      This is a long way of getting around to Kevin Alfred Strom.

      I accept the good works he has done. Frankly, after he is released, I would like to see him move out with Eustace Mullins, and write a true history of America from a White Nationalist perspective…

      As to the allegations of watching child porn, I know it is far too easy for people you live with to plant files on your computer without your knowing. And, frankly, the money-making enterprises on the Internet center around pornography, and a very strong market segment is called, in so many words, “Barely Legal.”

      There are lots of reasons to respect what Kevin Alfred Strom has done in the past, but he also has his share of flaws; I respect the good, and condemn the bad.

      From all accounts, he seems to have been emotionally immature, back stabbing other “Movement” people routinely, and these people have long memories.

      Short story long, most people will look for any excuse they can to put down the Other Man, for whatever reason, whether it is Strom putting down every one else, or every one putting down Strom, personally.

      Take all of that, and amplify it into one Moment, one Event.

      His pending divorce.

      Until you have been through a hate-filled divorce, particularly with children involved, you have no idea what Hell is…

      So, the people who now hate anything and everything associated with Kevin Alfred Strom willfully dismiss the good he has done, with his analysis and promotional activities, because it pales next to the power of their emotional response, the union of joy and hatred in revenge, to his current situation.

      In short, their dismissal of the good he has done is less than rational, and more of a rationalization.

      In the stages of human moral development, as an Adult, there is a stage past “Hamlet” – full of masculine potential, neutralized by a Child’s perception of morality – called “Faustian,” where you can accept the nature of Evil in the world around you (and the people around you), and do not deny its existence, but work with it for the transforming power and transforming message it conveys to one and all.

      This, ironically, is part and parcel of the Deed of Christ; he transformed the Earth Wisdom from a materialistic end unto itself, the lowering of Mankind into slavery, into a means of spiritual development, accepting the Earth Wisdom, and its negativity, and transforming it into a vehicle for the Spirit to build a better world on the back of the defeated serpent.

      Kevin Alfred Strom is many men in one; he was a fool to have ever been married, and he was a greater fool for trying to make marriages “work.”

      I look to the body of what he has done for “the Cause,” and separate that from what he is alleged to have done.

      If we looked at the Founding Fathers, and held them to the same standards, we would have rejected most of them, as well. There was a book out some time back called “The Founding Finaglers,” which documented the financial chicanery of our Founders, some of who did extremely well, personally, while doing good for all of us, politically.

      If we are waiting for The Perfect Leader before we start to actually Do Something, we might as well use that rationalization as the excuse we need to do what we really want to do, anyway…

      Which is Nothing.

      Nothing, of substance, dealing with Nothing, that matters.

      The Distributed Intelligent will support the Distributed Intelligent Revolution.

      The indispensable key to this begin with you, by BEING what you want the world to BECOME, and seeing all issues in the Light of RACE, as the Living Bridge between Family, and Culture, and seeing the Family as the microcosm of the RACE, and the RACE as the macrocosm of the Family.

      In closing, a word of advice for Kevin Alfred Strom, if he ever reads these words:

      If you are incarcerated, look at this as the time where all of your Illusions have been shattered. You will have nothing, and nothing to lose. Replace the Illusions with the Truth in yourself as you could Become.

      Smarter, tougher, stronger, and wiser.

      All of your Father figures are dead.

      It is time for you to replace them, yourself,WITH your Self, by BEING what you want the world to BECOME.

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!