14 September, 2007

Taylor on the SPLC

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Socrates, SPLC at 7:19 pm | Permanent Link


More on the SPLC: [Here] and [Here].

  • 4 Responses to “Taylor on the SPLC”

    1. sfg Says:

      These people are the scariest white people I have ever met. I worked for a non profit for almost a year and they gave
      “diversity” training put on by the ADL. I questioned them and I was fired that day. Haha. Actually, it’s been the best thing that ever happened to me. But these people, these diversitoid nitwits, are so damn self righteous about their beliefs, and don’t believe in facts, only feelings and more feelings. It’s reeeeeaaally scary.

      And, of course, they have a lot of money. LIke the jew female who ran the non profit I was fired from. Her husband was a lawyer and they had money. I had none so I couldn’t fight her firing of me. Otherwise, I would have gone after her. But the whites were the nastiest bunch of people I’d ever met. Disagree with them on anything and they’d get furious at you. And the nigs were the biggest bunch of incompetent boobs I’d ever met. What a comedy and they were of course living off the government for everything.

      When I left there, I felt as if I had to take a shower. Ugh!!!

    2. Smitty Says:

      Someday a it will come around and history will repeat itself…..

    3. Junghans Says:

      It`s kind of comical that Taylor is getting gutter-sniped by the Jews at SPLC, while he is front-running for them at his pseudo ‘white nationalist’ Am Ren operation! Poetic justice??

    4. Sgt. Skull Says:

      It’s probably safe to assume Heidi Beirich is a jewess. Should we really rally around Jared when he thumbed his nose at anti-jewish white nationalists and declared the jews our ally in this struggle? If there really is genuine ideological and political rifts within the jewish community, then why aren’t the “good” jews attacking the ADL, SPLC and the rest of the anti-white, bad jews?