6 September, 2007

Server Up, Linder Radio will Commence in an Hour or Two…

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 8:53 am | Permanent Link

No promises about server staying up…but if it does…we’ll do the show we had planned for Monday… We’ll update here when we go to air. Takeoff currently scheduled for around 11a.m. CST.

ON AIR 11-2. Server UP: tune in NOW and hear about ISTINA! this is stuff you and yours DESPERATELY NEED to KNOW!

  • 3 Responses to “Server Up, Linder Radio will Commence in an Hour or Two…”

    1. Tim Harris Says:

      Alex, clicking on that icon gives me the error message:



      This clip cannot be played.
      It contains unexpected data and may be corrupt.

      More information is available at the Realnetwords Customer Support Website


      However, it is unable to launch that support site.


    2. Dietrich Says:

      Hi Tim,

      It sounds like your player doesn’t have the streaming audio link properly associated. There are several ways to go about fixing it. If you’re in love with RealPlayer and don’t want to give it up, I would uninstall and reinstall it. If you’re not stuck on RealPlayer, or if you don’t know what I’m talking about, get Winamp:


      . . . and install it with all the default settings.

      The quickest fix for you would be to hit the link to


      When there is a broadcast going on, the forum displays a section at the top of the forums with links to embedded players that will play in a small pop-up window, no download/install required.

    3. Tim Harris Says:

      Dietrich — thanks. I’ll try all those things. I’m an engineer, but when it comes to PCs, I just “do what I’m told.”