4 September, 2007

Remarkable Nonsense about the Holocaust

Posted by Socrates in Holocaust, holocaust racket, jew mentality, Socrates at 3:04 pm | Permanent Link

In 1944, Shlomo was gassed five times by the Nazis. Today, he lives in New York:


The “six million” before the “six million”: [Here]

Definition of “Holocaust Survivors”: [Here]

  • 7 Responses to “Remarkable Nonsense about the Holocaust”

    1. lawrence dennis Says:

      Q: What do you call someone who no longer responds emotionally to a jew’s cries of “Never Forget”?

      A: A Holocaust Survivor Survivor.

    2. Petrarch Says:

      Here is some analysis from a NON-statistician.

      High estimate of ““holocaust” survivors” – 960,000
      Low estimate of ““holocaust” survivors” – 834,000

      960,000 – 834,000 = 126,000

      Overestimate/Underestimate – 126,000

      834,000 / 126,000 = 15.1
      960,000 / 126,000 = 13.1

      (15.1 + 13.1) / 2 = 14.1

      Margin of error: 14.1%

      It’s reasonable to assume, that “6,000,000” is the high estimate for non-““holocaust” survivors”.

      If the same margin of error applied to ““holocaust” survivors” as to non-““holocaust” survivors” it seems that it is reasonable that only 5,154,000 were non-““holocaust” survivors” given:

      “6,000,000” / .141 = 846,000
      “6,000,000” – 846,000 = 5,154,000

    3. Petrarch Says:

      The numbers for ““holocaust” survivors” were produced in 1997. That is over 50 years after WW2. If there is a possible error 15% in the estimates in the number of ““holocaust” survivors” why is it so hard to believe there is much larger error in the number of non-““holocaust” survivors” who were gassed over 50 years during a war which destroyed much of Europe?

      Here is where the “holocaust” believers says: what does it matter if less then “6,000,000” jews were gassed to death, if just 1,000,000 jews were gassed to death, it was wrong.

      Ok, following that logic, what is wrong with claiming the jew has ethnically cleansed 6,000,000 Palestinians? After all, it is morally equivalent to the jews ethnically cleansing 1,000,000 Palestinians.

    4. abe foxman Says:

      Only a Jew, a Goy who has slept too long with the beast and has become fat on the morsels thrown to him by his masters, the morally bankrupt and therefore habitual liar or those (Allied servicemen and their families) who know better but lack the courage to admit their folly, try to wash this swill down.
      The remaining silent majority will only realize this colossal lie when they are awoken from the induced slumber of the Jewsmedia.
      For true justice to be shown, the coming liberal bloodletting of these Aryan defamers should be given to Germans and their offspring…..at least for the first 50 years.

    5. Slobodan Says:

      That’s not how you calculate margin of error.
      margin of error is equal to one over the square root of the number of pieces of data (in this case 2) or 70%.

      Your non-statisticianness is showing.

    6. Petrarch Says:


      Thanks for the correction.

      But my point being that even somebody with limited knowledge of statistic should see there is something not … shall me say kosher.

    7. TANJSM Says:

      The whole idea of the holocaust is nonsense… virtually every story, “testimony” and trial was based on total fraud. We’ve been duped, and while we’re busy babysitting a pack of apes that aren’t worth their weight in salt and look the other way while they rape our daughters, live off of welfare WE pay for and stick sharp objects in white people in order to steal said white man’s goods, the jews find every possible way to use the holocaust as a shield of guilt to make them look like poor little innocent victims while they take our freedoms and count our money. IT IS TIME FOR REVOLUTION.
