8 September, 2007

Reader Mail, September 8, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder at 11:13 am | Permanent Link


Brother Zionist:

There is a new book out called “Atheist Bible” edited by Joan Konner.  You will likely find in your local library.  She may be a Jewish Princess but has done a fine job in any event.  It consists of about 1,000 quotes from famous people on
the subject.  Here are two samples:

Page 65

“Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived.”-
Jew Issac Asimov

Page 74

“No public man ever believes that the Bible means what it says:he is always convinced that it says what he means.”George Bernard Shaw

Donald E. Pauly


With a little over an hour to go here on a key Friday morning, the dollar seems likely to close under 80.0 and gold to close above $700 per ounce.  If “they” allow this to happen, then they acknowledge the inevitability of no interest rate increases (and, perhaps, a decrease on the 18th) and their acceptance of the now-inevitable hyperinflation created by the incredible, ongoing and mushrooming bailout of their financial buddies.  We can expect to see the dollar ratchet down to oblivion eventually, of course, as we mere mortals pay to save their golden asses.

Gold still is outperforming silver strongly just lately.  I still don’t know why silver got taken down so badly last month.  Silver is more volatile than gold, generally, but not this much.  They might be hitting it extra hard because of all the Internet talk about silver (wouldn’t take much to do that). I think they are about to give up the 80.0 dollar, weakly defend 79.0, then fight tooth and nail for 78.0, which will benefit all PMs. When metals take off again, I expect silver to lead. I also expect the dollar , at best, to be 65.0 in a year.  Once 60 is breached, the end is in sight.

It seems clear now that they intend to levitate the stock market as long as possible (else, the derivative dominoes fall even faster than is taking place at the moment), in a foredoomed attempt to stave off worldwide Depression II.  That means mining stocks currently might not be as big a risk as when I thought the market might outright crash.  It may still do so, mind you, but it seems more likely to me now that it will “crash upward,” with the value of the dollar declining much faster than any market increases.  There is more volatility in mining shares, of course, but that is why I would call their purchase a pure speculation.

The risk inherent to paper metal in the form of ETFs like SLV and GLD is about all I am willing to tolerate, here on the verge of WWIII – and then only for a minority position vis-a-vis physical, at that.  Best to dump even your ETFs, though, and go full physical at this point. I have come to the firm belief that PM ETFs are doing fractional-reserve share sales, such that the last few (many?) ETF shareholders out the door will be handed only Old Maid cards to carry home. 

You say your brokerage and banking accounts are insured?  Insurance companies are heavy holders of derivatives and will fail, too.  Insurance of financial accounts will mean nothing in the coming financial apocalypse, not even the FDIC, which holds assets totalling only about 1% of all active deposits out there (“assets, notice” – guess what they are, too).

There even are stories emerging of PM seller/custodians, who claim to specifically allocate and physically segregate your PM purchases via serial numbers, being unable to produce specifically-owned bars when pressed; instead providing substitutes.  That suggests fractional-reserve thinking concerning what is supposed to be the most secure way to possess metals outside of (in my case) the super-secure vault of a buddy in the next town who happens to be a deputy sheriff, too.  For those who don’t know, unless you have specific segregation and identification of the precious metals you buy and pay a seller/custodian to hold – if that PM seller goes under, you become a mere general creditor (like a shareholder in a dry cleaning business versus someone with a suit held there when the doors close), likely collecting nothing when the dust clears while the suit owner gets his clothing back.

Remember your priorities:  Location safety, food and water security, physical protection (things that bark and go bang) and then, and only then, any of this financial hooha.




Ray Ward’s  discussion of  The Bell Curve was most welcome because it cannot be repeated too often that  the  book is not  primarily, let alone exclusively,  concerned with  differences in racial IQ. Rather, the book is an analysis of  the social outcomes of IQ generally. Racial difference becomes important  because the lower the IQ the poorer the outcome on average.  A racial group with an inferior IQ distribution will have, on average, poorer social outcomes.

IQ differences between races are  beyond  reasonable dispute. A mountain of studies has produced the same results. Broadly, Negroids have a much inferior IQ distribution than  Caucasians and Caucasians have a slightly inferior IQ distribution  to Mongoloids (I use the three racial classifications simply as technical  terms). These differences have been d confirmed by testing people of the same racial type in different societies, e.g.  the  Japanese in Japan and  the descendants of Japanese immigrants to the United State,. and getting  similar IQ distributions. It is also noteworthy that those of mixed white/black ancestry have an improved IQ distribution compared with  that of pure Negroids. .Interestingly, The “Flynn Effect” of rising IQ over the past century  has not resulted  in a narrowing  of the black/white gap but rather both white and black scores have risen proportionately  and the proportionate difference has been maintained. All this strongly suggests that such differences are innate.

IQ distribution is not simply an academic whimsy: it is  vitally important to a nation. The psychologists Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanan in their book IQ and the Wealth of Nations demonstrate a clear relationship between societal development and the IQ distribution of a population. For example, the black sub-Saharan states’ dire performance in the modern world is unsurprising because Lynn and Vanhanan  calculate (using many studies and by extrapolation) that  the average IQ of these states is 70.

Anyone with an IQ of less than 80 is thought by psychologists to be on the borderline of being able to function  in an advanced society.  An average IQ of 70 means most pure  blacks will have IQs of less than 80.. Thus the implications for any advanced country  of allowing large scale black immigration is  profound because it means that people who are not able to function easily in the society are being imported. Hence, the disproportionate appearance of blacks in the statistics  for crime, benefit dependency, the desertion of women with children  by black fathers and suchlike.

People such as Frank Ellis should be greatly commended for going against the elite received opinion of the day. Going with it requires no courage or intellectual effort. It is simply following a secular  religion.

01 August 2007 10:25:55
Dear Robert,
After considerable thought I have decided that I am unable to publish your letter as below. While I am happy to tackle difficult and controversial subjects, on this occasion I believe that the contentions you are making are not ones I am able to print without considerable risk of offending the sensibilities of many of our members. Should you wish to appeal against this decision you should contact editorial representative Jenny Gill, via the Mensa office at Wolverhampton.
Brian Page

15  8 2007

Dear Brian,

Thank you for being  honest. I will appeal because   this is a subject which goes to the heart of  what Mensa is about namely, IQ and its social significance. Please let me have Jenny Gill’s email.

I have just completed a  piece on the subject of IQ and society – a copy is below.

Regards Robert Henderson

22 8 2007

Dear Ms Gill,

 Brian Page has pointed me in your direction. I submitted a letter for publication in response to  Ray Ward’s discussion of  the Bell Curve (the correspondence below  starts at the point where I had reduced the letter to the required length). As you will see from Brain’s  email of 1 August, he has rejected  the letter purely on grounds that it may upset Mensa members.

My appeal against the decision not to publish is twofold:

1. While I appreciate this is a very sensitive subject but surely if any group of people should be able to handle radical ideas it should be Mensa members.

2. The subject matter of the letter is at the core of what Mensa is about, namely, IQ.

You may care to note that nothing in my letter could not be found in the published work of academics working in the field of psychometrics.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Henderson

29 8 2007
Dear Robert,

I refer to your appeal against the decision of the Editor of Mensa Magazine, Brian Page not to print your letter in response to Ray Ward’s discussion of the Bell Curve.

As you know the Editor has the choice of what appears within the magazine and judges what benefit each contribution will give to the magazine and the reader, based on his considerable experience as a journalist and many years as editor of Mensa Magazine.

I have considered your letter carefully and also spoken with Brian and I believe that in this instance the correct decision, not to print the letter, has been made.

Brian has already carried several letters about the scientific debate on race and IQ and has no problem with the factual debate about differing IQs. However there are a number of assumptions made in your letter which could cause offence, as indeed could the now out-dated anthropological classifications used which, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, are now considered potentially offensive and are best avoided.

I hope that after due consideration you will accept this decision.

Yours sincerely,

Jenny Gill
Editorial Representative

30 8 2007

Dear Jenny,

None of the responses published to date have been by  forthright supporters of  such work as that of Arthur Jensen and Charles Murray. .

What are the assumptions which could cause offence?

As for the “outdated” terminology, these are the terms routinely  used by academics working in the field  today, for example,  by Prof Phil Rushton of Ontario university, probably the best known name  after Arthur Jensen. The problem with using white, black and Asian is that they are too imprecise. The difficulty is particularly acute in the case of Asian which in the IQ context means only Asians of the Chinese/Japanese/Korean type, but the problem also significantly exists for Caucasoid which covers not merely those thought of as traditionally white but also others in the near East and central Asia.  What alternative  terms would you suggest which are as precise as the traditional ones?

More generally, what is wrong with  highly intelligent people being offended? Surely these are  the very people who can accept challenges to the status quo most readily, because if the challenges are faulty they are best equipped to deal with them.

I think anyone reading the exchanges between Brian, you and me would conclude that the reason why the letter was not published is because it is non-pc.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Henderson

3 9 2007

 Dear Robert,

Thank you for your e-mail, the contents of which I have note. However, I do not intend to enter into a debate.

I have also taken the opportunity to consult my colleagues on the Mensa Magazine Forum and we are agreed that Brian’s decision not to print the letter stands for the reasons already stated.

Kind regards


4 9 2007

Dear Jenny,

So much for  your appeal process.






The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is considering whether or not to launch a criminal investigation into comments made by Professor Emeritus Tatu Vanhanen in an interview with Kuukausiliite, a monthly magazine supplement of Helsingin Sanomat.

In the interview Professor Vanhanen, a former Professor of Political Science at the University of Tampere, said that evolution has made Europeans and North Americans more intelligent than Africans. Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen said on Wednesday that he regrets the controversy sparked by Tatu Vanhanen, who is his father.

Professor Vanhanen told Kuukausiliite that African poverty is not the fault of the white man. “Whereas the average IQ of Finns is 97, in Africa it is between 60 and 70. Differences in intelligence are the most significant factor in explaining poverty”, Vanhanen said.

      He also said that it might be a good thing if as many Europeans, Americans, and Asians as possible were to take on leading economic posts in African countries. “Only they are capable of creating prosperity”, he said.

      On the other hand, Tatu Vanhanen said that he favours economic solidarity toward poor countries, and he hopes that immigrants in Finland would inter-marry and assimilate into the population at large.

Jari Liukku, deputy head of the NBI, says that the police are investigating whether or not Vanhanen’s comments constitute public incitement against a national group, which is a crime under Finnish law.

      Liukku would not say if Helsingin Sanomat was being investigated for publishing the interview.

      “This is a precedent. Nothing like this has been put forward before. We want to go through international cases before making any decisions.”

Finland’s minority Ombudsman Mikko Puumalainen hopes that a police investigation will be launched. He says that although freedom of expression is a fundamental right in Finland, the right is not unlimited.

      Puumalainen also dismissed the scientific validity of Vanhanen’s claims.

      The Finnish League for Human Rights fears that Vanhanen’s interview could aggravate the racism experienced by immigrants and ethnic minorities in Finland.

      “This interview could strengthen movements of the far right”, says Aysu Shakir, a project head at the league.

      Shakir notes that after the publication of the interview, Internet chat rooms have filled up with comments by extreme right-wing groups and individuals who “swear by Vanhanen’s name”.

Commenting on his father’s interview, Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen said that it case was “more a sad matter than a burden” for him.

      Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, the Prime Minister said that the controversy would not have arisen if the person making the comments were not his father.

      Asked if he felt a need to distance himself from the views that Tatu Vanhanen expressed, he said that he does not plan to engage in public debate with his father.


Washington — In a challenge to one of the most powerful lobbying tactics used by the Jewish community, a county in Maryland decided last week that local legislators could no longer go on sponsored trips to Israel.

Montgomery County’s ethics commission decided last month that council members are prohibited from traveling at the expense of the local Jewish community, even when funding is indirectly provided by a private foundation. A trip planned months in advance was subsequently canceled.











Imus’ radio replacement is apparently Jewish [scroll 90% down the page], as is Leslie Moonves, the guy who fired Imus. Vhat are de odds, asks Moshe Cohen?


  • 10 Responses to “Reader Mail, September 8, 2007”

    1. New America Says:

      regarding the issue of IQ mentioned above:

      Is there a typo?

      Shouldn’t “An average IQ of 70 means most pure blacks will have IQs of less than 80.” read, “…less than 70 ?

      It’s certainly the truth, in any case!

      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    2. Antagonistes Says:

      I was in Mensa in the eighties. I thought the magazine (then called the Mensa Bulletin) was excellent.

      However, when they published an issue with a picture of Bill Clinton on the cover with a caption that said, something like, “Finally, a Mensa-Caliber President!”, I did not renew my subscription. It was very high, anyway, something like $45 dollars back then. I had thought of re-subscribing, but now, I don’t know.

      The experience of Robert shows how organizations get corrupted by the love of money and the desire for the approval of the less intelligent (= democracy!)

    3. Petrarch Says:

      If would serve Mensa right if a pack of jews sued the organization of discriminating against niggers. Mensa will find out that though the jew whines that race is an outdated anthropological classification, the jew teaches that it legally its existence is unquestionable.

      Let see if Mensa’s can get away with saying that “race is an outdated anthropological classification” in court.

      I bet it not to hard to get how many niggers Jenny Gill personally knows.

      Given Jenny Gill’s inability to defend her position, you can see how obedient she is. It would not be too hard for the jew to train Jenny Gill that Mensa is a sexist organization and would be name Humansa (just ignore the “man” in Human).

      Next time a somebody tells you that “race does not exist” ask then “do you have any black (i.e. nigger) friends”.

    4. Steve Says:

      “Shouldn’t “An average IQ of 70 means most pure blacks will have IQs of less than 80.” read, “…less than 70 ?”

      The 80 looks to be in reference to the earlier-mentioned IQ necessary to function in an advanced society. 50% of blacks will have IQ below 70, but MOST will certainly have an IQ below 80.

    5. New America Says:

      in reply to Steve:
      I may have misunderstood.

      It is my understanding that the lighter-skinned blacks would skew higher, and the darker-skinned blacks – ie; the pure African – would skew lower, creating an average of 70.

      Thus, “most pure blacks” would, I think, have IQ’s of LESS THAN 70, which is certainly “less than 80.”

      This has certainly been my experience!


      New America

      An Idea Whose Time Is HERE!

    6. Angela Says:

      There is something deeply ugly and destructive in pretending that IQ is not a BIOLOGICAL reality. I come from a perspective that does not believe that IQ is everything when it come to the overall character of a man, however, to force an average black male of low IQ into schools to compete with far more intelligent Whites and Asians is going to do nothing but agitate him, it is going to increase his frustration, and expecting him to use the forces of magic and voodoo to increase an ability that he is not capable of is insane and downright cruel. There is also the added problem of these low IQ’s being taught to hate whites, and blame whites for every conceivable social problem they face, including their own genuine lack of critical thinking skills. How can issues of literacy, crime and all the problems that are plaguing the blacks in our midst be addressed if people concerned about these issues are not going to be honest about its causes? One must start with, when discussing literacy, scholastic achievement and blacks, they must start with the reality of low IQ or all is in vain.

      This clearly shows the depravity of PC lies.

      And the proof is in the pudding of urban decay, black crime, and the scary abyss that is called “education” in America. I happen to think it very sad.

      Mensa is content to keep up the appearances of Jew inspired PC lies no matter how many people they harm or destroy. It clearly is an organization that is rooted sheer opportunism, demagoguery and nothing more. The admitted lack of dishonesty is destructive to human beings. And that higher reason must submit to the marketers, promoters and peddlers of irrational dogma and perverted creeds is ultimately going to be the undoing of any ruminate of civilized life. Many are being forced to dig their own graves. Liberals will be content with their comforting lies even when America looks exactly like South Africa, they will be content, and comforted that nobody calls them a racist. They will defend the lies, the criminal – Truth tellers be dammed, and beware! These perverts will turn on you before they will turn on the vile black criminal!

      I happened to see the most sickening episode of Oprah a while back, – Oprah sent Lisa Ling, the show’s correspondent and former co-host of The View, to Ghana in search of a boy who had donned the cover of the The New York Times — in ragged clothes, a look of hopelessness in his eyes. He article accompanying the photo detailed the lives of children who work in near-slavery in Ghana’s fishing villages. Oprah was determined that Lisa and the crew travel to the West African Nation, find the boy from the cover- and free him from the “deplorable” conditions.

      Ling, in a typical, bullying, judgmental, ignorant liberal fashion informed us that as many as 1-in-4 children in Ghana work as slaves, – Many are sold to fishermen by desperate parents. The children, as young as 4, endure 14-hour workdays and severe beatings. It was unbelievable because while all of this was being explained the film crew was showing the supposed “deplorable” conditions, the boats, the kids and everything. It hardly looked deplorable to me! I saw much worse in India! These kids were being taught how to fucking feed themselves! They were put on unindustrialized boats, old and rickety, with a grown man, who sat demanding respect. I was very much impressed with their ability to catch a massive amount of fish using non-industrialized methods! They were using ancient techniques, they were very successful and skillful – and that is what is considered “deplorable” by the New York Times, Oprah, and many in America!

      Oprah wants the practice ended, for the little boys in Ghana to be put in nice uniforms in a western style school, back in their village, to depend on Welfare from others and ultimately to rot.

      I sat there in awe. I thought to myself, what are these boys going to learn in a classroom, in uniforms? They were learning to feed themselves and survive! They were learning hard work and discipline. They were learning a valuable ancient skill from their own tribal elders, their own kind and kin. They were in fact learning a skill, that if I somehow ended up in Ghana, I would have to go to them for knowledge of how and where to fish.

      What the fuck more can you expect from men and boys in sub-Saharan Africa? Fuck! If you can manage to feed yourself in Africa that is a huge accomplishment! Even the fishermen were intelligent enough to realize that!

      Lisa Ling went on to explain that different aid agencies and the government were going to become committed to industrializing the fishing industry in Ghana. Great! That will really work for them when oil is $100.00 a barrel. And as it turned out she did find the boy from the Times article! He had already been “rescued” by an American couple put into a uniform and forced to decry Ghana’s “deplorable” “slavery” and he informed everyone how much happier he was to be back in the village with his family and so on. The whole thing made me want to puke.

      The kids in Ghana are going to be the first to starve when we really start to witness the effects of peak oil. And thanks to Oprah and that dumb shit Ling, and others they will not even know how to feed themselves – But they will know their ABC’S!

      If you want to puke:


    7. DQ Says:

      The bell curve was written by a jew. When whites are not on top is great to mention racial differences. Asians have higher IQs on average but whites have the absolute highest IQs. I would also like to know who all is “white” in these tests. Asians are east asians(the best ones) add some of those monkeys from the philippines and other places and see what happens to their scores.

    8. sabinus Says:

      Montgomery county is very keen on the kikes. Why would they want their politicians going to kikeland and get set up with a prositute or fag, get videotaped, blackmailed and then return to US of Ziostan and be a kikeland supporter?

    9. Herrman Koenig Says:

      if Amerika gets further dumbed down, everyone will be eligible for Mensa.

    10. Herrman Koenig Says:

      Before it was destroyed by Mugabe–with the help of western “liberals,”–Southern Rhodesia had the highest IQ national average in the world. most of them immigrants from Scotland. South Africa was the most advanced country on the continent before deKleerk “democratized” it. I am surprised no one shot the traitor. A government is no better than the people inhabiting and running it.