3 September, 2007

Reader Mail, September 3, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 9:28 pm | Permanent Link


Alex:  You should pump this up, and add some color.
There has been a big discussion on how best to promo VNN and its programs like FTL. I made this suggestion before, and you can consider this professional advice.
Make a small sign on plastic poster board. The sign could be the size of a sheet of paper, or legal sized, or the size of your average political yard sign. Doesn’t have to be huge.
On the sign, in thick letters, with indelible ink marker, write:
white news
Post these signs in high traffic areas—they can be taped up, stapled up, or mounted on wire or wooden stakes.
Pick spots where you know political candidates and businesses regularly post signs. GOVNN.COM is a media business!
For you young fellows who get around, using your imagination, you can create lots of good free publicity for VNN. The cost next to nothing.
white news


A fascinating work and a novel introduction

I finished reading From Bauhaus to Our House by Tom Wolfe. I was enthralled by its eye-popping facts and insight into “Modern Architecture”.

Firstly, Wolfe’s expose of the tenets of this school (or better yet, schul), were new to me. Sure, I generalized – and correctly – that any and all new movements in the cultural sphere breathed degeneracy, distortion, and therefore, revolutionary Jewishness, yet I didn’t know the exact dictums of the movement in architecture.

Wolfe made it lambently clear that “Modern Architecture” is rooted in the tenets of Marxism. The architectural motifs are minimalistic, exempt from ornamentation and flair and utilize only steel, concrete, and naked beams.

The architects wanted to create Marxism through their buildings. They viewed ornamentation and flair as “bourgeois pretensions” and materials other than those representing the factories of the proletariat as immoral. Consequently, their structures had slabs of uncovered concrete, beams, and bare walls left grey or colored white or black. They only used flat roofs. Their interiors were small, crowded, and tight-fitting. In fact, their ideal and goal was to create a house for the worker: the “worker-house”.

These Communist-inspired perverts were, as was natural, closed down or wrecked by the Hitlerian regime. Their ability to espouse and propagandize Bolshevism was obfuscated. Anyway, I digress.

Once an introduction to the spirit of this movement was made, Wolfe then went on to lambast them in the most painful way imaginable: sarcasm and wit. He showed that these “naked emperors” barely turned theory into fact: they didn’t design too many buildings! They formed dogmatic, posturing, and ostracizing clics like bullies on a street corner. In short, Wolfe’s work deconstructed (!) the pretensions of these empty-brained, and very untalented, picayunes.

This, in addition to his The Painted Word, an explosive and funny attack on “Modern Art”, are must reads.



Hallo Mr. Linder,
today 68 years ago the British and the French set off what is today commonly referred to as  world war 2.
Regards kkf


Agents Provocateurs


Considering that every truly conservative (as opposed to the self-righteous imperialistic liberalism that is neoConism) site that allows comments has repeat problems similar to those that ruined that local GAA, I would suggest that we all make an effort to recognize those whose views can serve only to divide and conquer for those who hold the moneybags of power in the Yankee empire. Who knows how many trouble makers on various sites, in various groups, are agents provocateurs, some for the imperial government, some for groups such as the ADL or SPLC?

What I do know is that when a couple of people ruin commentary on an article as important as Richert’s, they serve, whether they so know or are accidental serfs, powers as insidious, as amorally corrupt, as those that paid to try to destroy the GAA and other Irish cultural groups. I hope that those who take part in our lively discussions on the comment forums here at Takimag.com will remember that incivility and cheap, slanderous assaults on the personal integrity of their interlocutors effectively serve the cause of censorship.



Taki writes, “The Weekly Standard. WSJ, Fox and other neo-con crap carriers will do their best to ignore it.”

Taki, I don’t get it. When your website censors Hoffman its okay, but if The Weekly Standard, WSJ and Fox do it to Gottfried, it’s not.

Is this a double standard, or am I missing something?



  • 3 Responses to “Reader Mail, September 3, 2007”

    1. Stan Sikorski Says:

      The signs for VNN are a great idea. Simple. And they can stand along with the signs for services at street corners that advertise carpentry, weight loss, and lawn services. They can be there, so can we.

      One of the big bitches I remember hearing from Polish family members was what happened to the architecture in Warsaw. Concrete and steel everywhere in all its boring greyness. And you look at most kike architecture – boring dull grey slabs and steel numbness. Like that abomination in Berlin known as the holocaust memorial. Pure yid crap.

    2. anonymous, sorry :( Says:

      are you on facebook? you should advertise there

      also, did you think about my new slogan “no jews, just news” or something to that effect? i’ve talked to my friends about it and everyone agrees it’s really catchy

    3. Walter Mitty Says:

      “The signs for VNN are a great idea. Simple. And they can stand along with the signs for services at street corners that advertise carpentry, weight loss, and lawn services. They can be there, so can we.”

      White News

      Garage Sale Signs are everywhere too.