12 September, 2007

Reader Mail, September 12, 2007

Posted by alex in Reader Mail at 10:32 pm | Permanent Link

Alex here is a link to Christopher Ketcham’s blog.  About a third of the way down the right sidebar there are links to his stories on Israeli espionage, including the complete CounterPunch story.

You should encourage people to read, copy, and share these stories with their local media contacts.



John_de_Nugent writes:

“———-in another BBC story today Putin is called “wildly popular.”

The muscular, blond, blue-eyed Putin, who speaks fluent German — and made his first official visit as Russian president in 2000 to Germany, where he addressed the Parliament in the Reichstag building for fifteen minutes in flawless German — has been heavily arming Syria, Iran and Venezuela, all opponents of the Zionist New World Order.

Zubkov means big trouble for the Jewish oligarchs such as Boris Berezovsky who became billionaires by theft in the 1990s — while the Russians starved, froze, went months without pay in a collapsing economy and some drank themselves to death — as these often dual Russian-Israeli citizens fleeced the country and transferred Russian wealth to New York, London and Tel Aviv.”

[NOW here’s an interesting comment found in article in The Economist, “The making of a neo-KGB state”]:

The Economist
August 25th-31st 2007, page 26
THE KGB was cut off from the post-Soviet redistribution of assets. Worse still, it was upstaged and outwitted by a tiny group of opportunists, many of them Jews (not a people beloved by the KGB), who became known as the oligarchs. Between them, they grabbed most of the country’s natural resources and other privatised assets. KGB officers watched the oligarchs get super-rich while they stayed cash-strapped and sometimes even unpaid.



I certainly hope the KGB holds a grudge


This Negress survived the alleged mistreatment – Court TV, a jewed operation, publishes every claimed incident – but little or nothing about Knoxville. Court TV’s last big racial incident was a jailed Jigress who had a pick in a cell without any assistance or medical treatment – but it turned out to be a fraud.



this is not a WN story and probably not worth reprinting, but I thought it was mildly interesting. Fred Leuchter’s Tennesee chair finally got used. This was done against his objections.


All the best


Certainly, Europe has a lot of jewish/jewish-related media influence. Bonniers and Aatos Erkko’s Sanoma-Wsoy in Finland and Sweden; today’s metaphorical Fleet Street and e.g. Reuters there in England; French jews have always been disproportionately and liberally represented in the French press and France houses the largest jewish population in Europe; many of the Germany’s media corporations are wholly or partly jewish owned; etc. Still “European” liberals certainly compete succesfully with jews in media destructiveness. I would say that “European” liberals are slightly more establishment types, and they make the most of the official advances of liberalism. Jewish and jewish related media produces slightly more filth, degeneration, and arrogant trail-blazing cross-racial entertainment. But the difference is not big, and both parties work in mutually reinforcing harmony.

I don’t want to exaggerate the jews in Europe. The situation is not as bad as in Usa and generally the most of the destructive influence comes from “European” liberals. The problems are; When normal people’s basic needs are taken care of by politicians, their seeing of politicians destructive liberal “hobby” becomes impaired (relaxed negligence); Average people’s understanding of liberalism and it’s effects are weak because of media distortion; Average people’s understanding of nationalism is weak because of media distortion; People cannot properly connect political things. They might resist immigration, but constantly vote on economical grounds an open border candidate; People don’t understand how great and how negative influence media has, and this lack of knowlegde doesn’t create enough resistance to it; etc.












I’m in a report by the obnoxious Philip Watt.

Noticed more attacks on us on the Limerick blogger.

I’m fairly skint but I got a 3g phone , a fine Nokia N70 .With this I can monitor some websites when on the move and even check emails to some extent.

Got your letter Claude , the audience is extremely simple and Irony is totally wasted and would confuse. Plain activism and lots of it with a few resources to compensate my polish helpers in particular will lead to results.

If the BNP were being ironic with their praise for zionism that would be one thing , but they confuse a lot of people and I have met such. Colin Jordan accessed them correctly.

I also got the ANSWP magazine I was sent and my supporters here were very interested and we read it
around the city.

I will be uploading youtube movies asap.

At the moment I have moving into a house surrounded by gypsies(knackers) among others and will be getting a big baseball bat .We are trying to get a desposit from the groups that help the homeless!

I got some excellent Michel Thomas language recordings and his method of teaching is marvelous .

I’d really need a full time secretary to keep track of all the correspondance from foreign Wn.

I’m going to need activists from abroad. No getting around the effects of mass EMMIGRATION on the population here.


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  • 30 Responses to “Reader Mail, September 12, 2007”

    1. Mike Wittmann Says:

      I read the link about Leuchter’s chair and went on to read more about Holton. Here’s what his wife did while he was in Iraq, see pics: http://tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070911/NEWS01/709110354/0/SERVICES

      Too bad he killed his sons rather than his wife. Then again, I suppose he was sparing them from a lot. Wife’s already a corpse anyway.

    2. Andrew Says:

      Hey can you please tell one of your mods to restore the “todays posts” search function? I think this is only available for forum members these days, although I could be wrong. Anyway this used to be a good way for regular readers (forum members and non-members alike) to keep up with the latest posts. It should be available to anyone who wants to read the forum, even if they aren’t a member (for whatever reason). Please put it back !!

    3. jimbo Says:

      Mr Zubkov looks like a formidable opponent!; i think that, generally, Slavs seem to have a longer-life expectancy than white males in Western nations; as such: they tend to reach their ‘peak’ in their early sixties(cf: white men, late forties/early fifties!)…..which, for white males in the pampered jew-infested (je)West is usually the beginning of ‘the twilight years’!

      (re: lnx…..ferFCKsake…..will youse post lnks properly instead of letting them dribble across the page like an autistic bloody snail!…… thus:
      ‘linking text’….fckn 10-yr old [white] KIDz can do this properly….WTF can’t youse?…..geeezzzzzz! fck!)

    4. jimbo Says:


    5. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      Oh my gosh. The Stormfront Manifesto has been discovered:

    6. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      Sorry. My link went too far.
      Here is the link to the Stormfront Manifesto.

    7. Socrates Says:

      Judeophobe Watch Says: “Sorry. My link went too far.
      Here is the link to the Stormfront Manifesto.”

      Suuure. Why not thank the gentiles for fighting a war for the Jews in the Middle East? Wouldn’t that be better, since Bush is giving his speech about Iraq today? Tell me: have the Jews ever fought wars for the benefit of gentiles?

    8. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      Edumacate yourself. Iraq has nothing to do with the Joooos. If the US were fighting for the Joooos they would be in Syria, Iran or Saudi Arabia.

      Iraq was about teaching the Muzzies a lesson. The US had to show they were boss before it was too late. They were barking at Muzzies for years, they had to show might, it was inevitable.

      But you keep blaming the Joooos, especially when you stub your toe.

      Bye children.

    9. Socrates Says:

      Judeophobe Watch Says: “Edumacate yourself. Iraq has nothing to do with the Joooos. ”

      A top U.S. military man already admitted that the Iraq war was to “secure” Israel. Maybe you should read more.

      And by the way, I don’t spell Jews “Jooooos.”

    10. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      One senator (Hollings) stated that. Big fricken deal. Does that make him right? How did invading Iraq secure Israel?
      But of course if anyone says something bad about Joooos or Israel, it must be true.

    11. Socrates Says:

      Judeophobe Watch Says: “One senator (Hollings) stated that. Big fricken deal. Does that make him right? How did invading Iraq secure Israel?”

      Uh, I was not referring to a senator. Read my comment again. I wrote “A top U.S. military man.”

      Why do you write “Joooos”? I don’t. In fact, most people at VNN don’t.

      I think you know very well how the Iraq war relates to the illegal state of Israel. Iraq is geographically close to the Hate State.

    12. Socrates Says:

      Here’s a good example of the Iraq war being about Israel:

      http://www.thornwalker.com/ditch/blythe3.htm [scroll 3/4 down the page to the Clark quote].

    13. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      Thanks for the link, I’ve seen it before. But there were many reasons why Iraq was attacked, and Israel by itself was not one of them, it was not even the deciding factor.
      And Israel is not an illegal nation. No more than the USA is.

    14. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      Oh and check out the map. Iraq isn’t closer than Syria or Saudi Arabia.

    15. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      Now I supported the Iraq war right from the start. I admit it. I know who the main danger to Western civilization is, and it is the Muzzies.

      But here is an interesting quote:

      “Even on the eve of the war, fewer American Jews than other Americans were supportive of the prospect of going to war with Iraq,” said David Harris, the AJCommittee’s executive director. “As American public support has declined since 2003, Jewish support has been declining in step, but because it began at a lower level, it continues to remain at a lower level of support than other Americans.”

    16. Socrates Says:

      Judeophobe Watch Says: “Oh and check out the map. Iraq isn’t closer than Syria or Saudi Arabia.”

      So? It’s still close to Israel.

      And who cares about Saudi Arabia? It isn’t run by “extremists.”

      We [Whites] know that the Jewish neocons got America into the Iraq war. We’ve known since the 1990s, when the neocons started trying to get America to attack Iraq. It’s old news to anyone who has bothered to study the matter. The Iraq war is simply another war being fought for the benefit of the Jews.

    17. NS Cat Says:

      Iran and Syria is next on the jewish supremacists list. The jews own the mass media and are using it to promote war mongering. Iraq was invaded to cause division and violence amongst the arabs so that they would not be able to unite against the zionists.

      I support the arabs 100%. For every X number of jews they kill, Y number of babies born to White women will be White instead of mullatos.

    18. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      Socrates, you can repeat that the war in Iraq was good for the Jews over and over again. It still wont make it true. I provided a link that shows that the majority of Jews were against the war in Iraq right from the start.

      NS, there has always been a division amongst the Muzzies. That is why Iraq was in the state they were in to begin with. Shiites and Sunnis are pretty much at war with each other. And it has nothing to do with the Iraq war today.

      I support the arabs 100%. For every X number of jews they kill, Y number of babies born to White women will be White instead of mullatos.
      Wow, what a genius. Arabs have way more children per couple than Jews do. And many have no problem taking on a white wife. There are 1.6 billion Muzzies in the world and 15 million Jews.
      It show how intellectually retarded you are to support Arabs over Jews if you are worried about your meth addicted race.

      PS, I’m a Jew who married a white woman, but we have no kids. But she is telling me right now after reading your comment that you must be retarded.

    19. Lamont Says:

      Judeophobe Watch, if you married a white woman (and I appreciate the admission that jews are not white) you’re out of the loop. The zionist strategists are playing chess, you’re playing tic-tac-toe. Iraq was attacked first because Iraq was easy pickings and Saddam had the worst public image of any middle eastern leader. Now Israel has one less nation to worry about. Syria, Iran and Saudi Arabia are on the list. The zionist assumption is that the people of the United States will sleep through the next three jew wars the way most have slept through this one.

      We at VNN are working to change that.

    20. Tim Harris Says:

      Oh that’s good. If we were really fighting for Israel, we would attack Iran. Then, after we have done that it will be, “if we were really fighting for Israel, we would attack Syria.” Then, after we have done that, it will be, “if we were really fighting for Israel, we would attack Lebanon.” What then? Nothing. Or: “You goyim were complaining about Israel way back during Iraq. Now your complaints about Iran, Syria, and Lebanon have no credibility!”

    21. NS CAT Says:

      Yes there are less jews than muslims but the jews have a lever.

      You can use a lever to lift heavier things than without the lever.

      It is jews and not muslims who have control of the media of all White nations.

      Jews are the ones promoting immigration to White Euro nations.

      The jews control TV and thats why there are so many instances in which a black male is paired with a White female. The jews want to race mix Whites out of existence.

      jews are also behind gun control(goyim control). Diane Finestine is a jew who support gun control in the USA government.

      Jews make up at most 5% of USA but they hold 40% of seats in congress(or maybe senate I forgot).

      Why should jews be allowed to control the governments of White nations?

      I wouldn’t have a problem with jews if they all went back to the desert they originated from and left the White countries so that Whites can have control of their own destiny.

      Jews are a parasite race that sucks the wealth and prosperity dry from White nations and gives nothing in return.

      “There is no war of civilizations between Muslim and “West”” except that it is shown in the jew media.

      Jews only hate the good muslims(arabs and middle eastern ones and other muslims who oppose the jews) Jews are not White people’s allies against islam. The jewish new york times wrote pro chechen(brown muslim terrorist who hurts Whites) article that made the Russian Whites seem like the bad guys.

      In fact the jews love to use Muslims against White people.
      Madeline Albright a jewess in the USA government was one of the people who caused America to bomb serbia(White Christian nation) to the benefit of albania(swarthy muslim nation).

      Jews are the ones who invited the moors to come to Spain. When the jews were later kicked out of Spain for their treachery, the jews took haven in Turkey(islamic shitskin nation).

      Many jews are still in turkey pretending to be muslims. they are the ones who did the Armenian genocide.

    22. Our Jewed Foreign Policy Says:

      Iraq has nothing to do with the Joooos.

      Like rats jumping off a sinking ship, these yids.

      Now that it’s clear the war in Iraq has been lost, they’re trying to distance themselves from it as fast as they can.

    23. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      Our Jewed, the majority of Jews in the USA were against the war in Iraq from the onset. Do you have a reading disability?

      NS Retard, there is a Joooo under your bed, that is why you wake up every morning with a bad back. He pokes the bed when you are sleeping. And your bad back is why you are addicted to meth.

      Lamont, I say I’m not white to humor you meth addicts. Again, the war in Iraq had nothing to do with the Jews. It was the West versus the Islamists. But believe what you want. You dudes are a bunch of impotent little blamers anyway.

      Bye children. I feel like I just visited a meth zoo.

    24. Judeophobe Watch Says:

      PS, I at least appreciate the free speech that goes on here. I think Zundel should be free btw. I also think he belongs in a mental hospital with the rest of you paranoid freaks.

      Again children, take it easy. And don’t beat your wives too hard because of my posts. Those of you who can attract a woman that is.

    25. Socrates Says:

      Judeophobe Watch Says: “PS, I at least appreciate the free speech that goes on here. I think Zundel should be free btw. I also think he belongs in a mental hospital with the rest of you paranoid freaks.

      Again children, take it easy. And don’t beat your wives too hard because of my posts. Those of you who can attract a woman that is.”

      This is rich. We allow you free speech here, and you insult us.

    26. Hoosier Says:

      # Judeophobe Watch Says:
      14 September, 2007 at 10:39 pm

      Again children, take it easy. And don’t beat your wives too hard because of my posts. Those of you who can attract a woman that is.

      This from a guy who stalks 14 year old girls on the Internet. Did you get a job yet, “Bacon Eating Atheist Jew,” or is your “white wife” and/or the Canadian Government still supporting you while you troll message boards? And yet you call other people “childish.”

      I’ve yet to see a clearer case than “BEAJ” of the psychological phenomenon known as “projection.” Mods, sooner or later, you’ll have to get rid of him, as he has nothing better to do than to troll message boards, and he especially likes attacking women and children. A word to the wise, as they say.

    27. Hoosier Says:

      Here’s some of BEAJ’s “proof” that the war in Iraq, isn’t about Israel – because American Jews supposedly took a poll, and said they’re not for the war. I supposed that’s what he’s trying to say, as trying to follow the train of thought of someone who seems to be on serious mind altering chemicals – or is schizophrenic – is difficult. That’s not to be an insult, just a statement of fact.

      # Judeophobe Watch Says:
      13 September, 2007 at 10:26 pm

      Now I supported the Iraq war right from the start. I admit it. I know who the main danger to Western civilization is, and it is the Muzzies.

      But here is an interesting quote:

      “Even on the eve of the war, fewer American Jews than other Americans were supportive of the prospect of going to war with Iraq,” said David Harris, the AJCommittee’s executive director. “As American public support has declined since 2003, Jewish support has been declining in step, but because it began at a lower level, it continues to remain at a lower level of support than other Americans.”

      but it goes on to say:

      Indeed, 78 percent of American Jews believe the Arabs’ goal is not securing the return of territories lost in war, but rather the destruction of Israel. Yet 56 percent of respondents said they favor the establishment of a Palestinian state, while 38 percent oppose it.

      “American Jews are schizophrenic,” Harris said.

      Ya think?

      “Our polls year after year after year show the very same thing: On the one hand, on the peace process options, a majority of American Jews support — let’s call it the liberal option. At the very same time, a clear majority of American Jews in the next breath say the real goal of the Arabs is to destroy Israel.”

      As for political affiliation, 54 percent of those surveyed said they were Democrats, 16 percent Republicans, 29 percent independents, and 1 percent were not sure. Those numbers have not changed since last year’s survey.

      It’s not exactly a representation of Bush’s Jew infested organization, is it? It sounds to me like Jews are getting very nervous.

    28. Hoosier Says:

      Sorry, I realize I’m being kinda childish, but apparantly someone or someones, plural, have a few blogs on our “guest,” “Judeophobe Watch,” aka “Bacon Eating Athiest Jew.”


      I’m having a lazy afternoon LOL at his expense.

    29. Hoosier Says:

      One more: this fella, BEAJ really pissed somebody off:


    30. Our Jewed Foreign Policy Says:

      Our Jewed, the majority of Jews in the USA were against the war in Iraq from the onset.

      From the onset? That’s not what the survey you linked to said.

      Do you have a reading disability?

      No, but it’s pretty damn obvious you do.