11 September, 2007

More Aggression from Israel, This Time Against Syria

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Syria, Zionism at 10:48 pm | Permanent Link

Since its founding in 1948, Israel has committed almost every act of war or violence in the Middle East [1]. Yet Israel always insists that it wants peace in the region:


[1] [Here]

  • 2 Responses to “More Aggression from Israel, This Time Against Syria”

    1. America First Says:

      He tried to Warn the fooled Truman.


    2. America First Says:

      VNNf, has data errors galore, and server refuses to connect etc.

      Alex, no matter what happens you are any of US you creation of VNN and its writers have a difference, because this tiny infomation site has been given allot of attention by Uncle juwey.