3 September, 2007

Linder Radio, Labor Day Afternoon (September 3, 2007)

Posted by alex in Linder Radio at 12:44 am | Permanent Link
Probably start at 1pm CST if nothing gets in our way. Lots of interesting things to discuss. We’ll reprise the end of ch. 1 of Libido Dominandi, Sexual Liberation and Political Control, lost to the winds last show thanks to auto-boot from our software. We’ll also talk about the new Chris Bollyn article, the concept of ‘istina’ vs ‘pravda’ — is-truth vs. should-truth, or is-reality vs should-reality. And probably we’ll talk some about the Mossad, as written about in the book Gideon’s Spies. As always, the show will be live and archived for your convenience, thanks to loyal comrades. As always, all you have to do is click the icon and if we’re running, you’ll get the live feed.

  • 3 Responses to “Linder Radio, Labor Day Afternoon (September 3, 2007)”

    1. jimbo Says:

      Alex….u gunna put the ‘archives’ up or wot, m8?…..yr stuff is vital intellectual back-ground material……we can’t afford to miss it!……especially us ‘battlers’ over here in oz who live on ‘struggle street’……for the ‘cognitively impaired’…….RAHOWA!

    2. alex Says:

      The archives are posted on the front page. Look at the post on top of this, it has the archives for yesterday’s FTL. Normally the archive is posted within a few hours after the show.

    3. State Line Star » Blog Archive » On/Off for a bit Says:

      […] Linder Radio: here, here, […]