1 September, 2007

Feed, August 31, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Spintros at 12:01 am | Permanent Link

Ahmadinejad, a Good Man

“Anywhere they are found there is war. Anywhere where there is war they are behind it,” Ahmadinejad added. Who’s he talking about? Echoing his previous predictions about Israel’s future, the president said: “If the world is calm, people, Europeans, Germans even, will uproot them.” Jews are the only people who control the media – or need to. They need to because their mission’s impossible without mispresentation. “They do not want the Swedish government to be a friend of other nations. I strongly believe they are behind it (the cartoon). They thrive on conflict and war,” he said. The hits keep on coming. Perhaps Ahmad’s remembering the same ruse carried out in Denmark a couple years ago, when a Dane-stein named Flemming Rose, as kikey as an Alan Dershowitz-Sarah Silverman sandwich, shat on Islam in a cartoon. More here.

Thinking About Government’s Role

Good stuff from Lewpus on what-he’d-do. The benefits of which would pale besides getting rid of jews and muds. Stealing kids is what social workers do. In Britain as in America.

Terror Cells

Form your own cell! No, Billy. You don’t need to wait for your official Al-Kinda certificate to arrive. Suckpoop Joe said it. I buhlieve it. That settles it.

Segregation and Discrimination A-OK in Israel

Currently Arab citizens, who comprise a fifth of the population, are barred from buying homes in most of the country.  Jews only. Try that here. Oh wait. You can’t. Israel’s parliament last week approved by an overwhelming majority the first reading of a bill to ensure that much of the country’s inhabited land remains accessible to Jewish citizens onlyONE STANDARD FOR JEWS, ANOTHER STANDARD FOR EVERYBODY ELSE. Today, the state has nationalised 80 per cent of land inside Israel, and the JNF holds another 13 per cent. Neither sells land to private owners on the grounds that it is being held in trust for worldwide Jewry. Instead, they offer long-term leases on the land in their possession. In other words, Arabs, who jews in this country never tire of lying are “equal citizens” in “our democratic ally” Israel, aren’t allowed to buy property in 93% of the land. While borders are maintained in Israel, with walls, in America the jews focus on eliminating barriers to the movement of people and trucks.  One of the few remaining semi-skilled ways to make money is about to be globalized.

British Fairness

Germans kidnapped post-WWII and forced to turn over trade secrets and work for British firms.  More here. So…the Germans who were so far ahead in technology that the U.S. and Britain stole their patents and people after World War II…were behind on jews? Or were the Americans and British behind there too? Look out your window for the answer. The programme was designed to loot the defeated country’s intellectual assets, impeding its ability to compete while giving a boost to British business.

Books: Bloody Passover

Jew admits what gentiles have long claimed: jews murder Aryan children to use in their sicko rituals. Remember: if a jew denies it, the likelihood of its being true approaches 100 percent. A jew is a liar until proved otherwise. Here on ‘Bavaria’ (jews) getting Mein Kampf banned in Turkey. After becoming a best-seller in Turkey earlier this year, with publishers saying more than 100,000 copies have been sold, Bavaria took action to intervene. In letters to publishers, Bavarian officials argued that the book’s copyright belonged to the German federal state everywhere except in the United States and Britain.  No one ever refutes Hitler. They lie about what he said, they smear him with adjectives. No one ever refutes what Hitler said. Perhaps they can’t. When the facts run against you, jews know, it’s time to throw anyone in prison who raises questions.  Here Austria quickly grovels before jews after apologizing for showing a David Irving movie. Here’s jew Gottfried’s review of Sunic’s Homo Americanus. What’s the difference between jew Gottfried, paleocon, and the neocons he writes against? Hint: …we have contributed to bringing to Central Europe Frankfurt School brain-laundering… Exactly. Trick question. A jew is a jew is a jew. Jew Gottfried is well aware that the Frankfurt School was Tribal to the core. Hitler chased the rotten jew Schoolers out of Germany, and we should curse him for it. He should have killed them. Those dirty jews came over here, founded the New School, passed out Ph.D.’s to themselves and their fellow displacees like  printed the Authoritarian Personality declaring, in the name of science, that ordinary White families are mother lodes of evil, and in general brought to the New World precisely the same degeneracy they’d inflicted on the Old.

Movies: ‘Redacted’

Brian de Palma’s movie tells story of ‘Kwan soldiers raping Iraqi and murdering her family. Cuz thatz how we roll. We’re one of those all-in, keepin’-it-real kind of countries. “The movie is an attempt to bring the reality of what is happening in Iraq to the American people,” he told reporters after a press screening. “The pictures are what will stop the war. One only hopes that these images will get the public incensed enough to motivate their Congressmen to vote against this war,” he said. That’s the thing: real reporting is done by amateurs these days because the pros are whores. They report whatever is in line with Big Jew that doesn’t offend the advertisers, the biggest of which are — you guessed it — jews. Here some comments on “They Live.”

Science: Chip Reads Thoughts

Professor John Donoghue, an expert on neuroscience at Brown University, Rhode Island, is the scientist behind the device produced by Cyberkinetics. 

  • 6 Responses to “Feed, August 31, 2007”

    1. Petrarch Says:

      “A jew is a jew is a jew. Jew Gottfried is well aware that the Frankfurt School was Tribal to the core. Hitler chased the rotten jew Schoolers out of Germany, and we should curse him for it. He should have killed them. Those dirty jews came over here, founded the New School, passed out Ph.D.’s to themselves and their fellow displacees like printed the Authoritarian Personality declaring, in the name of science, that ordinary White families are mother lodes of evil, and in general brought to the New World precisely the same degeneracy they’d inflicted on the Old.”

      Well said.

      Hitler should have enacted anti-Aryan hat laws then prosecuted, convicted, and publicly executed all members of the Frankfurt School hate gang.

      But that easy to say in hindsight because no Aryan would have thought of the idea of prosecuting people based on their opinions by labeling those opinions as hate. It is fair to say that Aryan is learning to solve their jew problem the way the jew has been solving it Aryan problem.

      What the Aryan should be doing is learning how the jew is solving their Palestinian problem.

    2. Petrarch Says:

      Science: Chip Reads Thoughts

      If this is true, surely the chip will be able to recognize the differences in the way White, niggers, spics, jews, and mongoloids think.

      This will keep the jew pseudo-intellectuals busy as they try to construct a overly complicated self contradicting theory that explains how this chip is able to identify the same “social constructs” we human have developed.

      The jew will continue t instruct the zogtards to ignore what the genes and machines tell us about race. Just listen to the one-eye-jew.

      Get ready to hear about ‘racist’ chips from your Favorite jew media source . Maybe even ‘homophobic’ and ‘sexist’ chips as well.

    3. Tim Harris Says:

      The two links re the Dane-stein are the same.

    4. -JC Says:

      “British Fairness,” Werner Von Braun, the humanitarian Berlin Airlift, Operation Paperclip: How America stole the space program

      In 1967, I served beer and brats at the Restaurant 823 on 15th Street NW in Washington, DC. One of my regular customers was Werner Von Braun; I have his autograph on a napkin somewhere. He had a faraway look and clearly enjoyed that outpost/rathskeller more as the evening wore-on, the Löwenbräu flowed, and he forgot what, of necessity, he must do to fulfill his destiny. A big fan of the space program as a boy, I thought it odd that so few people recognized his face much less knew him. He frequently came, ate, drank, and left alone.

      Von Braun Mars Expedition 1952 http://www.astronautix.com/craft/vonn1952.htm

      Operation Paperclip http://aviation.sosu.edu/salluisi/avia3143/Final%20Exam%20Notes.pdf

    5. bz Says:

      Flemming Rose is not jewish.
      “Rose” is not an uncommon last name in Denmark.

    6. Curt M Says:

      Science: Chip Reads Thoughts

      LOL, more kikenvermin lies, there is no such technology and no such chance any such technology will be developed anytime soon