9 August, 2007

Whites Now Minorities in Denver

Posted by Socrates in General Decline, Mexinvasion, Socrates at 1:57 pm | Permanent Link

This goes directly against the wishes of America’s founders, who showed through their laws that they wanted our country to be a White republic [1]:


[1] America’s 1790 citizenship law: [Here]

  • 13 Responses to “Whites Now Minorities in Denver”

    1. greywolf Says:


    2. donnachaidh Says:

      “This shows that diversity continues to be one of Denver’s great strengths that we embrace and promote,” said Lindy Eichenbaum Lent, senior adviser to Mayor John Hickenlooper. “Diversity contributes to economic and cultural vitality.”

      The usual suspects. A jew and a queer.

    3. Lutjens Says:

      At least the muds have to stay indoors for a few months out of the year. Denver sucks anyway, let them destroy it. They don’t go near the mountains and with good reason.

    4. anti rock smoocher Says:

      jew ? Doesn’t anyone….ANYONE…. have a problem with a cult that KISSES A DAMN WALL ????

    5. Steve Says:

      “Diversity is our greatest strength”-Jews

      It becomes a false statement when anyone else says it, therefore I’d wager that the statement was first coined by a jew.

    6. Wolf Says:

      Terms that make me vomit:

      * Strength through Diversity
      * Ethnic inclusiveness
      * Racial tolerance
      * Multiculturalism
      * Social justice
      * Interfaith dialog
      * Human rights
      * Gender equality
      * etc

    7. booger Says:

      I’m suprised to see an article about denver on your website,but not suprised about what it reveals.I lived in Denver most of my life and I can personally testify things have gone decidedly downhill in “D-town”.For a large city Denver was mostly white(along with the state),and the high school I went to there were only 3-count-em-3 beaners.Today,some 20 odd years later,that same high school is 75% mexican and they’ve already had their first gang-shooting on school grounds!My good friend refused to send his 2 boys to our old alma-mater on the grounds “its overran with beaners and gang-bangers” and he knew his kids wouldn’t recieve as good an education as we got.The whole Character of the city has changed, and parts of it are like little mexico or nig-ville and not safe at night for honest white-folks.Our freeways used to be clean and nice,now they look dirty and unkept,with the subhumans spraying their animalistic “grafitti” on the rebuilt portions before they’re even done.The city spends 2-million-plus per year fighting to erase the crap(of our tax money),and the public hospitals are overran with brown scum who are also taking good jobs and driving down wages for everyone-especially in constuction.Crime is also on the increase-especially theft as thats what their best at.Many times constuction sites have to hire security for their projects just so the beaners don’t steal-em blind of appliances,wiring and whatever else you can think of.They have their own radio,t.v.,newspapers,restraunts,clubs and steal constantly from thrift stores,yet these are people who will “assimilate” into “our” culture-bullshit on your plate for dinner if you believe that!Now the Brown Scum Tide is moving out of Denver-proper and into the suburbs.White America dies a little more each day as ZOG turns this once beautiful city AND our country into a THIRD WORLD SHITHOLE!It breaks my heart to see it and WORSE,to know its NOT accidental!When I look at Mexicans now all I see is an ENEMY who needs to be eradicated like the human-COCKROACH infestation that they are.Soon,very soon,there will be blood on the streets-PREPARE PEOPLE!

    8. frodo Says:

      Two points:

      – Denver is a beautiful city, in a beautiful place
      – Denver is overrun by cholos and negrified riffraff; I’ve felt safer and more at peace in a dozen rural Mexican towns

      It sucks, and it’s irreversible. The whites just pack up and go munch granola in Boulder.

    9. lawrence dennis Says:

      Colorado has so many spics that they now have their own Spanish-language media here. Eg.,


    10. Hibernian Says:

      Sit back and crack open a beer.

      It’s Miller “Chill”, the beer with a “Latin flavor” time!

    11. Olde Dutch Says:

      Alex—American indians & Puerto Ricans were not made citizens of the United States until 1917. That’s long after the 14th Amendment.

    12. Anchorage Activist Says:

      Frolo wrote “Denver is overrun by cholos and negrified riffraff; I’ve felt safer and more at peace in a dozen rural Mexican towns”.

      This is a very interesting statement. This implies that they become “cholos” or “negrified” after they come to the United States. And why do they change? Media influence is one of the primary factors. The media and the entertainment industry glamorize the thug life to the point that even Fat Al Sharpton took a recent swipe at them.

      And who dominates the media and the entertainment industry? Enlightened minds already know.

      “Cholo” is the symptom, “Jew” is the disease. No Jews, Just Right.

    13. ragin pagan Says:

      Yep, the state dept. says those african nigger witchdoctors need to be christians…….WAR! declares the CORPORATE GRUBBERS…..RAT-A-TAT you sunsabitches declares the 2 striper….Kaboom you stupid niggers, says the 3 striper….when the smoke, clears all the remaining Christianized boot lips are brought to america and given their choice of relocation, Benevolent BLESSINGS including voter rights, visa cards and a BIBLE…… Some times I wonder if BARRABAS wasn’t hung on that cross and Jesus lived …..something is out of kilter !!