VNNB Linder Radio – August 30th 2007
Posted by Archives in Alex Linder, audio, Linder Radio, VNNB at 5:47 pm | Permanent Link
We’ll discuss my case’s resolution, and the laughable smears that appeared in the Knoxville media. Last twenty minutes of show apparently were chopped off.
30 August, 2007 at 7:14 pm
Very good. Your thoughts and words are clear and strong. It makes me proud and eager to work harder for our people’s future…..
30 August, 2007 at 8:26 pm
As Linder has said – May as well start the killing. The ‘whores’ who supposedly represent us are not doing so any longer. When did they truly ever do so? A gun ‘collection’ is in order for this fella.
31 August, 2007 at 2:48 am
Adding to your ending point before it cut off, freedom is incompatible with universal suffrage.
31 August, 2007 at 5:12 am
good to hear you alex.
1 September, 2007 at 5:12 am
Hi Alex,
Just a note on Roisin Murphy…it’s pronounced ro-sheen. One of those strange but lovely Irish names. Another one that people often fuck up is Padraig…pronounced PAW-rick.
1 September, 2007 at 10:23 pm
Good stuff.
One of your better ideas, to just come on every day or three and talk about stuff for an hour or so. People follow personality. Look at the contemptible ditto-heads (Rush Limbaugh fans): Limbaugh is garbage, but he kept coming ’round every day for x years, just chatting a bit about this and that. Now sizable herds are Limbaughed. Imagine a good influence in his place. White media needs a distribution system – something different from the old systems, something revolutionary. Internet broadcasts feel like only one step in that direction. What is the breakthrough in distribution we’re looking for?
Thumbs up on doing some vid of your show. Post to podblanc, sure, but also post to youtube under the moniker “The Incorrigible Anti-Semite” or some PC crap like that to (further) retard the censors. You may be the next George Carlin in terms of internet outreach. Suggestion for vids: dress a bit more like you did in Knoxville (eye-catching green jacket), lose the glasses, and be your usual high-spirited self. You’d only have to do a little talking-head vid every month or two to create a goldmine of high-hit content. Despite the comedian overtones of this setup, you could bring on your heavy polemical artillery. A visual version of VNN. I know I originally came to VNN to laugh (with not at), and ended convinced to my core. Do same for the vid kids.
12 September, 2007 at 4:58 am
mmmmm boy, that’s some VILE CUNT! heheh still good to hear the updates. Don’t ever quit. I’m buying that book. Thanks Linder and thanks Jones!