7 August, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – August 6th 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 7:58 am | Permanent Link

A very intense Q&A with Alex Linder and much more.

  • 5 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – August 6th 2007”

    1. steve b Says:

      Wow! Intense? That’s the understatement of the year. More like, “lets dog pile Linder”. I almost felt sorry for the guy. Of course, it didn’t take a rocket surgeon to see this coming. You take a bunch of bright, jew wise, pissed off White guys with a misogynistic bent and then hire two opinionated pushy broads to administrate over them and lets see what happens. lol

      Hey Alex, next time just climb into a large gunny sack with about a half dozen pit bulls and wild cats. You’ll prolly come out less the worse for wear.



    2. glubglub Says:

      Linder has a weakness for pushy broads; he apparently thinks the corrective to p.c. feminine unctuousness is the most aggressive female of his own pack, so he lets them jabber and meddle for a while, alienating the disgruntled males who have collected around his website and shrugging his shoulders when confronted about it. Outside of knuckle-dragging sycophants like Lord Sidious and Subrosa, the verdict of the VNN majority has long been: Frauen raus. But Linder has pushed in the opposite direction since VNN’s inception (indeed, VNN was developed in partnership with a woman), a cardinal weakness in the development of the whole. Like all organizations it suffers from the minor flaws of its founder: in this case the flaw, the weakness, the soft spot, is Linder’s willingness to entertain “edgy”, WN-colored female cheek, in tandem with his belief that taking in WN outcasts will further the cause.

      I applaud Bud White and Todd in Fl, they did a decent, forthright job. Someone should’ve put a lid on Masher, though.

    3. steve b Says:

      Re: Glubglub

      It’s almost as if they have god-like, Charlies Angels, MacGyver-like abilities that no one else possesses. They can kick anyones asses on TV and in cyber world but in reality they’re just weak dumb chicks on a power trip. I have yet to see any well thought out posts from either of them that exhibits insight or clear and deep perception relating to the jews, anywhere. It’s always a flame or a rat fuck or a tit for tat admin payback for real or imagined slights.

      The Linder-spin is Elisha-Amiee have Vbulletin skills that are unsurpassed. Therefore, we must be patient, all will work itself in due time. I don’t think so, my grandmother knows more about Vbulletin than the twin tampons and I suspect so does half of the male members of vnnf.

      So what is the motivation? I donno..like most of the White guys here, I’m only a drone.

    4. glubglub Says:

      I think the solution to this riddle is background. Linder has often called himself “libertarian at heart”, or some such thing, which means in practice that he would rather be fair than exclusionary. He had a better education than most of us, probably his parents had more money; his intellectual goals were middle-of-the-road conservative. His extremism is, or was, meted out to Jews and blacks alone, and not a little learned from others; apart from some “misogynistic” remarks here & there, he’s always allowed the most repulsive hussies free play on VNN. My point is that whereas most of us, having come to this thing of ours largely by disenfranchisement and internet rhetoric, see women as primarily corrupt and dangerous, Linder is more tepid on the subject from background and probably experience.

      On the other hand, I don’t think his motive is sexual, or nefarious. I think it is quite random. Kevin gets nailed on some bogus charge (which Linder loves playing up as paedophilia, then saying he’ll defend Kevin to an extent, just to come off as the good guy), Elisha starts casting about for organizational endorsement, and maybe recalls meeting Linder, etc. Linder, with an eye to star appeal – good or bad – takes her on at her word (no doubt touting her technical skill) and, being at heart a mild-mannered, trusting, chivalrous sort of guy, ignores dissent among VNNers.

      As a few of us remember, VNN used to be relatively free from female control, despite a few resident “piss & vinegar” southern broads, one of the worst features of this scene; but still one could come over here from “Aryan goddess”-whoreshiping on the other fora and blast cunt to heart’s content. But here again is Big Sister, and you’re “babies” for not tolerating it.

    5. Doug Says:

      I still say we string up people like Elisha for exposing White Nationalists to the jew-run judiciary. If we were serious about our Cause we would weed out the bad ones amongst us like (supposedly) Alfred Strom all on our own and ‘silence’ them. There is no trusting a woman who would turn over her husband in this cause. Some very nasty-minded people like Elisha amongst us.