4 August, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – August 3rd 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Friday at 5:47 am | Permanent Link

Featuring “Goy on the go” live from Lakewood NJ.

That’s right folks, in addition to the usual TJB reporting I’ll be heading down the Gaza Strip (RT 9.) deep into Israeli occupied Territory Lakewood NJ for a live “Goy on the go segment”. Please join me Bud White and co-hosts Mishko aka Mark In Cali and Dietrich for one hell of a ride. We’ll also be talking about Kikes suing hotmail, Hebrew charter schools coming to Manhattan, 2 NY kikes busted in a $27 million real estate investment scam and a whole lot more.

  • 2 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – August 3rd 2007”

    1. The Big Plan On Target Says:

      Looks like they are here to stay …

      Florida Opens First Hebrew Public School

      August 02, 2007

      Larry Luxner

      Jewish Telegraphic Agency

      HOLLYWOOD, Fla.

      Margaret Schorr, a marketing and public-relations consultant, wanted her 5-year-old daughter Hannah to learn Hebrew, but she wasn’t willing to pay the $8,000 to $13,000 annual tuition that Jewish day schools in South Florida typically charge for kindergarten.

      For attorney David Barnett, price wasn’t the issue — he wanted his daughter in a more diverse environment.

      Both families are set to take advantage of a groundbreaking option: the nation’s first Jewish-oriented charter school.

      When the school year starts on Aug. 20, Schorr’s daughter and Barnett’s daughter will be among the 430 or so students attending the new Ben Gamla Charter School in this city. The taxpayer-funded institution says that it will offer two hours of instruction a day in Jewish-related topics, but not religion.

      Not a single class has yet been taught, but the school is generating controversy among the estimated 240,000 Jews living in Broward County, which also has one of the nation’s largest concentrations of Israelis.

      Ben Gamla’s charter was approved in March, but the school was still the hot topic at a July 24 school-board meeting that drew a standing-room-only crowd. Supporters of the school — the brainchild of the area’s former U.S. congressman, Peter Deutsch — say it could serve as a national model, providing families with a financially accessible option at a time when most non-Orthodox households are opting not to send their children to Jewish day schools.

      Some critics, on the other hand, worry that the school’s main contribution will be to serve as a road map for religious communities seeking to lower the wall separating church and state…

    2. Yankee Jim Says:

      LMFWAO! Mark: “I can hear you by the way”