28 August, 2007

VNNB Free Talk Live – August 27th 2007

Posted by Archives in audio, VNNB, VNNB-Monday at 7:32 am | Permanent Link

Join Stan and Yankee Jim as they bring us “Free Talk Live.” On the show they celebrate the life of Commander George Lincoln Rockwell.  They’ll be playing Commander Rockwell’s most powerful radio interview ever!

Also, there’ll be the usual, non-stop TNB, TJB, TSB, TQB, OGB, etc.

A special thanks to Hal Turner over at Turner Radio Network who will be simulcasting the show in cooperation with Vanguard News Network.

  • 3 Responses to “VNNB Free Talk Live – August 27th 2007”

    1. kin and blood ties Says:

      david duke is a kick ass scottsman…….great news…

    2. Yankee Jim Says:

      If it’s not too much trouble, maybe whoever adds these archives to govnn.com could include the link to the radio show thread (for all shows) from VNNFORUM? Just a suggestion. :)

      Here it is: http://www.vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=55414

      I try to keep everything together (link to this archive, link to the forum radio show thread, etc.) for Monday shows on The Hudson Valley Freeman.

      See here: http://thehudsonvalleyfreeman.blogspot.com/2007/08/free-talk-live-monday-82707-in-memory.html

    3. James Hawthorne Says:

      I was able to catch the archive, great show gentleman.

      You had me pissing myself laughing with the “Allahu Akbar”… that was too funny !

      VNN brings you news without the jews !